Hi, i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and Cfs last year but it took 3yrs for the diagnosis. Is anyone finding that they pick up infections, viruses and bugs more easily? I'm currently off work with a throat infection and swollen glanda and it's flared up my fibro my hands, legs and back are killing me.
Infections and viruses: Hi, i was... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Infections and viruses

Yes - but I always did pick up infections, colds etc very easily and it goes back to childhood. I'm paranoid about picking up colds because I always get really heavy ones that last ages and generally feel dreadful with aches and pains. I am 58 now and diagnosed with fibro last year and maybe had it for 10+ years before diagnosis but have gradually got worse. When I'm having a flare, the glands in my neck tend to become swollen and painful and my left ear hurts (apart from the usual pains in arms, legs etc etc). This may be because I had an operation around my left ear in recent years and I think fibro flares can set off aches and pains where you've had a previous injury etc. I was diagnosed with CFS in my twenties and largely recovered, but I believe it plays a part in my fibro even now (though my rheumatologist just shrugged and said 'maybe, there's an overlap.'). Hope you feel better soon!
Can I ask what cfs is please?
I thought I was constantly picking up mild cold/flu type bugs. Had a mild sore throat that never got worse, achy, tired. Complained to a friend that the PostOffice in the local village must be full of germs as I always felt unwell after going there.
Now I realise it was all fibro and the post office visit was always within going to bank, shops, market as I lived a distance away.
Yes,yet another wonderful gift from the fibromyalgia goblin is a compromised immune system. (We call it the fibromyalgia goblin in our house as opposed to the tooth fairy etc who brings money, the Christmas elves who make lovely gifts etc. It helps my other half 's grandchildren understand why I can't always do the same things with them as Grandad can! The fibromyalgia goblin brings nasty things that we are all too familiar with!)
Personally, I find I get less bugs now I've retired, but that's probably because I'm an antisocial old cuss! I think because I rarely go out, I am not exposed to the same amount of viruses and bacteria.