I got a letter stating we need more information on what date your condition worsened if can't remember exact date then rough date your walking and help for getting around
Pip update: I got a letter stating we... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pip update
If you had visited your Dr when things got worse,, you might be able to ask when that was,,, remembering things like that is difficult but the Dr would have it written down.
I told them my pain clinic pyhsio would know I gave them my daughters number or rather she wrote her number if they have anymore questions, we've posted it back to them,thanks for your thoughtful advice ,how're you today?
Hi sorry was this for a review of your pip just asking as I will be due mine soon and my health has gotten worse
Its claim for it I had at home assessment then decision maker realised there's no date when my condition worsened ,I got knocked back last year,and just 2weeks ago a drug addict told me he got the full sack without even an assessment no face to face whatsoever cause pip phoned his worker ,what is it with these government workers they can't see who's real&who's not,my 2frinds with epilepsy & learning difficulties &1with arthritis had to fight like heck for Thiers and she's run for different charities and volunteered in past but they can't do any it now,I was a carer in both adults&children and I've got to fight even though its all truth,Jamie just make sure you get as many backup letters as u can make sure u get two of everything do u have carers?if so then give pip your workers number

My Carer will go with me as I don’t go out by myself l have a buddy system at work so that someone is with me all the time and my conditions got worse when I was rushed into hospital i. April last year I have been using a walker outside and a zimmer inside and we since I also got in contact with adult services when I came out of hospital which I was there for 11 days they came out and did a report to help me move I am still on wait list but I have se real letters from gps also backing up occ Thearpy report and have all my occ health reports from work I still work part time but have last week been given I’ll health retirement so that I can draw on my work place pension early I hope this will be enough I have a lot of meds and hospitals first thought they could operate on my spine but because of the fibromyalgia they cannot so this unfortunately is as good as it gets I have enhanced for both elements at the minute got it for 4 years till March 2021 but have been advised they will contact me next year as they alway contact you early my support worker back when I applied for pip said she could not understand why it was not longer as I will never get any better
You'll be alright they plan on not asking people with life long conditions that won't change for better back for assessment if they've been diagnosed by various specialists when they take over the back log for improvement, they just contact people's workers though now as far as I'm aware.😯

With my luck they will probably want to see me every month 😩
So did you get your appointment date?you'll be okay as you have plenty of physical evidence, unfortunately we can't just switch the worry button though eh lol.
Say as long back as possible.i got asked the same question panicked for some reason and ended up saying no .Say as far back as you can .I missed out on alot of money they can be so sneaky.i have other conditions too good luck made me I'll last year awful process x
Same here I was traumatized by them,it was a disgrace, but I've been in pain for over twenty yrs so its long over due
Hope you get sorted soon
My next assessment will be next year, will they start mithering me this year. I'm far worse than u was then. I got standard on both. I had to take ill health retirement last June , I've got so many conditions causing me pain , I have a stick at the moment but was think of getting one if those 3 wheeled walkers with a seat as u can't walk very far. I really hope everyone who has an assessment gets what they truly deserve. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
My pyhsio won't give me three wheeler cause I don't have strength to grip brakes as I have the carpal tunnel to,.
Far worse than what sorry?
I'm far worse than when I got standard last year. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
Have you reapplied then Lynne?
No , I'm due for my next assessment next year. How are you doing? Take care e

I have the walker I use at work I use a zimmer in the house the walker is a life line so many times I fall but this gives me balance
You should get it for resting yes.