Fibromyalgia in bad cases such as my self will hit all you bad injuries of past medical things Such as if you may of been a sports person or construction worker it’s likely that you would of sustained some kind of injury that over time had or what you thought had gone away Well fibromyalgia will find it again It has for me In my back , knees , feet . all the injured ares have some kind of pain in them So my friends be prepared
Fibro will: Fibromyalgia in bad cases... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibro will
Hi Juggzy, Spot on! you hit the nail right on the head, I was in both these category's .
Thank you
this is true, however we can have “ok” days let’s try to sometimes be positive if we can
I agree, too much to be a coincidence. Take care. xx
Love the last line Mydexter
Yea me too
I remember accidents etc, injuries, and it seems when my pain is at it's worse, those areas feel it the most.
I hope you got over your lose now Tulip 😔
In my role as a therapist I find that often there is an emotional element to injuries, however old. Once the emotion is dealt with the injury site begins healing.
I could not have the ares touched to pain-full but thank you
What sort of therapy do you do penny? I see what you are saying about the emotional physical link

I am mostly retired now and only do repeats and recommendations but I learnt Body Realignment with Jan Trewartha and Scar and Bone Work with Sharon Wheeler from Seattle. I have discovered that I can see and feel the pain and emotion of my client, which is bizarre, and that working on the areas of pain they can be released. Only once has the emotion been so powerful that I was forced, shaking to my knees. As a fairly logical person I would have dismissed a lot of this as a bit ‘out there’ but now that I am discovering that this sort of thing is not uncommon I can only acknowledge that I have seen and felt the results. I was encouraged to read Molecules of Emotion and have found it true that the body stores memories at trauma sites. What is amazing is that once the trauma is ‘let go’ the site will finish the healing process. I’m not sure how many of us Body Realignment people there are in the UK now, more is done on Scarwork, which is in itself very powerful.
Inspiration comes your way Penny, and do you know what to me what you are saying does make some sort of sense in a strange way
I will have to take a look at these materials because it is very provoking
We are all searching for help We should stick togetherness for healing
Yes my friend Hi it Enry x
If you have fibroyou should no Have you got the decease

I think we always need to remember that fibromyalgia can vary from someone having very mild symptoms that are simply an inconvenience to their daily life, and does not affect their life significantly to the other end of the scale where a person has severe symptoms that can be completely debilitating...... And of course everything in between.
Because our pain signal processing is wonky..... Then it may be that these past injuries are where our pain system started to become oversensitised in some people. I know for myself, my fibro started with back pain following childbirth, and even now this is my worst area for pain. Back pain is constant where other areas the pain may come and go a bit more xxx
My gut feeling is that there is a trigger which starts things off, perhaps if one could identify the trigger this could be treated and ease matters somewhat. Have you searched on the Coimbra Protocol and Fibromyalgia? Dr. Coimbra obviously thinks that there is a Vit D link.
Yes, the majority of people with fibro are able to identify some form of trigger that started their symptoms. But knowing what the trigger is does not necessarily mean effective treatment.
Never heard of Dr Coimbra, but my vit d levels are ok, and I take extra over winter months, as they were deficient in past x
No, it does not necessarily mean effective treatment once the trigger has been identified and treated but it could well help and has no down-side. I tell new clients that I may not be able to help them (I usually can) but that I won’t hurt them. The results are long-lasting sometimes permanent. I say the mantra: “if you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got”.
It is sad that Dr. Coimbra is not well known in this country as he has been successfully treating MS and other autoimmune diseases, such as vitiligo and RA for over 20 years with high doses of Vit D. He should be widely known as there is nothing else on offer for MS which is so successful and without side-effects. He is feted in his own country. He has trained doctors all over the world, except of the UK. When Dr. Coimbra talks of Vit D levels he is proposing 10,000iu per day and up to 250,000iu per day for those with MS (under medical supervision). There is a facebook page and various recordings of interviews with Dr. Coimbra on the internet. I think that he has successfully treated over 5000 people.
Every thing is in what we eat A change of diet can work wonders
You could be on to something Maybe
Yea may be
I think that real fibromyalgia starting the feet then spreads all over the body A lot of people mistake rumitizam as fibromyalgia I don’t think there is such a thing as mild fibro This is one of the reasons that doctors will not diagnose the decease some are screaming fibromyalgia for the slightest pain This does not help our cause to get the decease recognised

People with Fibromyalgia can have varying symptoms from mild to severe, this can depend on many different factors (ie age, other conditions, how they manage it etc). You may not believe that Fibro cannot be mild because of your experiences but this is not fact I’m afraid. How Hazel_angelstar explains Fibro and it ranging in severity is correct.
Also, fibromyalgia can start in any part of the body, not just the feet x
Ok fine Iv got it all over so I know what it is x
Hazel have you tried Fed bid 40 5 % mg cream from the doctors Is good for pain relief May this will help you Also Eve-no cream helps for self massage
I’m sorry to hear that you are in such pain. A good masseur/se should be able to treat you without hurting you too much. I find that when I have a massage it can be pretty painful but this does ease off and the benefits are worth it, for me anyway. Finding a good masseur can be a challenge. Sometimes it is not even necessary to do more than stroke the skin or not touch at all, like using Reiki, to help. Good luck.