Head aches, back aches, pain everywhere! Fatigue! How do I have a life? I see all that needs to be done and yet day after day I cannot accomplish anything of real value. This stresses me out and then the depression hits. The fatigue has gotten worse and is my biggest problem right now. Coming up on my 30th anniversary of being diagnosed. It has cost me a lot of relationships with family and friends. How could they understand this illness? I just need to get more work done as my house has never been this cluttered and dusty . Well, this is my first posting. Sorry if it was too negative. That is becoming a problem also.
Fibromyalgia has stolen my life! - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibromyalgia has stolen my life!

Go ahead and talk to us I completely understand where u r coming from I feel the same way hope u feel better in the future
HI i started on CBD oil, you put a few drops under the tongue The one i am on i got from simply cbd, its cbd with turmecic and black pepper 30 ml for £15, it works excellent for pains anixety etc you have to start low and slow with it you wont look back once you start on it...
I can completely empathise with how you feel. I am going through a bad flare and it does pull me down. I try to think of the good/ better days that I have had. One positive thing about fibro is that we appreciate every moment where we are enjoying something and feel a bit better. We’re all here for you to off load to when you’re feeling so down. You’re not alone and you will have better days. Xx
Thank you all for understanding and the advice! I will try it mentally and by way of supplements. I have been taking turmeric but without anything additional added to it. I will look into it. I am in the USA and am not familiar with some of the medicines that have been mentioned.
Thank you. I will see if it is legal and available here.
where are you
Florida, USA
Florida has become one of the fortunate states of the USA that have allowed the legal use of cannabis oil. Governor of Florida has signed a law that allows the legal use of CBD that contains 0.8% THC and more than10% cannabidiol.6 Mar 2018
That should help you i wish i lived there
In my state only CBD oil without the THC (Ithink) is available and legal. I saw a big sign on a specialty store in another town. I bought Hemp oil from a regular store I go to but now am not sure if it's the same or how to use it. Dumb, I know. Is it supposed to be taken internally for pain? The info on the bottle doesn't say much except claiming to be organic from Ca. I mixed it with coconut oil to rub on hubby's beard because his skin flakes off constantly but he forgets. M.A. in USA.
I totally understand. I feel the same and I’ve not had this nightmare illness as long as you. You forget what it’s like to be well. I set myself small tasks throughout the day with rest in between. I’m not saying it works all the time but it helps. I also write small list of what I want to do and I get satisfaction when I tick them off. Weird I know! 😂
yes, that's me too. I understand how you feel. I have so many things I want to get done but can only accomplish little things before my body says NO. I have active Epstein Barr virus too which causes fatigue, and only rest, no stress, can make it go dormant as most people's are. Had fun playing cribbage with hubby and sis in law yesterday but when we got home I felt like I had been beaten with a baseball bat, and my feet ached soooo bad I couldn't walk the dog. Stress? Hubby has Parkinson's and is having more and more problems getting up from chair or just getting his legs to move...and speech is difficult. We're in our 70's and I can remember my mom at this age, being so active. I have the fault of comparing myself to others. Hubby's sister's house is so clean. Ours is terrible. If I sweep the dining area or dust, I'm done and I think 'maybe I'm just lazy'. Thank goodness hubby can still vacuum. Hope you will find this place to be helpful and know you are not alone. Hugs....M.A. from U.S.A.