Which symptom do you find hardest to ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Which symptom do you find hardest to cope with ?.

11 Replies

Hi you wonderful peeps. Just a random question, what symptom do you find hardest to cope with,?

For me it's the excessive tiredness and no energy. I used to be active before working a 40 hour week at the nhs, now I struggle to get past 2pm without wanting to sleep....

11 Replies
Dinkie profile image

It depends on what I need to do. If I am sitting at work and need my brain to work then the fog is the worst thing ever. However if I need to do the shopping then the fatigue is top of the hate list! If I need to wash my hair then the fact that I can't lift my arms up to do it is the most troublesome. In fact all of it - fibro is the pits!

caninecrazy profile image

i think i will have to say fatigue but its very closely followed by pain, brain fog & everything else. x

Crackerjack4u profile image

Wow, that's a tough question to have to pick just 1 when Fibro affects so many different things. Pain and fatigue are both at the top of my list for sure, but all the other things are following very closely behind.

Pain, then that causes fatigue, fatigue then causes me pain...it’s a huge vicious cycle with no ending

Mdaisy profile image

Hi again

Mine used to be the awful severe pain but pretty well controlled on Pregabalin and Tramadol SR with the odd times breakthrough pain and a level you end up living with! But now definitely the fatigue by the time I’ve washed I’m shattered, let alone dress or get presentable (hair & makeup which I took great pride in 😭) and the weight gain is annoying but rather that than excruciating pain I suppose.

I’m generally not the same as I was and this is probably the worst of all 😭 But despite all this we have to carry on for our loved ones, for ourselves and try to be grateful for what we have - not always easy but we all need to focus on the positives and try to live as best we can adapting to our limitations. I think we all understand each other here and we can share the ups and downs 🤗

Emma :)

Horsesgalore profile image

It's probably the fatigue for me as there are things I can do to help the pain but not the fatigue & I used to be so active. The fatigue often completely floors me.

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to Horsesgalore

Same can fight pain to a point but fatigue you have to wait until it says ‘here’s some energy! ‘

MrsMouseSJ profile image
MrsMouseSJ in reply to Mdaisy

Yep, yep, and yep.....

Fra22-57 profile image

Being so forgetful.can't even remember grandchildren's names at times

phlebo123 profile image

For me, I think it is the unpredictability of fibromyalgia that is the worst part. One minute I feel I am managing ok, then the next minute I suddenly feel like I have been hit by a bus!! I will be doing a piece of work and then out of the blue I will be consumed by fatigue and tiredness, and immediately have to sit down and take a break. The lack of concentration also gets to me, I find I can only read a few pages of a book before I am no longer able to take in what I am reading (and quite often can't even remember what I have just read!), It takes me months to finish reading a book. My memory is very poor, I struggle to recall holidays or important events I have been to, I feel so stupid when my husband says do you remember that lovely place we visited on holiday 2 years ago , and I haven't got a clue where he is talking about, I just tend to agree with him!!

I also work for the NHS, but can only manage 3 hour shifts (total 12 hours per week), the work can be so tiring. Take care xxx

rebelist45 profile image

Definitely the tiredness and not being able to do what I used to

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