I am I think a good photographer what do you all think?
When you say creative?: I am I think a... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
When you say creative?

I think you are too , that’s a beautiful picture well done 👍🏻🤗🦋😇
Your very welcome .x🤗🦋😇
An unusual little friend on a summer day!
Good enough for a Christmas Card
Why don't you enter it in a Photography competition
Lovely photo. You should send it in to country file competition for the calendar xx
Gorgeous shot. Photography is so rewarding
I agree with Louinpain you should enter it in to Country File Competition it is really beautiful, favourite bird of many people. Love & Hugs Xx
Great pic. I love photography too. always taking photos.
Very nice.
Thank you, if I could make a living out of them as well, I could give up work x
Hi cowsrock 😊🌸🌿🦋
Yes you are very talented I love love this beautiful bird photo. Job well done 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Keep up the great work and share often if you don’t mind.
I’m housebound and can’t get out to enjoy wildlife. I’m sure there are others like me here that would appreciate it too
Thank you for this special treat.
😊🌸🌿🦋 🤗💗😘
Your welcome I will put more up , it is lovely to get kind words to many people like to stab you in the back these days for being different, thank you and enjoy x
Ohh really??! Just because you do photography you are considered different and unacceptable???
This is crazy!!! I embrace everyone’s differences as this is the spice in life. Ooooo perish the thoughts of everyone being like Hitler or Charles Manson or even John Norman Collins a serial killer in my hometown who murdered my 21year old Art teacher.
Each of us have gifts that others don’t have and how blessed we all are for it. I would love to take photos but I suffered a near fatal closed head injury at age 7 and it damaged my right eye. I have no depth perception so trying to use a camera is impossible for me. This is where people like you give me joy for sharing your gift.
For all those people who have made you feel less than/not good enough I applaud you for persuing your talented gift and I say shame on anyone who discriminates against you for it. Maybe they are jealous or resentful because they don’t have a skill.
Keep up the good work dear.
Best wishes and take care.
Christmas card that’s beautiful x
Absolutely beautiful picture. I love the Robin anyway. Do not let anyone put you down. Please post more of your work I look forward to seeing some. Take care Mavis 🐬