Hi I just wanted to say it has been a great comfort to me finding this site,I'm not always up to wtitting something because of my mental health,but just being able to read peoples posts help me with my own fibro,knowing its not just me.thanks to each and everyone xx sending good vibes out to you all xx
Hi and thank you: Hi I just wanted to... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hi and thank you

Hi Emma_Betts,
This is a great place to vent, rant, seek advice or just to chat with others going through the same thing as yourself.
There is usually always someone ready and willing to listen and give a little support when you need it. T
They really are a great friendly bunch of people here.
Hope you're having a good day,
Mags 🌹
That's what the forum is all about lovely, there is no pressure to post, you do it as and when you feel up to it but as you say, it can be comforting to just sit back and read about other people's experiences and know you are not alone. It was a God send to me to when I came across it after being diagnosed as I knew nothing about fibro or knew anyone who had it, so it has been invaluable to me. Wishing you a peaceful pain free night, take care. x
(P.S. I notice you haven’t locked your post. You don't have to but many of our members are not too keen on responding to unlocked ones therefore you are likely to receive more replies to your posts if you do, as it stops the whole thread being read by internet search engines. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the link below but if you get stuck please don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Thank you x
Morning Emma_Betts Would you like this post locking? I can do it for you. You don't have to lock a post but it may help get more replies
Next time you do a post all you have to do is put a tick in the circle that looks like this
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Then hit the post button this will then lock your post