You know its a bad day when your hiding in the toilets in work so you don't have to look people in the eye 😴🤕 does anyone know how long g gabapentin takes to work I have been on it for 2 weeks now and it doesn't really work
Work sucks : You know its a bad day... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Work sucks

Sorry you are having such a rough time. With the gabapentin it is usually given in a low dose first before increasing to the level which offers pain relief. I never managed to get to the increased dose as couldn't tolerate it, nor the pregabalin so I have to be prescription drug free. Perhaps a call to the GP is in order. I imagine someone else will be along in a while who has much more knowledge on the subject than myself. Hang on in there
(generally not in the toilet!)
At the moment I'm on 900mg a day (3 tablets a day) I'm really struggling in work but I do to want to have no job
I would speak to your GP and perhaps he/she can suggest something else which may work unless of course the gabapentin takes longer than 2 weeks to build up in the system. Have you spoken to work about reasonable adjustments to help you through. It's tough and very stressful when pain is uncontrolled. Try a hot epsom salts bath to help relax and either a wheatbag or hot water bottle. Wish I could help further. Keep on posting as someone else should pick up the thread and offer further advice for you.
Awe big hugs Inola, I know that feeling xxx
I used to be on 1800mg of Gabapentin and I noticed no difference at all, different drugs work for different people unfortunately it is partially guesswork and luck when finding the right treatment for us lot
Do you know anything that helps you sleep (tablet or home remedies) because I've had 10 hours sleep in the last 3 days, I'm crashing hard right now but I know when I get in I won't be able to sleep or will only have a hour or two and then Ping! Wide awake!
I sleep very lightly drifting in and out of a doze like state most nights, the only thing I have found to get me into a deeper longer sleep is 1 tablet of co codamol, im on this while i wait for a pain clinic referral but i know that GPs rarely prescribe co codamol for any length of time
Hi Inola, I tried gabapentin and had to stop taking them due to side effects. I now take pregabalin which I find much better. I felt like a drug testing Guinea pig while doctors worked out what was best. 😊