anyone tried cbd products ? I am using a few right now and is helping me cope and feel better ..
cbd : anyone tried cbd products ? I am... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

I use CBD oil as drops under my tongue, and they have helped with pain relief, and allowed me to take less pain meds some days. Xxx
Hi, I have been trying to source CBD Oil, but not having much success in finding a safe and legitimate supplier, its a minefield out there. I am suffering from really debilitating insomnia, and have tried all the other so-called remedies, some quite expensive. They say Valerian is effective, but it gives me headaches. I would really appreciate some advice.
Holland and Barrett sell it, you may have to ask as some stores keep it under the till or you can order online
Thanks Jinx, I have looked into the Holland and Barret CBD Oil, it doesn't have very good reviews unfortunately. It is a very weak dilution - it can help with anxiety used throughout the day for some, but is very ineffective for sleeping. Will keep trying though as some people swear by it - mostly in the US and Canada - and its much safer as a sleeping aid as opposed to prescription sleeping pills, that a want to avoid.
Thanks for the reply and I wish you a very Happy Peaceful and Pain Free Christmas.
Cbd brothers are a reputable company. I belong to a Facebook group and many of the users on it recommend it. I use their green paste for my extreme exhaustion due to Fibromyalgia and am hoping I will soon find what is the right amount for me.
I use CBD oil from its has been a great help. UK based and produced. High quality and friendly staff to answer any of your questions.
I have been using CBD in a vaporiser which has worked really well to date. The pain relief has been remarkable to be honest.
Hello everyone,
This is an interesting subject as you do hear so many people talk about it in relation to many different conditions as well as Fibro.
I am happy to post a few points of interest surrounding things I have personally read on this subject;
1. There have been countless claims about CBD Oil being used effectively to help the symptoms of many conditions including MS, Cancer, Fibromyalgia and Epilepsy among others. However, to this date, there has been no CBD oil research to back this up and only subjective accounts have been heard from those that have been mentioned it has helped them with certain symptoms of these conditions. Also there has been discussion especially in the claims regarding the benefits of use in epilepsy in childhood that raise concerns of the THC intake depending on the source of the product, if they are safe for children long term. I am sure I have read that the levels of THC were possibly a reason to question it's use to treat epilepsy and similar conditions might, as it may have the opposite effect and possibly promote worsening of the epilepsy. (I'll try to find the article, but please don't quote me on this. I could have read it wrong!)
However, this being said I understand (as living with Fibro too) that the pain relief benefits may outweigh any concerns for some individuals and therefore I would never make a judgement about anyone's decision to try this. I just wanted to confirm that there is no evidence to support that is an effective treatment for Fibromyalgia pain at this time.
2. According to the internet, many people living with Fibromyalgia give subjective reports of pain relief with some saying that initially it helps and then pain can come back which has meant that they have needed to take higher doses to get the same effect. On the flip side others have also reported no effect but as the preparations strength and THC level (under the required level of 0.3 % otherwise possibly illegal) is different between products and brands it is questioned whether the same strength has been taken. This is of course why studies are helpful to ensure levels are the same in any research undertaken including any other variables in correlation to any results.
3. Leading on from this, many people have also cited that buying online you cannot always be sure of the product you are getting especially here in the UK, as in America I believe you can buy from dispensaries (with a licence I think) according to a blogger from Fed up with Fatigue. The blogger goes on to state that it can be a bit of a 'buyer beware' situation and she lists other facts about CBD Oil which may be of interest to you all. One of which talks about hemp sucking up toxins from soil and states ' the plant has been used in Chernoybl to clear up radiation in the area'. Thereofore raises the question if you can be sure of the contents without a licence and buying from a dispensary like in America, as what other chemicals you are ingesting? You can google this site for the article as it has more facts plus more information and her personal trial of CBD Oil for her own Fibromyalgia symptoms.
This may all sound like I am being negative about a natural product that has been around for millions of years, however this is not the truth and I hope like many others that research is conducted so if there is any benefit from CBD Oil we can help the long suffering Fibromyalgia community.
As with all of you all I continue to have hope but here are some of the facts at the present time and I know most UK charities do not endorse the use of CBD Oil for the the simple reason that we just don't have the research to back it up yet ?!?!
Hope you are all feeling well tonight?
Tagging DanielleF92 saves me writing this over on the other post about the same subject of CBD Oil
Hi again
Strangely this just popped up on Facebook on ME Support , so with any luck if they research it - fingers crossed you never know !?!
The NHS are testing a cannabis product for the first time
Steve49 seems Medipen have been speaking with the NHS and having their products tested by pharmaceuticals for a while. A positive step towards hopefully some treatment options for many conditions who highlight help from CBD Oil with their symptom control !?!
Hi Emma,
CBD oil has very, very low THC levels - almost not worth mentioning. CBD oil is derived from the female plant and I have been taking it for a year now. I use it at night and it improves my sleep enormously. I take 1mg ( I make my own concoction) under the tongue. It is also called Charlotte's Oil as Charlotte was a small child with epilepsy (many attacks a day) and now may have one a week.
Hello Nature Girl,
Thank You for your comment.
I have also read he levels of THC in CBD Oil products are as I say under the 0.3% level to be legal, as however there are still article where DR's are querying the safety of it's usage in children. I also read the Charlotte's Web Oil story.
Here is one piece of research which discussing Epilepsy in children and CBD Oil usage;
This is taken from the article it says; increasing public and political pressure has supported legalization of medical marijuana. One of the main thrusts in this effort has related to the treatment of refractory epilepsy—especially in children with Dravet syndrome—using cannabidiol (CBD). Despite initiatives in numerous states to at least legalize possession of CBD oil for treating epilepsy, little published evidence is available to prove or disprove the efficacy and safety of CBD in patients with epilepsy. (Cannabidiol: Promise and Pitfalls
2014 Welty et al)
I have no opinion for or against CBD Oil and remain open minded, however felt I needed to present what I have read to the community for further discussion.
Thanks again for your information
All the best
Hi Emma,
According to Ken they are not going to let us discuss cannabis related topics because it is illegal in Britain - so I read. I actually live in Namibia, Africa but I don't know anybody here that has fibro, so I joined that forum. I have had fibro for 33 years - 24 years I didn't know what I had until I met a Doctor from Germany who diagnosed it.
Talking about Charlotte apparently she had 600 seizure a day (I cannot believe that but anyway) and that cannot do much for her brain either.
Kindest regards and stay strong
I don't think there are many risks to children using CBD (just CBD) as it's an supplement - we create 'Cannabinoids' endogenously meaning our bodies already create these. It's just that years of poor diet & lifestyle have left our 'Endocannabinoid' systems weak or dormant. Taking CBD as a supplement can boost our own internal organs & immune system to combat ailments naturally. CBD is readily available in the US for Adults, children & pets. The only negative I can see is the price.
What are cod products ?
I dident think that was aroved by the NHS Only MS patents could get this oil x

You're right! This is breaking story that NHS might be testing it for the first time in relation to other conditions

Hi Erny, the ''Hemp oil'' that Mdaisy mentioned is available to buy form many online and high street stores, including Holland & Barrett. There are loads of different uses for it including shampoo & conditioner, nail toner, capsules and liquids for ingestion and so much more!
COD oil you mean I was working around the house of a MS Pachent She had Savatex oil a box full and the stingy c-- would let we try a bit
Hi johnamazio
I use a MediPen but with mixed results. If I have too much it gives me a headache.
NB This is a very interesting post and so can I please respectfully and politely ask members not to post about using cannabis and / or spliffs as these posts will be deleted as cannabis is illegal in the UK. FMA UK cannot allow the posting of illegal activities on the forum. Thank you.
All my hopes and dreams for you
If I am desperate to take the edge off the pain like TheAuthor I use a Medipenbut exactly the same if I take enough to get the edge off the other pain it gives me a stonking headache so I am not sure sometimes whether I am gaining or not.x
Hi- could you tell us what CBD products are!! share it please..
I think midaisy siad its hemp oil

what is the name of hemp oil from holland and barratt called ?
Duno ask The Auther
I have used CBD oil for 6 years now with amazing results, I honestly don't know where I would be without it. However I have always used CBD oil from its has not always held the same name but has been the same person, I feel trust is important where health is concerned.