Hi everyone, I'd just like to say hello and think it's a great idea to have a site like this that we can all talk about our various pains and problems in relation to Fibro. It took 6 years and many medical tests and procedures for me to finally get diagnosed, then unfortunately the medication I was put on eventually led to me being hospitalised in Nov of last year, so now I'm still under going test after test after test. Does anyone else seem to have new symptoms and developments constantly, as i was under the impression that it didn't develop in a progressive sense but i seem to be getting worse as the days go on. Is anybody else constantly getting worse?
New to the site, think it's great :-) - Fibromyalgia Acti...
New to the site, think it's great :-)

ive been crap since this cold snap
I agree with dawny, I've had a bad winter, the only thing new that's developed is this aching jaw, the rest is old stuff make worse by the cold and damp.
I seem to be getting aches and pains in more places almost every day at the moment. Strange places like my forearm and my feet. I don't know if it's fibromyalgia or arthritis as I have both.
I have to say I think mine has got, and is getting worse. It stayed at the same level for several years but in the last 2 has got progressively more difficult to deal with. Things I could do 2 years ago would now put me in bed all of the next day at least. My pain is far more wide spread and the CFS is a constant battle everyday. Sorry to be all gloom and doom but this is just my experience and not the same for everyone.
hi Emmsy , i seem to be coming aware that more things are attributable to fm than when my rheaumatoligist handed me a leaflet and said youve got fm . i thought i had early onset dementia which i now understand to be fibro fog , ibs , cramps , sleeplessness , overwhelming fatigue , .i feel im in danger of just becoming this syndrome and losing sight of me . sorry pain talking .
I was diagnosed in 2003 and i could still work part-time then, but now I am unable to work and can't do alot of the things I used to be able to do. in my mind I can still do alot of things but when i try my body seems to say no you can't !!!!! I certainly think it is progressive.
Sometimes I have better spells then seem to go right back to where I started.On the whole I think I have got worse over the last 15 years but as I also have 3 worn discs in my spine I don,t always know which is causing the relentless pain. I have had a very bad time the last few months and was blaming the cold and damp weather until it dawned on me that last winter was a lot colder and lasted longer in my area and didn,t effect me in any way. Don,t we all wish they could find a cure. I have had that many tests over the years and how I used to hope that one would come back telling me something was wrong but no so doctors seem to think you are fine although a few of them seem to admit it exists now and I didn,t find that when I was first diagnosed. Take care everybody Keep Smiling - maybe the cure is around the corner. Best Wishes to you all