I am 62 and this morning the doctor told me that l have the mumps! Apparently l am a walking talking public health hazard; being a viral infection it is extremely contagious if l were to cough or sneeze in someone's direction! Last year l had the Chicken Pox. And l have had measles twice. And survived. At present l am diabetic type 2, asthmatic, arthritic (both knees, no cartiledge in the right knee, and left hip) get eczema all over and inside my ears. And on top of all that l have a none visible illness of many years duration with no end to that in sight. Oh dear things do not look bright and sunny for me after all. But l still smile, chat, laugh, and love. And my sense of humour never fails to impress.
Age is no barrier to illness. - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Age is no barrier to illness.

Hey Herod
Love your style!! You look as if you have a great sense of humour.......well! If you don't laugh sometimes, you would definitely cry.
I've had measles and chicken pox as an adult. When I had chicken pox, I was 8 months pregnant and looked like a spotted beached whale.........not a pretty sight!!
Don't get spreading those mumps around.
Take care
Thank you Judy. Spreading the mumps around never occurred to me. I am in a self imposed quarantine at present; where l shall remain for the next week, until l am no longer considered to be a public health hazard/contagious. My Doc has notified Public Health Inspector who will be coming to my home to give me a swab test. I have had the measles twice. Once in Singapore, and once here in England. Had the Chicken Pox last year, and sailed calmly through that, without any desire to scratch when it itched so much. Did not want the pock mark scars as a legacy. Who knows .. If l survive this illness this year (without complications) l may be infected with Rubella next year (too)! My immune system is already compromised as l have diabetes and asthma. The eczema can drive a person scratch crazy but l weather that as best l am able [to]. Also have advanced arthritis (both knees & left hip with no cartilage in the right knee remaining at all). Anyway Judy thank you once more for reaching out and offering your support. Safe distance hug for you.
Oh wow herod your sure starting to catch up on all those missed childhood illnesses.
I hope they are not making you feel too unwell. Glad you have maintained your sense of humour good for you. I hope the mumps are mild and you soon get better.
Mo xx
Me too! Have read on line that people in their 50's and 60's can get complications arising from this childhood illness. And in some cases fatal. I am not afraid of death. That's an adventure waiting to be experienced in my opinion. I know that there is an existence beyond death and being a medium (who has avoided that ability like the plague, pardon the pun) l have had considerable first hand experience. I also have my own postulations or hypotheses about that .. transformation process. So if it is my time to sail forth l shall try to take that in my stride. Blessings for each and everyone of you good people!
OMG Herod...I hope you get better soon. When I was young until 20 years old I had it all..it's a miracle I got through school. You definitely don't look your age. I'm glad you have an amazing outlook on life😆 Get in bed and feel better soon.
Age. Yes. The Dorian Grey syndrome. Laughter! Most people never get it right and often state that l don't look like a day past 40. Chuffed. I am almost 62 years old. Hopefully l will not be subject to any complications arising from this illness and having a pre-existing compromised immune system via diabetes/asthma. Hugs to you and everyone who responded to my post. God bless each and everyone.

Hope you will be feeling better soon.
Having a good sense of humour certainly helps with illnesses and bad health.
Oh it certainly does! I often laugh at myself and strive not to give in to self pity. As someone in receipt of disability benefits l am grateful for getting through the examinations for ESA and PIP. Awards were for the higher enhanced rate on ESA and the same for PIP; courtesy of ATOS Special Treatments Section. I was a lifer on DLA & associated benefits. The money helped to stave off imminent poverty which would have been exacerbated with the number of afflictions l have been faced with. I had no help with any of that, and nobody went with me when my number was called up and the written and verbal and physical examinations of my person were placed under an intense and unwavering spotlight! I fight on and will never give up nor give in. And l am grateful to yourself and the seven other people who wrote in with their support. Incidentally l live alone and have learned to support myself emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually when there was nobody to turn to and share with; during times of loneliness, illness, and moments of great stress. But l soldier on undeterred and unafraid. A group hug for us all!
Hi Herod
Its good that you have a sense of humour, it gets you through many tough times, wow why are you getting all these childhood illness is now hope you will soon feel a lot better.
Love & Hugs
Thank you for your concern. It was very much appreciated! I am in self quarantine at present as l am contagious for at least a week; after the salivary glands swelled up. My face has the appearance of a hamster! I bought surgical masks to wear in public to protect other people from me. Ironically l have since developed a cough, so the masks were a good investment after all.
Sweetness, thank you for your support. I am grateful. I was an abused child but l got through that unhappiness with a child psychiatrist, and Special Needs Schooling (which was just another gauntlet to run through alas not unscathed though). If anything it taught me to strive for self sufficiency and a desire not to be dependent on anybody for my self esteem amongst other things. It took much longer than l had anticipated to catch up with that ideal (laughter). A 2 year period of homelessness encouraged the self reliance and 2 years in a hostel for ex offenders (of which l was not ..but that's a story for another time) encouraged the self dependency to the fore. I will always feel grateful to compassionate people; for without the milk of human kindness l would not have survived to reach my 61st year, and still be around to look optomistically ahead to the 62nd one. My heart goes out to you all. Now let ud gather together spiritually speaking for a group hug.
Hello herod , good job you,ve got beyond the child making years with mumps! Some inconsiderate person gave you this virus, people just dont take on board that these type of viruses can kill, my daughter caught measles at 14 months old, she nearly died, it was an irresponsible mother who took her baby to nursery knowing she had the measles, I put the incident in the local newspaper at the time to also make the nursery aware that they should be able to spot a poorly baby, I know some parents are scared of MMR jabs I dont blame them , our nhs is anything to save money nowadays , when my kids were small mmr wasnt on the market , but I know late Princess Diana told the nation she had her boys vaccinated. I do hope you recover ok herod, if you should get any unpleasant effects from this then call the surgery and ask for a fone consultation and say why.. good luck

I was touched by both your response and those of other members. So much so that from a safe distance l can overcome my inhibition and reach out to you all and offer a hug to each person. Thank you everyone for your compassion, sympathy/empathy from long ago, support, and encouragement.
Still have the mumps! Public Health Board contacted my doctor and he has invited me over to have a series of MMS Vaccinations for Measles, Rubella, and Mumps!
Been lackadaisical though about doing and sending in a swabbing for them to test. Will try and do that tomorrow God Willing!