No energy and motivation: I have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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No energy and motivation

usbrit profile image
22 Replies

I have Fibromyalgia, Hashimotos,Litchen Sclerosis.

I take morphine, cocodamal and amitryptaline 30mg in the evening for nerve spasms.

I spend most of my life in bed exhausted, l wake up, eat and am so tired l have return to bed.

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usbrit profile image
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22 Replies
rosie-2015 profile image

Hi I'm so sorry to hear about your pain and fatigue, I hope you feel better soon Gentle hugs, I have fibromyalgia and lichen sclerosis but I don't know what his homotopy is so take care Rosie x

usbrit profile image
usbrit in reply to rosie-2015

Thank you Rosie, Hashimotos is an auto immune Thyroid disease.

Hugs to you too 🙏

rosie-2015 profile image
rosie-2015 in reply to usbrit

You've certainly been hit with everything, I hope you have a pain-free night, x😴

rosie-2015 profile image
rosie-2015 in reply to usbrit

You've certainly been hit with everything, I hope you have a pain-free night, x

usbrit profile image
usbrit in reply to rosie-2015

thanks Rosie l hope you will too🙏

So sorry to hear you're not feeling so good.Hope things improve for you xx

usbrit profile image
usbrit in reply to Gulfstream_Maggie

thanks Maggie, so nice of you xx

shaws profile image

One doctor/scientist (now deceased) had many followers before his accident that caused Dr Lowe's death. I will give you a link and hope it is helpful for you.

He usually only prescribed T3 (liothyronine) or NDTs (natural dessicated thyroid hormones.

usbrit profile image
usbrit in reply to shaws

thank you, l used to be on Armour Thyroid in USA but they won't prescribe it here.

shaws profile image
shaws in reply to usbrit

Do you have someone in the USA who could send/post Armour Thyroid?

I don't think there would be any restrictions if it is to be used as a thyroid hormone replacement in the UK (but check first) and you'd feel upbeat if you have a replacement thyroid hormone that suits you.

I have found this information:-

American and Canadian brands of NDT are now available in the UK. The American brands are Armour Thyroid, NatureThroid, WP Thyroid and NP Thyroid. There is one Canadian brand, ERFA Thyroid.11 Apr 2022

Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT)

saltburn profile image
saltburn in reply to shaws

Thank you for the link. I developed a thyroid condition years ago and it was undetected for 6 years because the myriad blood tests I had didn't show any problem, I thought I was going mad. I even wrote off 2 cars during that time when I fell asleep whilst driving on the motorway. Fate took a hand! I was listening to the radio and an endocrinologist was talking about the shocking level of professionals who rely on blood tests rather than symptoms etc. My phone rang, it was my gp who had also heard the programme and asked me to see him the next day. We started with a low dose and built up to 175 micrograms which made me a human being again. I have hypamobility syndrome but have tamed this with years of Pilates which helps me control the over use of my joints. I am now 74 and have arthritis in my neck and knees. 6 years ago I moved house so changed gp. Immediately I was taken down to 100 micrograms and nobody would listen. My health has deteriorated badly and was diagnosed by a private consultant with fibro.I have recently moved again and have waited for weeks for a face to face appointment. I have increased my thyroxine back to 150 micrograms for the past few weeks and although I am still getting flare ups my.brain fog is much better. When I see my new gp next week I was dreading asking him to increase my meds as he has already stopped my pain killers and given me paracetamol instead. Thanks to you I will go armed with a copy of this document and I will insist that he listens. We all know our own bodies and we should be allowed to have an opinion on our treatment. Sorry for going on but if one person gets a better outcome by standing up for themselves then I will be happy. Fight on fibro warriors!

JDance profile image

Not suprised you tired! Bless you,hope you have love& support around youx

usbrit profile image
usbrit in reply to JDance

Thank you for your kind message. I live alone which is probably a good thing as l have trouble finding the energy to do things for myself; hugs Linda

Smurf69 profile image

I have fibromyalgia, depression and anxiety. For over 30yrs I’ve had depression and anxiety and suffered in silence for that time with the pain all over my body and exhaustion. I kept going back to the doctor and telling them that I thought it was fibromyalgia but repeatedly getting dismissed! Eventually, getting a diagnosis about 4 years ago !!! So frustrating 😞

Yesterday I had to call the doctor because the pain is now all over my body and like you , getting up off the sofa and making a cuppa is like running a marathon- I feel so embarrassed by it , eventually the doctor called me back saying what exactly do you want me to do for you ! Long story short, as we all know, there is no cure or helpful information out there.

So, sometimes I have to find comfort in the fact that I’m not alone , sadly there are others out there in the same position.

My sister found an article from America that said they are finding out reasons/causes for the pain !!! Yeah ! They said that they have discovered that people with fibromyalgia have 3x more pressure on their muscles than others - which is encouraging I think that progress is being made , it may be slow but at least they are looking into it 👍🏼🙂

Sorry for babbling on! Hope you have a good day . Take it easy and be kind to yourself 🙂

usbrit profile image
usbrit in reply to Smurf69

you sound in the s a me boat as me. I think the worst thing a Dr can say is "What do you want me to do for you " So hopeless 😰if they don't know they should recommend someone who does.

Do you take amitryptaline??

Hugs Linda

Smurf69 profile image
Smurf69 in reply to usbrit

no I can’t take that as I’m already taking antidepressants and anxiety meds- I try and believe that one day soon they will find answers for relief of the pain but some days it’s hard to keep hoping isn’t it ?

I always try and celebrate the little achievements- like getting a shower or cooking a proper meal!!! Little steps eventually lead to completion!

shaws profile image
shaws in reply to Smurf69

I'm sorry you have fibromyalgia (plus some other things).

One of Thyroiduk's Advisers was a Dr John Lowe and he was a great person and a doctor, researcher and expert in the use of T3 (liothyronine).

I follow his method when having a blood test, I h.ave hypothyroidism

i.e. get the very earliest blood draw - fasting (you can drink water) and do not take T3 until after the blood draw.If you took T3 before the blood test it would not give a proper resullt in your favour.

Seascapes31 profile image

😔, I'm thinking of you x

usbrit profile image
usbrit in reply to Seascapes31

thank you 🙏

Sarahvit profile image

Hi Usbrit, I’m so sorry you are feeling this way. I know that feeling. I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and company (all those other diseases that go along with it). It is kicking my butt today too. I take Dexedrine which is supposed to give me some energy most days it helps but today it isn’t helping. Exhaustion down on the cellular level. I hate feeling this way. I’m starting a diet change under a naturalist doctor Monday. I just don’t have the energy to go to the grocery store today to get all the good foods, vegetables 🥗 fruits 🍉 🍌 🍎 and good meats raised on a good farm and feed good foods. Just have to take it one day at a time. Stay away from sweetener, sugar, dairy. I wish I was rich to hire a personal chef for a month or two for this diet change. I’m sorry for rambling about my woes. I know how you feel other than these diet changes I don’t know or have the energy to help. I prayed for your healing. Finding a wholistic doctor maybe able to help. ❤️🤗🦋

Turquoisesummer profile image

Hi beautiful, I feel for you. I have only fibromyalgia, but I feel the same way and it's not fun😔 wake up exhausted (more exhausted than I was when I went to sleep), get up after sometimes hours of laying in bed wishing the pain away, eat, have to lay down again, struggle to shower.. sometimes I feel better in the afternoon/evening and can take my dog for a walk, but this was impossible for such a long time. Sometimes when the pain is so bad I wish for just fatigue, but then when the fatigue is worse than the pain I wish for pain and no fatigue.. the fatigue I think is worse, but then the pain can be so bad I don't really know. I'm sorry for what you're going through and wish I had advice, but I get you and wish you well 💖💖💖

Bird-67 profile image

Hi usbrit, I am new here and feel like I could have Fibromyalgia and I also have Litchen Sclerosis.

Are they in any way connected do you know?

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