At my Medical Assessment/Work Capability assessment yesterday the assessor asked me if had had a blood test for Fibromyalgia,l told her l have had loads of blood tests over the years and that l never knew that one existed for Fibromyalgia and as far as l know that is correct, googled it this morn again and no blood test available for FMS, (am in UK) but is there one??
Is there a Blood Test to determine Fi... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Is there a Blood Test to determine Fibromyalgia

I dont think there is one, just shows that these assesors dont know what they are talking about !!
I wouldnt worry about it XX
Thankyou...i did'nt think there was but had to check since have'nt checked anything really up to date.
Hi Sue, there is no blood test that can confirm a diagnosis of FMS and being asked that question, demonstrates really clearly that your assessor knows nothing about the condition you were being assessed for.
There are all sorts of blood tests for the things that are mostly affected by the medications you take to control your Fibro. In particular your kidneys and liver, that should be monitored at least once a year.
The good news is that you can use this as a basis for your appeal should your claim go badly, because their rules state that your assessor must be an 'appropriately qualified medical professional' and there is a definition given on the main Fibro Action site. They demonstrated that they obviously were not. Please read this page
For information about appeals, the best thing to do is email Fibro Action directly, asking for guidance and they will send you all the info you need free.
good luck with the outcome of your assessment.
happy hugs, kate
Hi Sue, gentle hugs,
I agree to there being no blood test to determine Fibromyalgia - What an ignorant assessor you had! They need to stop using unqualified medical people when assessing claimants - Grrrrrrrr!
The main way to prove Fibromyalgia, is by seeing a Rheumatologist, via referral from your GP, who does pressure tests on 18 points on your body. I hit all 18 - I'm no medical professional, but I am not sure if you do have to hit all 18 points to be fully diagnosed - especially in early stages of the fibro.
Hi Carol, I told the Rheumatologist that I did not have tender points (and that's why I thought no way do I have Fibromyalgia) and after she had diagnosed me I developed 6 and two very badly from shoulders to hands on elbow points and at the base of my skull and lower back. I've read that you need to have at least 11 of the 18 points to be diagnosed - it's migratory - Four quadrants at painful and burning skin. With regular flare up from the very bones outwards. I wonder if I am at the beginning?
Hi Reflections, You don't have to feel the pain in the tender points yourself so can be in denial about Fibro - like I was - Until the Rheumatologist pressed every one of the 18 points! OUCH! was putting it very mildly! I thought you'd have to have at least 11 of the 18 points as you mentioned. The flare-up is not from the bone itself, but tendons and ligaments attached to the bone as Fibro is nothing to do with actual bones - much to my annoyance - I found old Arthur Itis is THAT particular culprit in this ol' gal's bag of bones that is meant to be a body! Can you say OUCH! OUCH! Hehehe.
You could be at the beginning sweetie, but that burning skin sensation has always been with me. It likes to come out to play a lot when I'm on my feet a while and tries to murder my legs! I hope an pray you are not suffering as bad as some do in this little community of ours.
Hi Carol, Thanks...Went to Rheumatologist in 09 and she said l had FMS after poking and prodding me all over!!!!. Kraftyk8, have'nt yet read that but sounds like some excellent advice to me and l thank you.
Hi sue, don't you just love all that poking and prodding? NOT! I'm positive I can still feel the fingers prodding away - years after the initial prod!
hi no there is no blood test as yet but maybe one day love diddle x
Thankyou all!!looks like l have (at least) some ammo if l need it but l hope l won't, all the stress of fighting my corner will only make me feel even worse l know.