Any suggestions for plantar fasciitis?? - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Any suggestions for plantar fasciitis??

Lipbalmaddict01 profile image
17 Replies

I've been suffering with this since June and have hit a brick wall in my attempt to find relief from it. So far, I've seen a physio and done all of the exercises prescribed. I've seen a podiatrist and had special insoles made at great expense when the NHS ones didn't help. I wear only very supportive shoes and even use the insoles in shoes around the house in place of slippers. I've even bought plantar fasciitis support socks but am still in agony. It's both feet and the pain is in the whole foot and around the Achilles' tendons.

Does anyone know of anything else I can try please? I'm supposed to be visiting friends this weekend and I'm panicking because I currently can't walk without excruciating pain. Like all fibro sufferers I'm use to daily pain from the moment I wake up, and just get on with it as best I can, but this pain is something else 😢. Thank you in advance x

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Lipbalmaddict01 profile image
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17 Replies

Hi I currently have pf coming up for 2 years this time - sorry to sound so depressing. I have done all the stretches etc. compression socks etc. Recently I came across Vionic FMT footwear and it has helped me a lot. Not cheap from their site so I purchased from auction site E*** you know the one I guess .Read up about their footwear and see what you think.

Good luck and my sympathies


Lipbalmaddict01 profile image
Lipbalmaddict01 in reply to

Hi Jacqueline, I'm so sorry to hear you've had PF for so long, it's a special kind of hell, isn't it?! I will look into the vionic shoes, many thanks x

Makimon profile image

Hi there, sorry to hear that you're suffering. I've also had a lot of problems with Plantar Fasciitis for around 3 years. I had tried everything possible and followed all the advice given and was at my wits end. I was referred to a specialist at Chelsea and Westminster hospital who offered me a simple procedure called a Posteremedial Gastroc Release and it has worked brilliantly! It's just a small surgical procedure to lengthen the calf muscle. The recovery wasn't long and it's made such a difference to my life. I'm still in so much pain in the other foot, I'm seeing the surgeon again in the hope to have this procedure done on my other calf. If the pain doesn't completely go you can have shockwave therapy which works better as your muscles have been loosened! If you have any questions just let me know! It sounds very scary but it's one of the best things I've done to help my pain. Xxx

Lipbalmaddict01 profile image
Lipbalmaddict01 in reply to Makimon

Hi Makimon, that does sound really scary but it I guess if It's brought you so much relief it's worth it. I do hope that the surgeon agrees to doing your other foot. Thank you, and good luck! Xx

Hartleyhare2 profile image

This is a new addition to the family of pain symptoms for me recently too. I used to love being barefoot but now it's agony. I wear slippers around the house with memory foam insoles. I have tried magnesium spray which helps with my RLS but has not helped. I used a stron caspian gel which gives some relief but is so difficult to apply.

I have been told the foot exercises and stretches will help but they don't seem to be giving any imeadiate or noticeable relief.

I was told as we get older our feet spread and the cushion of fat on the soles of our feet thins. I where air sprung trainers when I go out, they give some relief but not enough.

I shall watch your post with interest to pick up any tips!

Patrick x

Lipbalmaddict01 profile image
Lipbalmaddict01 in reply to Hartleyhare2

Hi Patrick, thanks for replying. I've not heard of magnesium spray before, Is it something you get on prescription? I've learnt about some things I've not tried on this thread so I really hope it helps you too xx

Hartleyhare2 profile image
Hartleyhare2 in reply to Lipbalmaddict01

Hiya! No it's a natural product and not on prescription. Online or Holland and Barrett are the best options. Quite a few friends on here use it.

We used to get enough magnesium via food but intensive farming has taken it out of soil. You can take it in tablet form but the body absorbs it much better via the skin. Many use magnesium salts or flakes to soak in the bath to get muscle relief, it relaxes but also lessons pain. I have found BOots and TK Max sell the same brand at £5 for a kilo bag. At the moment both seem to be having a sale at £2:50 a bag. So I bought twenty! Have given quite a few away as I think it's so good. You can get fancy Himalayan pink salts and others which are expensive but no better as you just need the magnesium content. I struggle with the bath sometimes, both getting out and sitting there for half an hour! Lol

It's actually very cheap and easy to make your own magnesium oil as it's not really an oil but a soloution and a small bottle will cost £10 to £12. Simply get a pan. Put a Kg of magnesium salt in it with the same amount of hot water. Bring to gentle boil stirring until dissolved then allow to cool. Transfer to spray bottles available at pound shops. That's probably enough for six months and cost you a fiver. If bought in bottles probably £90 ish! It really is that simple! I like lavender oil and find smell relaxing so I put a few drops of that in mine.

I think the act of gently massaging the spray into your muscles actually helps loosen things up. I have bought a kitchen bowl to use as a foot bath with salts in but have yet got round to using it!

Patrick x

Bobby16 profile image

I have this it's difficult to get relief.

Offcut profile image

What worked for my wife is use a bottle or rolling pin and roll the foot over the bottle back and forth it will hurt a little at the start but worked well for her in a short time.

Be Well

Lipbalmaddict01 profile image
Lipbalmaddict01 in reply to Offcut

Thanks Offcut. I've tried tennis ball exercise but only managed to do about about 30 seconds before my dog snatched the ball away. I'll try the rolling pin as an alternative so thank you! Xx

If I could answer folks with P.F,, I have just spend 2 months helping my younger sister to get some treatment for this- he has had a steroid injection in both feet and been given Tramadol with ibuprofen and paracetamol, she tells me today it has calmed down, that is a week after the jabs, so not sure which has worked for her, I also gave her some of my magnesium spray and she said it eased if she didnt walk! I feel for all of you I tore my arch several weeks ago and I know how painful that has been- both feet ouch!!!

Lipbalmaddict01 profile image
Lipbalmaddict01 in reply to

Thanks so much NurseGladys123, that's really hopeful to hear about steroid injections. I've not tried magnesium spray either, so I'll give it a go xx

deejames profile image

My chiropractor was telling me she has started using a treatment for the condition that is having good results. This isn't her clinic but it is the treatment they use. centralchiropracticclinic.c...

I don't have it myself but I trust her expertise 100% . Maybe worth trying ?


Lipbalmaddict01 profile image
Lipbalmaddict01 in reply to deejames

Thanks Dee, that's really helpful, I'll look into it. I'm prepared to try anything! Xx

Hartleyhare2 profile image
Hartleyhare2 in reply to deejames

Very interesting and informative link Dee, thank you!😊

Patrick x

eclegmata profile image

I've recently started having laser treatment,again. The accupresure treatment is too painful for me. I have also worn tendon traps which did seem to help. I also find that I am more comfortable wearing light trainers indoors,like gel sketchers,& find that the more grip around the foot,the less pain. So slippers are out of the question. I'm under chiropody/podiatry & biomechanics,so get to see them once a month for other foot issues & was recently given a pair of insoles,mainly for my other foot issues,but find that it helps the PF. I also recently invested in a pair of Merrell walking shoes. With the insoles,they are a dream to walk in & I use a foot brace at night,sometimes. As someone else mentioned,general stretch exercises do help & rolling things like a golf ball or bottle of water may help.

Maybe you can try to get your doc to refer you for some biomechanics. The biomechanics team will show you & advice you on appropriate exercises.

Exercises are also available on a fact sheet that you may be able to get a copy of if you can't get an appt with bio'.

Al the best 👣

Lipbalmaddict01 profile image
Lipbalmaddict01 in reply to eclegmata

Hi eclegmata, where do you go for laser treatment? Is it available on the NHS? I have bought some sketchers shoes for around the house but it only makes the pain a fraction better. I saw a podiatrist who scanned my steps and made insoles from taking casts of my feet. Is that the same sort of thing is biometrics? Thanks so much xx

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