Hey guys so i dont know if i am typing this in the right bit but im wandering if anyone has went for pip with fibromylagia,endometriosis and ptsd just wandering as im not toally stressed out about it
Hello: Hey guys so i dont know if i am... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
i ment i am totally stressed out about it all
Don't stress I can help

Pip is assessed on how your conditions affect you on a daily basis; not on the diagnosis you have. Xxx
i have it but this is my yearly assesment which when i spoke to the lady last week she thinks its so unfair i have to keep going through this every year but whatever my symptoms have got worse and i have put in my doctors letter and a letter when i got assessment from my local council as i need moved closer to my family as im burning myself all the time and i cant do much ...
If you haven't been diegnosed with Fibromygia or some other horrible condition how can you exspect to receive pip ? Pip was set up for people who can't cope with pain or who can't get around any more that one ofmain things they ask How far can you walk Or can you cook hot food etc

Yes the system of repeated assessments for conditions that are not going to improve is so frustrating but we have no option but to go through it all each and every time x
Hello when I went for pip I fist went to the citizen advice Plus help from members on this site who are no longer here if you would like advice of how to apply for pip PM me and I can help you if you want ok xx
Hello sorry i havent wrote back iv actually had a really bad couple of days i have been diagonised with Fibro, Endometriosis,ptsd and really bad migrains also i have bad anxiety im sorry i never wrote it out properly my brain aint been working that well with everything thats been going on and im sorry