I dont think Flynn is happy?!๐Ÿ˜‚ - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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I dont think Flynn is happy?!๐Ÿ˜‚

โ€ข39 Replies

Had to share this picture with my fellow warriors and give you a giggle!

I bought this coat from a lady who bought it for ยฃ30 sold it to me for ยฃ12.50 (I love a bargain).

However put it on Flynn and this was his reaction to it........

39 Replies
DanielleGemma profile image

Awwwww he looks like he needs a big cuddle :) xxx

in reply to DanielleGemma

Always Danielle, he was like this when we got him a coat (Well I get the coats oh wants nothing to do with it!) when he was a puppy. He just sits there either looking like he does in the photo or staring at me (possibly plotting my demise!!) ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Hope you are feeling better today? Can't be long till your holiday? โคโค

DanielleGemma profile image
DanielleGemma in reply to

Haha he looks like he is trying to figure out how to chew the coat off HAHA!

I feel a lot better today thank you, it's 8th October so a month today YAY! How are you? Xxx

in reply to DanielleGemma

Are brilliant so not long to go, I bet you are counting the days down!

I am good thank you. Am looking after my oh after being at a&e with him yesterday.

Nothing too serious, he has some huge kidney stones (even the doctor gulped!) and is in an awful lot of pain. Well he was, he is on oramorph and is snoring as I write this ๐Ÿ˜.

Hopefully he is going in on Monday to get them zapped.

So after doing a bit of running around this morning, we are having a duvet day today ๐Ÿ˜ด

Hugs and positivity coming your way Danielle xx

DanielleGemma profile image
DanielleGemma in reply to

I am indeed, once my exam is out of the way I think it will be a lot more real haha, plus I have a new starter in my team on Monday so panicking and trying to get ready for that!

OH NO! Ouch them being zapped sounds kinda painful, nice that he is home with you though? Hope the A&E visit wasn't too painful, I know how horrendous they can be!

Thanks hun, loads of hugs back xxx

TillyT68 profile image

Bless I had the same with my Tilly.. Was fed up with the wet dog smell in the car after going to the park and picked up an absolute bargain at pets at home. She wasn't happy at first but loves her coat now

in reply to TillyT68

Eurgh definitely, I think that has to be the worst smell. I am so phobic of my house smelling like dog, especially wet dog, I have plug ins EVERYWHERE!! Xxx

Lou1054 profile image

Probably not his colour, if only they could talk, on second thoughts maybe best that he cant xxx

in reply to Lou1054

Ha ha Lou, if Flynn talked he would be cussing me right now xx

Crusee profile image

I think youre right.........defo not a slave to fashion --- lol !

He may think differently now the colder weather is coming.

Take care.



in reply to Crusee

Yes he doesn't do clothing whereas I put one on Stevie G the other day and loved it, 'typical woman'๐Ÿ˜ I hope you are having a good day thus far Crusee xx

Crusee profile image
Crusee in reply to

Ha ha sounds like hes typical man.

Real men dont need a coat --- pah !

Day not too bad so far lets hope it stays that way.

Hope you ok too.

Have a good one.



rosewine profile image

That's so funny talk about a hangdog expression. He'll be glad of it when the winter comes. Tell him it is a very fetching colour and will attract all the lady dogs.x๐Ÿ•๐Ÿฉ

in reply to rosewine

Oh no, will be keeping him away from the ladies Rosewine. Don't want any puppies turning up on the doorstep, thank you very much!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I keep telling him that he will appreciate it soon but it's not appeasing him at all! Have a great day Rosewine xxxx

rosewine profile image
rosewine in reply to

Hidden Ha ha. I can remember our first ๐Ÿ•. We were going in holiday in an apartment and their stipulation was that your dog had to sleep in a proper dog bed and she had only ever slept on a cushioned pad which she loved. We were hiring direct from the owners who were going to let us in and show us everything so no way could we get away with it. OH bought a very expensive wicker dog basket which she refused to use. He was really upset by this and as there had been an appeal in the paper by a local rescue centre for dog beds I said we had better take it in for them. That night I could hear him having a conversation with our dog about the bed. He was telling her that there were poor dogs who were starving and lying on concrete floors and there she was with a lovely bed and wouldn't use it and as she was so ungrateful if she didn't sleeping in it that night it would be gone in the morning. I was upstairs in stitches of laughter. Well would you believe it the next morning when he went downstairs Madame was fast asleep in the bed and she used it every night for the rest of her life, lol.x

in reply to rosewine

Well our furbabies are very intelligent albeit a tad stubborn.

My oh is having a mare as Stevie has ruined all the carpets in the house. We are in rental so are going to have to replace them all when we leave ๐Ÿ˜ฃ.

Wouldnt be without them tho ay Rosewine?!!


rosewine profile image
rosewine in reply to

We used to adore ours when our last rescue dog died we couldnt think about replacing her at the time then circumstances changed. Unfortunately, havent got one at the moment as we have been too ill the last 8 years and have had to deal with a move and family illnesses but if husband's cancer seems to be okay when we next go to see the Oncologist will probably have a rescue, looking already of course. I window shop dogs like other people do dresses.x

in reply to rosewine

I hope that it is all good news at your husbands next appt Rosewine.

Furbabes are the best.

They dont talk back give lots of love and not as expensive as human babies!!


rosewine profile image
rosewine in reply to

Thank you. No human babies to compare with but from what I have heard they are money pits. I don't know about the talking back Brandy had quite a range of vocals, lol.x

mysmugcat profile image
mysmugcat in reply to rosewine

Wishing you the best rosewine

YASMINTINA profile image
YASMINTINAFMA UK Volunteer in reply to rosewine

Lovely story x

Ha ha I know Mydexter, he clearly is not amused but I think he looks grand!

Hope you are having a good positive day today xx

poppyflowergirl profile image

maybe his embarrassed cause he knows how cute his looks ;)

in reply to poppyflowergirl

That definitely could be it Poppyflowergirl!

Have a great day today xx

Mdaisy profile image

Looks like a doggie with a 'cob on' not a fantastic orange coat on..... oh dear.... I wonder why he reacted like that does it feel weird on the inside or can he smell the previous owners dog on it? Bless him :)

in reply to Mdaisy

Emma he certainly has never been backward in showing how he feels about things!

The coat was never worn by the other dog, but your right there will be a smell coming off it.

I'll give it a wash so it smells familiar๐Ÿ™„


Ramjets profile image

Yes I know that look well - It was the look I had on my face when I was little and my mum made me wear my older siblings hand me downs. Wouldn't have been so bad but I had 4 older brothers lol.

Have to be honest (and I know this controversial with all the dog lovers on here) but I'm not keen on putting animals in clothes but I appreciate there is a practical side to it.

Aw bless him xxx

in reply to Ramjets

I always got hand me downs too Ramjets but fortunately I had older sisters!

Completely get that about dogs wearing clothes. My oh would not allow me to put anything other than a coat on them when it's raining/cold and that's at a push!!

Tho sometimes it is cute to see them dressed up, very naughty ๐Ÿ™„

Have a splendid day today Ramjets xx

Ramjets profile image
Ramjets in reply to

Just don't get him a matching hat please! lol.

Hope you have an excellent day too. x

in reply to Ramjets

Oh now, I never thought of that .....!! โคโค

Ramjets profile image
Ramjets in reply to

Uh-oh, sorry Flynn!! x

caninecrazy profile image

awww! my teddy did same when i put an elf hat on him, he was not impressed! lol. he will love wearing when the rain and snow come i am sure :) x

Annmurry profile image

He is probably thinking but I already have a coat. Why do I need two? Lol

mysmugcat profile image

Blessed dog. Have I already asked: has he collie and terrier in him?

in reply to mysmugcat

Hi Mysmugcat. He is 95% definately border collie and the other 5% have absolutely no idea!! We think he might have doberman in him or a bit greyhound.

He is 5% mix of all sorts of breeds!! ๐Ÿ˜Š


treefrog12 profile image

Ha ha, brill - not his colour obviously :)


Al10 profile image

It could be that realisation that winter is coming? Just like it did last year! Brrrr!

Killyraw profile image

Just seen your pic, he looks like he put it on just to please you! My dog has 3 coats I keep his hair cut short due to the fact that he swims. I live on an island so it's a constant thing but he gets cold afterwards so I put his coat on, his favourite is one I felted for him.

in reply to Killyraw

That is the 1st and last time he let me put the coat on!!

He doesn't do cold weather ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

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