are looking for signatures for:- MAKE FIBROMYALGIA A DISABILITY. I dont know how to put their website on here, but sure one of you can.
HAVE YOU SIGNED for YOUR DISABILITY !!!! - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Copy and paste the link... or write the link down and type it in 😁
Got an email today ☺
Hi Hidden ,
This petition has been going around for a long while. Anyone can start a petition for anything they feel strongly about. It needs to get 100.000 signatures before it gets to Parliament,
As it stands just now, Fibromyalgia is accepted and treated as a Disability under The Equalities Act 2010.
In laymans terms that means that you cannot be discriminated in the workplace, or anywhere else for that matter, because you have a Chronic Illness i.e. Fibromyalgia.
The DWP also classify Fibro as a Chronic Illness, otherwise, why else would they award benefits to people who have Fibromyalgia? I know some people don't get awarded benefits, and have to challenge the decision. Remember though, it is not your illness or disability that gets you the benefit, but how they affect you in your day to day life.
I don't know if this petition is maybe a bit out of date, but it has been around for a long time.
Take care.
GP. 😊😊