Hi I'm at a loose end, I have fybromyagia, severe depression and anxiety, I also have sleep apnoea and varicose veins, I'm in absolute agony with it, however all my Dr will prescribe is pregablin at one time I've been on 300mg daily with little effect, I feel like I'm not taken seriously and just brushed off, just thinking about it makes my blood boil, if I can take a box of of paramol then I can handle most things, I've seen various Drs at the practice where I've been a patient for over 15 years, I'm worried about changing Drs and starting the process all over
Dr will not prescribe effective pain ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Dr will not prescribe effective pain relief

Could you ask your doctor for a referral to the pain clinic?

I can try
My pain clinic has been very helpful, they have done a full medication review, referred me for lots of scans, pain physio, neurologist, pain management groups sessions etc. They just listened and taken me seriously.
It's worth giving it a go..... especially if you don't get much support from your gp.
Hope you find the help you need, don't give up

Thank you I will definitely pursue it

It's so strange how helpful some pain clinics can be.
Hi J2K88 Welcome to our wonderful forum, I'm sure you will love it and find it invaluable chatting to others who are going through the same as you, at different stages of their lives with fibromyalgia.
I'm sorry you are in so much pain and your doctor isn't supporting you. You should maybe try to see a different doctor ! Or, I know you are nervous about changing doctors but this one isn't helping you now & is not going to suddenly be any different. Speak to the receptionists & ask if there are any of the doctors there, that are more informed of fibro and getting you help.
Your doctor should be looking at a form of antidepressant by the sound if what your saying. Doctors commonly prescribe amitriptyline to help with fibro symptoms, to help you relax, so helps the pain, also your mood & help you stay asleep. You could ask to be referred to a pain clinic, where they look at a more holistic approach to help your pain.
You really have come to the right place my friend and I look forward to chatting with you on the forum.
Please do go check out the mother site fmauk.org where you will find lots of useful information and links on fibro.
It's a good idea to lock your posts to the community so they are not accessible from the internet. If you look to right of screen you will see under "Pinned Posts" a number of blue links & instructions on how to lock it.
Peace, luv n light
Jan xx
Hi J2K88
Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I am so genuinely sorry to read this and I was wondering if you have a local walk-in centre close by? As you could present there and tell them of your pain and they may give you something stronger? They may also write to your doctor with recommendations and give you a referral?
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi Jk288
Do you think that your GP won't prescribe pain relief such as Tramadol because of the sleep apnea? I'm just wondering if they're limited. I think you should change your GP....the pain clinic I use...rely on the Gps to prescribe pain relief and not them. It's a real hassle changing your GP but he doesn't sound like much of a loss to be honest. Take care and welcome x
I would certainly be pushing for a referral to the pain clinic and see if that helps sorry I can't be more helpful hope you get the help you need
They probably won't prescribe tramadol as it is an opiate which is highly addictive and is usually used as a last resort for brief periods of pain flare up. Cutting out processed foods sugar and refined carbohydrates is more effective in lowering pain inducing inflationary conditions in the body than using drugs. You will definitely feel worse when you change your diet as your body adjusts but it will help reduce your pain if you stick to it. Much easier on the kidneys. Long term medication usage can damage your kidneys over time. Good luck. Hope you get a handle on your pain what ever route you take.
I was prescribed Cymbalta for depression and it has helped my fibromyalgia pain incredibly. I just began Gabapetin two weeks ago and it has already stopped the pain I had when I was touched.This has been a miracle drug for me. I hope one of these might be of help to you.
Def get referred to pain clinic. Your Dr is an ignorant idiot IMHO!
Hi sorry you have not got the help you need l was like you was worried about changing my doctor as l felt they did not listen to me it took me a long time to make the move to another doctor but it's the best thing I have ever done if you don't make the right move find one that suits you there's doctors out there that can help all the best