Hi all im a 34 year old man been diagnosed with fibro for 4 years now....been on neumerous tablets....im wondering the normal sort of medicines that are prescribed for this condition ??
Prescribed medication enquiry - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Prescribed medication enquiry

Hi well I don't no if it's the norm or not but I'm on gabapentine, codine, paracetamol, neproxine, if u have a look on the mother sight then I think u will find some useful information take care shibby
Hi Sue
Many of our members take Gabapentin and Naproxen.
Gabapentin is primarily an anti epilepsy drug, but is often prescribed for Fibromyalgia.
The sister drug Pregabalin is also used a lot.
However, you cannot take both. It has to be one or the other of these meds.
Hugs Lu xx
Thank u Lu I wasn't sure hope ur well warm soft hugs sue xx
I just thought of something to mention to you Sue.
Please make sure that you do not take any Ibuprofen whilst you are taking Naproxen.
Have you been prescribed something like Omeprazole to protect your tummy whilst taking Naproxen?
If not, I would highly recommend that you see your GP and mention this to them.
Naproxen can be very strong irritant on the stomach if not protected.
Gentle hugs. Lu xx
Have a chat with bluemermaid3 she has a lot of very good information that I'm sure will help good luck my friend
You'll have me blushing soon my friend
Thank you for the very kind compliment.
Lu xx
lol don't be daft, u are always very welcoming an also u have already learn the things I need to know about fibromyalgia. How have u been today? Hope ur on a good day love sue xx
Hello Paingain
Welcome to our lovely forum
Unfortunately with Fibromyalgia, what works for one person, actually does nothing for another.
Your GP should know what to prescribe for you.
I don't know how you get on with your GP, but I do think that going in and asking for a specific medication can annoy many doctors.
Medication is a very personal thing to each individual.
It also depends upon how bad your pain is, how long you have it for and what other medical conditions you may also suffer from.
If you have a look on our mother site you will find lots of information about Fibro on there fmauk.org
Once again a very warm welcome to the forum. You will be pleased to know that we do have some other men on the forum too
Wishing you a peaceful evening.
Lu x
Thanks my doctor resighned and have been pushed pillar to post had all my meds cut and there contining to do so....i take zomorph 120mg per day 3000mg of gabbapentin mitrazipnie amatripoline and oramorph 200ml per month which was 300ml per month nothing helping a feel like am a lot worse since janurary when my doc resighned....thanks for response and everyone else to..am of to try get a comfortable sleep x
Hello Paingain and a warm welcome to our friendly fibro forum where you can some very and understanding people who will help and support you along with a laugh or two to brighten the day.
Please take a look at our Mother Site
Here you will find a wealth of informative information on locking your posts, navigating around the site and other guidelines.
So sorry you have a diagnosis of fibro but in some ways it is a relief to be able to put a name to the symptoms.
Many members here have taken several years or more before finally receiving their diagnosis.
It does feel soul destroying when you look back to when you were able to achieve so much and now it takes all your energy just to get through the day. You are definitely not alone here.
Looking forward to seeing you around the forum.
Good luck on your journey
Hi Paingain and welcome to the forum. In answer to your question, I was initially prescribed Naproxen and Zapain plus Omeprazole to protect my stomach. I was offered also Tramadol at one point but was concerned about the side effects so I declined that. The Rheumatologist then recommended I switch to Gabapentin but I declined that also. My main symptom though was chronic headaches and the only medication that worked for me was Propranolol which is a beta-blocker. However I became concerned about the amount of meds I was taking and felt in some way they were doing as nearly as much harm to me as fibro. I especially felt they were affecting my mental capacity in a detrimental way. I therefore managed to ween myself off a lot of tablets and the only one I take regularly now is the Propranolol. I take the Zapain only when I really need it as it makes me very drowsy. I have found other ways to manage my symptoms but I have to emphasise that I am luckier than a lot of others on the forum in that I don’t have any other conditions which can make the fibro even harder to bear. As BlueMermaid says each sufferer has to find what works for them and it is just a case of suck it and see. Take care x
Hello I have seen my GP recently as my medication was not working at all for my pain.I have been referred to a Pain Management team ,amitriptiline has been changed to norotriptiline ,ibrufofen gel to rub into my jaw for TMJ and post surgery on top of Fibromylagia plus paracetomol & ibruprofen. I had stronger stuff but I cant function with them as need to keep my job and drive my car. My gp was very good in advising that I need to go back in a few weeks as I need to tell her if I am not managing pain so she can know how to help me.
Hi Hun it does take a few week for some meds to start working properly and that's why she wants to see u sooner but if u are really struggling then I would defo say to go back again I hope u find some relief have u tryed putting a hand Warmer on ur face to try to help it a bit or a hot flannel good luck and I hope u feel better soon x
hello I forgot I use a wheat heat thing that goes in the microwave which does usually help but burning arms ,dodgy hands and pain in jaw has all got quite bad at the moment and cant eat properly or talk for too long.Hopefully 'it' should get lost soon as not welcome as I'm too busy and haven't time to be stopped from what I enjoy x
Ow bless u I understand how hard it is the pain seem to take over ur life, I wish I could be of more help, I'm here if u would like to chat an everyone on here is fantastic I do urge u to go back to the doctor though as the pain is clearly a big problem I also see pain management an pain clinic and they are amazing they can find the correct medication for u an can give u the better supply lol have u managed to have a chat with bluemermaid3 as she is very clued up and has a lot of information xx
Hi Paingain
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance.
As the others have said there isn't really any normal medications for Fibro but I personally use Pregabalin, Nortriptyline, Cocodamol, Nefopam and Sumatriptan (for the migraines). I do have several other medical conditions for which I have other medications.
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I'm taking amitryptiline or nortriptyline.