Hi I had fibro pains constant for over year my rhumy s told me point blank that there is nothing I can do take take fibro pain or related things that go with it I'm on pregablin and I've got diabetes as well as 2 shoulder bursitis hip s bursitis elbows pains and hundreds more I'm so sick of living there
Fibro pain forever: Hi I had fibro... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibro pain forever
Oh dear Hidden you sound very down. It is a lot to put up with and some days you can cope and other days you want to say ENOUGH.
I think we have all been there at some point.
If you have been feeling like this for a while and continue to feel this way, then you could be depressed and need to see your doctor.
Sending a soft hug.
I have been feeling like this for very long time and I have been to docs and I'm on mitrazipine but thanks for reply I just don't think I can go on for rest of my life with pains all time Xxx hugs to you xx
Hi Hidden
I really am so truly sorry to read this my friend and I sincerely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to your pain issues. It may be an idea to try some alternative therapies? I would talk to your doctor about what is safe / best to try i.e. Supplements, Hydrotherapy, Physiotherapy, TENS Machine, Flotation Tanks, Acupuncture etc. There are plenty of options and one may work for you?
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you
That's unacceptable. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I get the impression youre not under the pain specialist? Ask your Rheumatologist to refer you. Don't accept a no. Say you said you can't do anything! They'll normally be able to manage your pain better. Then ask to be seen by another Rheumatologist. Someone competent. All the best. 💗
Hi there
Has your GP offered you any other pain meds?
Also have you ever been referred to a Pain Clinic? If not, ask your GP to refer you to one.
I have had Fibro & ME for 36 years.
Living in pain 24/7 is just how it is to me now.
Please make an urgent appointment to see your GP if you feel as though you may harm yourself.
I promise you will be taken seriously.
Are you on any antidepressants? If not you may find that they will help.
Please tell your GP how you are feeling.
Wishing you much peace
Lu xx
Hi hun i know we all suffer with this illness i just find it hsrd to cope eith sll the pain im in constant psin too hugs to all xxx

Hi my friend
I am sorry. I wasn't telling you how long I have had Fibro for any other reason than to let you know that I can completely empathise with how you are feeling.
I have 24/7 severe pain and some days it seriously gets me down too xx
Hi and thank you all for replys I have asked for pain clinic at gps and she said it be no good for me as she is controlling my pain meds ect also I take 30 ml mitrazipine on night and take pregablin and meloxicam and zomrph 60 ml twice a day these are my pain meds also what is flotation tank thanks Xxxx hugs to all xxxx
Also my rhumatoligist is amazing it sounds a bit harsh what he said but he told me the truth about my fibro pain and I was pleased he didn't lie and say everything's going to be fine when it isn't I'm going on Wednesday for a injection in both shoulders under a radioligist and I'm having a shoulder scan at same time I'm really scared about this as well xxx

I just wondered if you knew that there is a side effect that not everyone knows about with Pregabalin which is it can make depression an awful lot worse.
I was put on it last year and ended up in a very very dark low dangerous place.
I have spoken to a few other members on the forum who have experienced the same thing.
I completely understand about being sick of 24/7 pain. It does drive you round the bend.
Are you able to do anything like the adult colouring books you can buy.
Trying to find something to distract you from the pain is a good idea.
Lu xx
Hi lu and thanks for reply i dont think its pregablin just as ive been taken these for about a year now it was just all pain all time if i move im in more pain my rhummy said theres not a lot you can do that ive allready tried and he said you just jave to pace yourself im just so down at moment im sick of family members not believing my pain and just the life i had before all this some daysim ok and others im not xxx
Soz aboit spelling some days im stutering and i cant get my words out this makes me worse hugs to you hun if it wasnt for this forum i dont know what id do xxx

Please dont ever apologise about spelling. I understand exactly what you're saying.
Have you ever had any steroid injections before? xx
Yes ive just had one today so see how it goes and i mite be able to have in hips xxxx
I feel a bit better today i have got a fantastic partner of 26 years i dont no what i do without him its the silly things like not been able to put bra on or put jumper on i get so upset and feel useless and all pain for rest of life it gets to me and just need know how to cope xxxx
Not true. Been to many drs until I went to New York City hospital. Daily doses of vitamin C proven to help, 1000 mg, also muscle relaxers at night and Vicodin for pain. Gave me my life back. Went from walking nil to 2 miles. Can do ADLs most days. You should get a rheumy that specializes