Hi all. Sorry I've been quiet. Had a busy few days but now I'm poorly again! Full of cold etc. I'm in so much pain too. Hoping I will sleep! Night all. Hope all is ok?
Hi all : Hi all. Sorry I've been quiet... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hi all

Hello Em08.i find when I do a little to much I'm in more pain for a few days! Sorry to hear you also have a cold😟 sleep well💤💤💤. Chris
I hope you do sleep well tonight. I'm just getting over a cold myself. It's exhausting! I also hope you have something for the pain so you can sleep. Nite!
Morning Em08 . Sorry you have this dreadful cold that is going about, it seems to have a virus attached and your entire body hurts. I hope you managed some sleep. Take care xx
Comforting hug on the way Eo8.......xx
Hope your cold goes soon Em08. doesn't take much to knock us off our perch does it?
Love and light
Julie x
Poor thing. Just take things easy Em08 and let it run its course. I think the more you fight it, it will last longer.
Sending you some big warm hugs.
Take care
Angie xx
Hope you are feeling a little better today. I have read on here that this is a particularly nasy bug that has struck down many fibromites, so look after yourself and rest up.
Hope you feel better soon,,,when I feel 'cold-ish' I swop the pain meds for a hot lemon drink in blackcurrant flavour,,,and go for the night,,,,I think it does me more good to deal with the cold feelings,,,and sleep better for it,,,,,deal with any pain next day in the usual way,,,,rest and take your time with things,,,,ttfn from karen.
Hi Em
I hope you are feeling better this morning, sorry you have the dreaded cold, lots of comfy clothes, snugly places, a nice book or film and nice warm drinks.
Hi all thank you for your lovely conments. I have been feeling better in my self so able to do more but still got this annoying cold. The coughing makes me feel so tired. Hugs to you all xxx
Hi Em08
I am so genuinely sorry to read that you are feeling so poorly, and I sincerely hope that you recover soon my friend. Please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x