Managing Fibromyalgia.....some tips! - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Managing Fibromyalgia.....some tips!

tinkerbell17 profile image
9 Replies

Hi all fellow suffers, I have this cursed disease for the last 5yrs if not more undiagnosed. Will not list the symptoms as there are so many. I have had the lyrica and gambapentine please excuse my spelling!!! Pain killers, sertraline and diazipan.

I was delight 6 years ago when diagnosed.....yes I thought I am not going mad! So I have fibro, so what next............all of the above...........did it help? NO...but I kept on taking them because the doctor perscribed them they are bond to make me better.

So I took them in hope......side effects..........OMG you name it I got it! Memory loss, weight gain lots, stuttering, facial twitting you name it I had it!

So I came off of lyrica as it was not helping the pain.

So after a lot of research, internet, lots of books, what to do, what not to do,what to eat, what not to eat blah blah blah I was exhausted to come up with a theory to guide me and give me the knowledge I needed to help myself.

As all you guys know sleepless nights, sleep deprivation, pain, not wanting to sometimes wake up in the morning......just for it all to go away.

Good morning says my fibro body..........ground hog day!

Coupled with going through the menopause I was having the time of my life! Well we look normal to everyone else.........some people even family not believing you....the constant pain, tiredness..........your life can come to a grinding halt.

Then I got the added pleasure from intense itching, oh the joys! My arms, shoulders and of course my upper back where your arms do not reach.........I was like baloo out of jungle book!

So for months I tried antihistamines, creams, essential oils, body scrubs, I have used a herbal chilli rub that did help a bit, shop brought. My new doctor whom I have to say is wonderful spoke to a dermatologist as he was scratching his head ( pardon the pun )as to know what was causing the was driving me mad I wanted to chop my arms of.....mind you I would not have been able to scratch my back if I did that! to what was causing it.

I had a MRI scan done on my neck to rule out a trapped nerve...........that came back fine.

He gave me cream recommended by the dermatologist..........intense chill rub pharmaceutical strenght, delighted went home opened up the tube..........could not wait no more itching..........I squirted lots of that magical cream into the palm of my hand and smothered my arms, shoulders and back............well in seconds the itching stopped...........and turned into the towering inferno.............burning OMG..........well at least it took the emphasis off the itching...............I was going to call for the fire brigade!!!!!!!!!

Its like when you rub your eye when you have chopped chillies but worse!

Once the fire brigade not really.........once the burning stopped the itching returned.

My partner............other wise known as Mr Back Stratcher had come across in Norfolk where we have recently moved to The hyperbaric oxygen chamber in Chedgrave Norfolk. My sister had seen on facebook about this treatment to help fibro and an array of pain causing diseases, I knew about this but put it to the back of my mind what with everything else going on!

So at my wits end I went to see a chiropractor and incorporated the chambers as well,oh and deep tissue massage as my last resort to help myself as I was going nuts!

I also experienced pins and needles and numbness in my hands.

This was the most life changing point in my journey in fibro...........with each and every visit my pain lessoned.

I had started swimming which caused me discomfort but helped me at the same time.

Your spine is so fundamentally important to your supports you have to give it your support by maintaining its having your car serviced! You look after that........yes..........your spine needs you to look after it!

Your spine is also surrounded by your nervous system of which plays a huge part with the function of your body, including causing pain.

I started my treatment several months ago and I have to say it has all helped me immensly, pain is at its all time low...........pins and needles gone, numbness gone.

Neck and shoulder pain minimal, lower back pain eased.

This has worked for me, I wanted to share this with you guys to just give it a go!

I can recommend my chiropractor he is based in Norwich and masseuse. I came across them as there was a deal on groupon and I thought what have I got to loose.

They have become My Angels...........they have helped me soooooo much.

I know what your thinking "its expensive"........well not as expensive as you think......... its worth every penny.

I will continue my blog tomorrow as Mr Back Scratcher wants to watch a film......I have a theory that fibro has a lot to do with our life traumas, anxiety, stress, PTSD not coping or getting the right help. When you are in pain you automatically tense your body and that causes further pain because you are not relaxed, your breathing becomes shallow so your body becomes deprived of the right amount of oxygen and you become anxious.

I vicious circle...............Hope this was of some help..............Tinx signing out for the night...........oh god not a chick flick............shooting guns.........war.........blood and gore!!!!!!! Well he does stratch my back ha ha xxx

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9 Replies
Tissors profile image

I would love to try all these suggestions ,every day my head says Yes l will try harder, l will exercise ,l will get up early to clean my house.

Everyday my body says no ! I simply can not do it my headaches and tiredness are worse than ever . My Dr thinks l need CBT what is your view on that. I'm 70 now and been suffering now over 3 years lucky me l know how many very young people have this ghastly illness

Thank you x

tinkerbell17 profile image
tinkerbell17 in reply to Tissors

Hi Tissors, CBT is good you can do it at home, there is a book called CBT for Dummies please excuse the title but thats what it is called!!!!!!!!

I know getting out of bed can be a huge hurdle, but when you start to move around does your body get some relief from pain? I find that at night its worse.

Having this awful disease is depressing............but staying in bed will make you feel worse............Baby steps for now........I do not know what meds you are on, but sometimes they dont help!!!!!!

Put some music on that you like..........because when you sing your breathing becomes relax a bit.........and who knows..........shake you booty.......twerking.............go Nana..........just move slowly.........get your body moving..........even a little because your muscle will become weak.........and you will have no will only get worse!!

So put some happy music on.............and go for it!

Strictly watch out!!!!!!

Sending love and light

Tinx xxxxxxxxxxxx

Tissors profile image
Tissors in reply to tinkerbell17

Bless you Tina l know l need to get motivated and l love music and dancing so Great advice . Hopefully

I will start going back to the gym and a new Yoga class stats next month. I have Tramadol and regular over the counter pain killers and l'm going to see if my Dr will send me for a CTC scan .

This winter has really got me down low , it's been so very cold .

Peace and love.

Gilly xxxxx

tinkerbell17 profile image
tinkerbell17 in reply to Tissors

Hi Gilly, the winter gets a lot of people down........I got one of those light therapy lights they use for the SAD suffers.

Again I got it second hand. It does help, gives you a boost.

Have you tried herbal remedies for your mood?

Sending love and light

Tinx xxxxxxxxxxx

tinkerbell17 profile image

Hi Guys, thank you your likes!!! I was going to write some more tired. But I will pass on this information for any one living in Norwich, Norfolk.

There are hyperbaric chambers charity ran in Chedgrave Norfolk that charge a fee for a session.

The chiropractor is Dr Neil. The masseuse is Abbie although there are others in Norwich stumbled across them on Groupon and I thought what have I got to loose.............the best thing I ever did. The offer is still no Groupon one for an hour massage and a back check...........take advantage of the offer wont regret it!!!!!!!

I didnt its helped me sooooooooo much!

Love and light

Tinx xxxxxxxx

My name is Caroline if you book just mention that you were recommended by the fibro blog or me xxxxxxxxxx

TheAuthor profile image

I am genuinely delighted to read that this has worked for you and I want to wish you continued success.

All my hopes and dreams for you


tinkerbell17 profile image
tinkerbell17 in reply to TheAuthor

Hi, thank you for your reply, we can not expect a Doctor to hand us a miracle pill..........we have to for our selves research and help our selves as much as possible..........positive attitude, exercise how ever little, or as I have said put some music on and move, sing, watch funny movies. Laughter is a great healer. Eat well, do breathing exercises, drink plenty of water..........take time out for our selves, have an MOT for our selves.

Take care and love all of the most important things..........Mind.........Body and Soul!

Sending love and light

Caroline xxxxxxxx

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to tinkerbell17

Good luck my friend x :)

tinkerbell17 profile image

Hi fellow fibros, Have had a real bad time with this cursed thing.........thought all the good work would pay off! Thought I cracked it...........No..........I am now on tramadol and diazapam. I am soooooooo fed up at the moment, but do not want to be!

Have had lots going on personally and was wondering...........I know this may sound a silly question, but I feel it makes my symptoms worse. Anxiety and stress, and that one really cares, people see you look normal so to them we must be.

How are you today you may get asked...........I reply in can almost feel their eyes going up to heaven as to say ...........yeah............ok next question hows the weather!!!!!!!!

Sometimes I just want to run away.........well walk slowly as I cant run because my legs hurt ha ha.

I try to stay upbeat, but sometimes its so difficult. I can not do the things I used to and it frustrates me terribly.

I pray one day there is a cure..........and this dose not get worse as its debilitating, and can make you so sad.

Sorry for the moan but just feel fed up.

Sending love and light to you all

Tinx ( caroline)

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