Hi all well the dreaded brown envelope landed on my floor I have to fill a reclaim form in oh joy it stresses me out but what will be will be. I hope you all keeping as well as you can the cold weather doesn't help us .take care keep warm xxx
Pip: Hi all well the dreaded brown... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Oh dondons99 poor you, I know how you feel, I haven't had mine yet & I'm dreading it too. Try not to get to stressed, as you say, what will be but hopefully it will all be good my friend and i wish you well with it all.
Peace, luv n light
Jan x
A nice big book is it lol

Hi hun hope all ok it's not too bad thank god lol xxx
Best of luck with you application
Hi dondons99 , I hope everything goes good for you!! Good luck. Peck.🐤
Hi dondons99
I had a lovely lady come out to assess me at my home she was really caring. I was very nervous and she told me to try and cam down as lots off people are very nervous. She was here for about 1 hour. I got my pip about 2 weeks later. I got high rate for one and standard rate for the other for life. I wish you all the best of luck. Jan101 xxx
Hi I'm so glad for you hun how reassuring knowing you have it for life I'm glad you had someone nice when I went for my assessment 2 years ago I had someone nice fingers cross all goes well this time
Take care hun xxxxx
Hi dondons99 what a stressfull time this dwp insist on putting us through. I wish you luck my friend. I do know what your going through my angel xx
Hi, before you fill in your form take a couple of copies and then fill in one with a pencil so you can rub out if necessary. Sometimes we think we are answering properly but it can end up that it is not what you write but how you word it.
I do advise you get professionl help.
Janet, our benefits advisor can be reached through a link with the Mother Site fmauk.org .
Hello dondons99,,,,well that form is so long,,,I got through mine in december,,and will the details, my hands were aching with all the writing,,,to back up my meds, I sent the pack info sheets, a copy of my script,,,,and then I copied the whole form,,,so I know what I wrote,,and can take it with me, when the summons to appear arrives,,,I even put on the bottom that I had copied it,,,,waiting to hear the next bit,,dreading it,,and worried in case I lose my care and my mobility, and my car goes,,,,good luck in the form filling,,,,ttfn from karen.
I would advise you get help filling in the form. Remember it's your very worst days you need to describe. And make sure you photo copy the form, before you send it off. With our fibro fog, it's easy to forget what we have said!! Good Luck xx
I received mine this week as well pages asking if anything had changed so here we go agian
I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck with your application.