Hi I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis a few years ago. I take gabapentin paracetamol and use fentanyl patches but still have a lot of pain. Anyone got any other ideas.
I'm new here.: Hi I was diagnosed with... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I'm new here.

Hi Viv60 and welcome to our wonderful forum I'm sure you will come to love it as we all do. It really helps to be able to interact with others that are going through or been through the same experiences as yourself.
Im afraid battling the pain & getting pain meds to help is a constant battle for a lot of people with Fibro, Im like you and also have Arthritis P.M. so I do know what its like when nothing seems to relieve the pain. I take Pregablin which are very similar to Gabapentin, I also take Amitriptyline which helps with muscle spasms & sleep, I also have Butrans Patches & I take Quinine which also helps with Cramp. It is a case of trying various things like heat & sometimes cold pads to relieve pain. Tens machines also help.
Please do go and check out the Mother Site fmauk.org Where you will find lots of useful
Information and links. If you subscribe to emails you will get all the latest news on Fibro
I look forward to chatting with you on the forum.
I advise you to lock your post for your safety as unlocked posts are open to the internet, I have pasted a link to easy guideline on how to do this yourself in future.
Peace, luv n light
Jan x
Hello and welcome to our friendly fibro site. I see that Jan has given you some great and useful information.
If you look to the right under Pinned Posts, you will see Topics where members have posted their experiences about Symptoms and Treatments as well as many others. This may help you to find another soltion for your pain.
I do hope we see you around the forum.
Baths with Epsom salts
Hi there
Welcome to the forum 😊
I can see that my Admin friends have given you lots of advice.
I just wanted to mention another course of action that you could take.
Make an appointment to see your GP and ask for a referral to a Pain Management Clinic.
The Clinic will assess your needs as to what other meds to try you on.
It may well be that your GP can change or up your meds for you.
I look forward to seeing you around the forum.
If you need any help at all navigating your way around give me a shout and I will be very happy to help you.
Lu x
Hi Viv60
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. When my pain gets too much for me I use a TENS Machine and I find it usually does help me somewhat.
I have pasted you a link to the NHS Choices cache on TENS below:
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you