I was wondering if there is any home made remedies that anyone know the recipe for to help with fibromialga. I'm willing to try anything. I'm struggling with continues pain 4 children no energy. I also have rheumatoid arthritis so I'm completely swollen too.
I'm a new member: I was wondering if... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I'm a new member

Hi there sorry to hear your having a rubbish time, I use Epsom salts in my bath and I find it helps the pain and it's relaxing. Just a thought xx
Hi there
Welcome to the forum I am sorry that you have Fibromyalgia but I am very glad that you have found us.
If you take a look at our mother site you will find a wealth of information on Fibromyalgia fmauk.org
I have given you a link so that you can read up on how to lock your post. At present it is open to the whole internet and social media:
If you would like me to lock your post for you, please let me know.
I only use natural remedies for anxiety and sleep myself, so cannot be of much help.
I have no doubt that lots of our Fibro friends will be able to help you.
Wishing you less pain and more peace
Lu x
Hi Shezzagee and welcome to the forum, im sure you will love it like we all do..I have Fibro, Polymyagia, Arthritis & Degenerative nerve damage so i know how much pain you must be in.
Its a continuous struggle dealing with the pain. There are lots of natural remedies for inflammation...Tumeric..garlic..oregano..eat lots of vedgetables..
Hot or cold packs are good for swelling. I also have an Actipatch which is a tiny pulsating magnet which really helps my back pain. You can get free..just pay postage which is about 3 pound..this last for a week. If it works you can buy 1 that lasts for weeks..
You will get lots of ideas from members so i do hope you find something to help your pain.
Peace luv n light
Jan x
Jan can I ask where do you get the patch from? XX
Hi Pat9 yes I got it sent from the company, if you Google Actipatch free trial, it comes up straight away. Then if it works you can get one that you can turn off & it's something like 172 hrs. I can remember but it's long time & they cost about £20 I think & most chemists sell them now.
Luv Jan xx
Some forum members will be tired of my usual reply to this question.....but giving up diet coke and anything else with artificial sweeteners eg any drinks, puddings, yoghurts in was the best thing I ever did for pain relief.....
Worth a try ??
Wow diet coke ?? Never would have though it
I know this reply wasn't for me but I'm going to try what you've suggested
Yes I gave up diet coke a few yrs ago, its so extremely bad for you.
I notice I feel better in myself on a high protein diet, don't know why but any diet that cuts out sugar is better for you but it's agony if your a chocoholic that loves cakes, biscuits & basically anything sweet lol..
Luv Jan xx
Get some magnesium oil spray and B12 vitamins.helps with the brain and lack of energy. Don't Eat low fat dairy. Eat full fat and organic food when possible Eat lots of green leafy veg. Avacardo's. Make broths too. Good luck
I'm saying that artificial sweeteners are well known source of problems for many.
I'd rather have sugar any day......though do try to be sensible about quantities of that too.
I agree eat and drink better Look this up on the Internet Get as much sleep as you can Selfmassage with double base cream from docter Try elasticated stockings on your legs Chemist had these Tigerbalm try this Get your medication correct Ask members I'm on prebabalin 150 mg There arnt any magic posions I'm afraid 😎
Hi Shezzagee
Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I am quite aware that many members take certain supplement (but I would always talk to your doctor about them prior to taking any) and the main two are Vitamin D and Vitamin B12. It may also be useful to ask your doctor about tests for gluten and lactose intolerance?
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
As well as the many excellant replies, I find heat helps e.g. Hot water bottles.
For swelling keep feet up when you can.
All the best.
I use Guaifenesin. It's the main ingredient in over the counter cold medicine, Musinex 600mg. You can look it up on the Internet. Other people have found it helps also. One × twice a day. I hope you find something that helps you.