I'm new here, so Hello. I am married to Peter 2 daughters 3 grandchildren and a Greek rescue dog. Have had Fibro and OA since my midforties and have tried many alternative treatments. What I would like to know is whether anyone has heard of a connection between Glandular Fever/VitaminD/Turmeric! I hate this hot humid weather as much as cold...but cold is worse...too much pain with both!
I am new to this....: I'm new here, so... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I am new to this....

Hi there
Welcome to the forum You have found yourself a lovely place to come for advice, help, tips and just general support.
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I look forward to chatting to you again.
Wishing you less pain and more peace
Lu x
Hi Triikki, Welcome to our lovely forum and with that smile you gave I'm sure you will fit right in!! Wishing you a lovely day! ! Peck.🐤
Hello! Yes, lovely smile. If you ever have time I would love to see a pic of your dog
Hello mysmugcat...took me a couple of minutes to work out your name...okay I blame Fibro not the heat!! Not sure how I send a pic of our Greek God Max but I will find out and do so....
Keep cool Trikki
hi and welcome and i hope u enjoy the site ..i suffered from scarlet fever a lot as a child and measles ....
.big hugs and be good to see the responses xx
Just like to say welcome. Boiling hot here and every joint is zinging. Used to love hot weather but now it seems to knock me for six. Look forward to your future posts.x
Hello Rosewine. We had lots of swifts zinging around last night I think that the heat wave must have brought them out. Any over where you are. ?
Sue x

We have had 3 for a few weeks a pair and poor Johnnie no friends. Then the night before last a flock came over a few times I feel better without them. I honestly thought the warm weather would really bring them out. I am wondering whether with Baggeridge and Cotswellend so near they are all over there. Mind you I would think they would at least fly over us to get there. I always used to liken them to tiny Harrier Jets.🐦🐦🐦x
I almost lost my nose last night as one zipped past me as i stepped out of the back door. It made me duck.

I am green with envy. I get low flying sparrows who take a short cut between the houses over our garage roof if we are in the drive on just up the corner of the patio we nearly get bombed. I am quite pleased as I live Sparrows and the old place had masses when we moved nothing. Fortunately a family have set up house in the neighbours roof opposite and come to my don't feeder for food. Mom and Dad and 7 babies were having a bath the other day in my bird bath it was hilarious.
That is what I loved motorcaravanning we could get o close to nature that place at Hanley Swan was a magnet for birds. We used to have tohave a fire bucket with water in Caravan Club regulations. The crowd used to being friend read float them in the water and come back 10 minutes later and retrieve the snow soft bread. Have you had w chance o use your entire !such this year?x
We have been once this year for our G,daughters birthday.
A lovely quiet site Surrounded by water, Good for fishing and only in Hereford
Daughter helped to set up and son helped a week later to pack up.
Help much appreciated.
We have lots of birds around as well, a lot of jenny wrens [i live next to a stream, they like the water] robins & wagtails, but I love to see the baby sparrows all trying to balance on the washing line and squalling to their mums for food, typical kids arnt they, We also have a lot of pip.bats around us, if you stand in the garden early evening especially when its hot, they are zooming around after insects, luckily they have a better radar system than we do. Shows you theres always something to interest you in nature doesnt it. [wasps an exception! as we had a nest last year right beside the front door, they were in the gap in the walls, ] Hope the day goes well for you all. Lyzzie.
Love Wrens we always used to have a male build his 4 nests in the garden and the chosen wide e for the year always chose one in the same place. I did have them nesting in a box need my veggie patches in my last house. I just happened to be sitting in the summerhouse which as very near when they fledged. They just looked like brown bumble bees with wings. I once at Newborough Forest in Anglesey saw a wren take on a stout who was after her 5 babies. We stood transfixed for nearly and hour as she bravely flee around him trying o draw him away. I have never heard such noise from such a tiny bird. In the end a direct dive bomb to its nose did the trick. I felt like giving her a round of applause. I reckon it was the equivalent of us trying to make on a Mammoth.x
Hi Trikki & welcome to the site ☺I'm sure you will love it, make Fibro friends, get Support and advice from fellow sufferers.
Never heard of a connection of Fibro & glandular fever but I did have glandular fever when I was about 30 so I'm interested if there is a connection pls. Let me know..
Peace, luv n light
Jan x
Hi janet28......Seeing my GP again this week and will let you know what he says. I am sure our doctors get frustrated with Fibro sufferers as there is little they can do other than offer a cocktail of meds.
Welcome Trikki, I havent been using this site very long either but really enjoy the interaction and the advice and information is very useful. I have a Jack Russell called bugsy but shorten it to Bug, he always knows when Im not feeling good and will sit next to me for ages just watching me, Wonder what hes planning...hhmm. Great to meet you, keep well. Lyzzie x
Hi Jan.....My GP was interested in the connection with Glandular Fever which can trigger ME and CFS so I think there could be a tentative link. Had Vitamin D blood test today but the Dr said lots of people have a low count but they don't necessarily get Fibro. The link with turmeric helping he knew nothing about but I think we just baffle the medical profession. But I did meet in the car park another fibro sufferer and she was a hoot..but it was good as Peter (my lovely man) was there as well and she confirms exactly how I feel and as we all feel....Do you think we where horrid in a previous life and now this is pay back? Only kidding!!
Have a cool and upbeat day,
Oh okay yes that is interesting isn't it ?. Yes vitamin d is more often than not low in Fibro. That's great meeting someone with Fibro, its great to exchange details lol..
I think its good to have test for calcium, vit d, magnesium, cellenium, potassium, its quite good to have a boost of all these properties, because of our life styles now most people lack in these things.
I'm surprised no recognition of Tumeric because is known to be most powerful herb in the world, it helps fight & even to potentionally reverse desease.
Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant
Luv Jan xx
Now that is interesting...I have just started to take Ginger, Curcumin and Boswellia! Checked with my GP and he saw no problem with it mixing with my meds. Although pretty pricey if they work I don't mind. I could kick myself for not getting the name/contact of the lady in the car park.....Like so many of us she had a very cheery and funny disposition on life with Fibro...
Luv Trikki x
Hi Trikki
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance.
I have found a website called ''Glandular Fever Treatments'' that mentions Vitamins, so I hope that you find this useful:
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi Ken....Saw my GP today and he confirmed G F is often linked to ME and CFS so why not Fibro....But he obviously cannot confirm that is why I have Fibro...Having a Vitamin D blood test tomorrow....Let you Know the result..
Trikki....keep well x
Hello and welcome.
Sue x
Hi trikki, vitamin d and turmeric are both good for fibro. Turmeric is a very good one for a lot of illnesses as it gets to work on inflammation, infection,stomach disorders, etc.vitamin do very good for achy type pain and spasms like restless legs. Sorry, don't know any particular connection to glandular fever, although it is thought that fibro can be triggered by illness, amongst other things. Nice to meet you ,
Hi Trikki, vitamin d was prescribed by gp after checking levels through blood test, turmeric I have read 1/2 teaspoon a day, but I would definitely check this. I have not started taking this yet, need to get to shops.