Hi all just a question been prescribed amitriptyline does anyone take this and work? Worried about side effects and getting up for work, am on reduced hours now so don't know if there is a better time to take it, any thoughts welcome and also will it help the awful joint pain that wakes me every night? Thanks in advance π
Amitriptyline : Hi all just a question... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi I also take these but only at bed time don't feel they help me I'm really emotions after taking for a week so I have to stop them then start taking them again been on them for over a year but make no difference to my keep it pain sending gentle hugs
I was recommended by the pain clinic to take these tabs at least an hour, hour and a half before bedtime.
It doesn't really work for me though as my bedtime hours are all over the place
I am now on 60mg a night, I'm not sure whether they are effective any more, although they worked extremely well during the months when my gp gradually increased the dose.
I feel perhaps I should try and wean myself off them but like a coward I am reluctant to do it in case I have a major flare up. It feels like I am between the devil and the deep blue sea!
I did explore the option of nortriptyline but again it would mean coming right off the amitriptyline first.
I am sure I am using the ami as a security blanket and even though the doc is happy I stay at this dose, I'm not convinced
However, this is only my personal experience and I am not a medically trained professional. I would advise seeking the expertise of the pharmacist or bring it up with your gp at your next appointment.
Sorry, got sidetracked, yes, take them earlier at night!
Hi Suzie,
I take them at about 7 in the evening and they help me sleep. I work mornings and find getting up difficult so I am going to start them a little earlier to see if that helps any I was waking up at night with pains and my GP told me to take cocodamol 2 hours before going to bed and if I woke at 2am or so take some more. So far so good and I am managing, just wish work started about 10.30
Hi Suzie π
I'm in agreement with tiredalot, my GP told me to take them in the early evening and at one point he told me if I wasn't doing anything during the evening that I could take them as early as 5.00, and then the morning after feeling is isnt anywhere nearly as bad as it had been. I would however urge you to discuss this with your GP especially as you are getting joint pain. You haven't said if you are on any other pain medication, but as I understand it amitriptyline isn't hugely effective just purely for pain relief, but again you should discuss this with your GP
Sending lots of positive soothing vibes your way ππ
Foggy x
I think most things like this will work for some and not for others so the only way we can really tell is to give it a fair trial
Having said that, I was put on amitriptyline a few years ago and it didn't work for me at all. It didn't really do anything for the pain, I slept but still woke up feeling unrefreshed and the worst bit for me was my head felt four feet above my shoulders always until lunchtime, often till tea time the following day. I couldn't cope with that even around the house let alone at work (not that I have been able to work for 5 years).
The only thing I would say is my GP did say you have to give it at least a month, preferably longer and you do have to take it at regular times.
Hope you get some better advice from someone that finds it works for them, and hope you get some decent sleep too!
Thanks for advice and comments think i will get gp appointment and discuss further could almost cope with less sleep being awake etc if the pain was less at night if you get what I mean as now in bed tired but pain in shoulder and elbow stops me getting comfortable enough to sleep
I do not take this myself as I have a derivative called Nortriptyline but I want to gneuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck with this.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I have taken amitriptyline for several years as I was unable to sleep because of pain in my hips. Two tablets at around 6pm. I am sleeping much better now, although first thing in a morning I am slightly groggy for an hour or so. I can live with that but find I sometimes need sleep during the afternoon. My GP has been very supportive and has said I can take 3 tablets if needed. I am also seeing an osteopath every 3 months or so, which has helped the pain a lot. Every day sees a different site for pain but the two types of treatment I am receiving seem to be helping. I am able to take short walks every day which was unheard of before.
Everyone is different in the way they respond to treatment but hope the above gives my fibro buddies some hope.
I've been taking it for six years I take 75mg an hour before bed and I sleep like a baby I do wake up during the night but soon drop off again which was my problem before I started taking them I would get to sleep no problem but wake up after an hour or so then be awake most of the night I feel a bit groggy in the morning so if I'm working I get up half an hour earlier then I've time to come round a bit