i have my esa medical on thursday and im brickin it.could anyone give me any advice in wat to expect.
esa medical: i have my esa medical on... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
esa medical

mine is on Saturday, I'm worried and stressed about it. ive received my severe disability payment, and daily living payment pip. so I have to just get over this esa hurdle now.... be glad when all this ends.
I have never personally been through an assessment like this, but i would say to be yourself and be honest. I would also take somebody with you as I would never recommend being alone for an assessment as it is always best to have a witness to what you have said and what was said to you. I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
You will be asked a series of questions, relating to your everyday life and then a physical examination which will look at your range of movement. The questions may seem strange but answer them with your worst days in mind.
I agree with Rachel
Hopefully you kept a copy of your original form. Remember to look at your worst but also be honest. I wouldn't try to look too groomed as that is something they will look at. And agree to having someone with you. 1. For corroboration as to what went on in the meeting. 2. But also to indicate that you wouldn't have managed by yourself.
Hope all goes well
This video will show you what to expect
at your ESA medical and the assosiated web site is helpful to. Also look up ESA test on google which will help you understand it more.
I hope that helps you.
You will be asked to describe your typical day, concentrating on the answers you have given if you completed a form (not everyone has to). Your answers will be compared with the findings and history to make sure that there is consistency . They will ask things like how you got there - i.e. can you go out alone, drive, walk from the bus stop etc. Be honest but also do not play down your symptoms. Tell them about your worst days and how often you get them. Don't forget side effects to you medications if any. You need to be able to perform a task reliably, safely and repeatedly. If you cannot, tell them so. There will be a brief examination where you will be asked to perform a range of movements - if you can. If you cannot, or cannot without pain, then say so.
The assessor will be typing throughout the interview - don't be alarmed but they have to get it all down and in a short time. Take someone with you and record the interview if you can. Write reminders for yourself if you have a foggy day if necessary - and tell them why you have to do this.
Best wishes and I hope it goes ok.
Just thinking of you on this wet and windy day. Hope all goes well at your ESA assessment.
Good luck
Tigger x
Hope everything went ok with your assessment and you get the outcome you want, hugs to you xx
had my esa essessment on the 2nd of march,was with the assesor for a hr,took my carear with me,was grilled about my health and how it effects me,they asked me how i got there,they wanted to no if i can cook ie.meals make drinks lift pots, kettle.use a computor,which i cant ,my carear is type,ing this for me,get in and out of bed,with a aid,like bed rail,get in and out off the bath with a aid or not,can i paye the bills with out help,can look after my self with help or not,do i us e local transport ,bus,train,taxi,own car,push bike,so then they went on to examunastion,but did,nt have that as my lims have had it and have bad spasms.so did,nt need to be examed.with my exsperiances with atos and new one,its nerve racking but to be honest,these new lot for the dwp is alot more better treat every one like a human being not a scrounger,so just be honest,act natuel,and tell them how you feel,from day todayso good luck on your assessment,and hopefully your get it,with me now is the wait for the dreaded brown envelope,telling me i got it or not,and i was told it usualy take 14 day,s but more than likely it will be longer,so hope this helps,good luck.kellylou,x