Just wanted to know if anyone gets shaking hands, also my feet peel all the time and are sore.
Just wanted to know if anyone gets shaking hands, also my feet peel all the time and are sore.
Hi. My hands shake a lot and I can get quite twitchy to the point one nurse asked me how long I had MS for ! As for the feet it sounds more like they aren't getting dried properly. Pharmacy can give you something to help stop the soreness. Hope that helps
Hi Katy,
My hands shake all the time and they drive me mad. I've spoken to my GP about it and he says its called "essential tremor" and apparently the usual thing which helps it is some alcohol but of course with our meds that's not much of an option.
I think it would be a good idea for you to speak with your GP about this and about your feet, just so he can put your mind at rest and perhaps give you something to help with your feet.
Sending you very best wishes,
Foggy x
My hands shake too, I have quite a bad tremor at times which often results in dropping and spilling things. My feet also have dry skin patches that flake baby oil works well.
May I suggest using a bit of coconut oil on the feet instead of the baby oil,, the so called baby oil is based on mineral oil which in a bi-product of petroleum and leaches nutrients from the skin.
I say you should not even touch the stuff without washing your hands. To think some mothers slather their newborns in this stuff is beggars belief,, but thats marketing for you,, just add a pleasant smell and a suitable name,,, and it's Profit Profit Profit.
The coconut oil is beautiful and really nourishes the skin but keep it in the fridge once you open it as it goes off,,, or take some out to do for a week or so and freeze the rest !
I am so genuinely sorry to read that and I have to admit that my hands shake a great deal due to medication as I use steroids for my asthma and COPD. I also get skin problems on my feet and use an emollient in water for this and it is wonderful, really helps me a lot.
I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Im glad it isn, t just me who has the shakes I was worried it might be ms or something else.