I lost my handbag yesterday went back to tesco to see if I had left it there after searching the house and car it hadn't been handed in so came home trying to remember what was in there before I rang the bank went to make a cup of tea and there it was on the kitchen side I don't no how i didn't see it as it's massive lol xx
Brain fog : I lost my handbag yesterday... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Brain fog

I know how you feel. It has happened to me too - not with my handbag but various objects around the house.
I once reported my mobile phone lost to the Police as I could not find it anywhere and was convinced that I had dropped it whilst out. I then had the embarrassment of finding it a couple of days later in a coat pocket in the wardrobe. Couldn't even call it as it was on silent. Dohhhhhh!!!!
I have had pretty bad fog for the past week or so due to extreme fatigue - oh those disturbed/sleepless nights ..... I have also noticed increased clumsiness too - it does explain all those bruises.
I am always doing that, can't really blame fog as I've done it since I was a teenager! Got to the stage I stopped taking one out with me, I still don't if going with husband - he pays!!😄😄
Always loosing stuff. Always have car keys tethered round my neck. It's so exuagsting hunting for things. It's when you find said bag in the freezer you should worry.
I now have a duplicate set of keys for everything lodged with my close friend, so if as happened about this time last year I lost both my house and car keys all in the same movement, I can't get locked out of my cottage and car. I once found my lipstick in the freezer .....lalalala 😉😳😜
Foggy x
Due to terrible sense of direction I lost the car once.
Frozen lipstick sounds interesting.
I'm pleased now that my car lights flash when I click on the key fob, really helps locating car 👍🏻😃😃 The frozen lipstick had to be consigned to the bin as it went all lumpy and revolting. I can only apply lipstick with a brush and even doing it like that and trying to avoid the lumps it didn't look or feel right at all !!😉😜😃😃
Foggy x
Ive found my purse in the fridge and tried putting the washing in the freezer instead of the tumble dryer.
Oh my word, I thought I was the only one who lost things on a regular basis. I sometimes think I've got pixies in my cottage who move things around and put them in places other than where I think I left them !! Like you I have "lost" my handbag, retraced my last journey going to all the places I been and then coming home only to find said handbag sitting somewhere completely obvious.......brain fog of the thickest variety !! 😳😳
Foggy x
Well when I smoked I put an ashtray in the fridge lol xx thanks for your replies at least I'm not the only one
I'm forever doing similar but I cant top a friend of mine, she went shopping struggled home on the bus and some time later recalled that yes she had passed her driving test so back on the bus she went to retrieve her car. xx
Well that has topped us all lol xx
second attempt.
i was reading about someone who left their baby outside of a shop, the number of people who wrote in to say that they had as well was a surprise. I though it was only me who had done that and i didnt even have the fog to blame.
but boy did i cop it off my mother in law.

yep! done that, first child, don't think my brain had caught up with the fact I was a mother! she's 35yrs now!
Oh dear! I am so sorry but I did laugh at that! I must admit that I am always doing things like that with my wallet or my keys. I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck.
Al my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
I know the feeling, lost my walking stick last week, could not even remember where I had been to retrace my steps so went into disability shop and bought a new one, got home and my next door neighbour handed me my stick which I had left early when popped in for a brew, now I have two sticks to lose!
Well I think my fibro fog story tops it all. I work from home and was walking from the office to the kitchen talking to my son overseas and then asked one of my employees where my phone is! She just looked at me in amazement. I was talking and holding my phone and looking for it at the same time - too much - we are still laughing.
You all have a wonderful day
Happens to me all the time, I can be looking directly at a thing and just not see it!
I have left my bank card in the chip and pin not once but twice in the last month thank god it was at my local shop! Both times it wasn't until I've gone to pay for something and my card wasn't in my purse so I've asked them if I left it last time I was in there and they had it behind the counter! I worry I'm going to do it one day and someone will steal it (especially now you can swipe the card and don't even have to know the PIN number!).
My boyfriend could'nt find his keys a few weeks ago and we seached the whole house for them... i swore blind i hadent seen or touched them... a few hours later he found them in the drinks cupboard behind a pack of caprisun... there was no doubt it was me but i have no recolection of ever touching them! Those are they days you really just need to laugh the fibo-fog off!!