I hear a lot of people sharing that they also experience getting heated or sweatey easily. Does anyone know what these are? Are they hot flashes? Is that possible in your early 30's?
Muscle Spasms/ Hot flare ups - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Muscle Spasms/ Hot flare ups

I am not sure but I'm the same and I'm 30 x
in m.e it is part of the post exertion malaise , it could also be down to homeostasis disregulation. and possibly thyroid problems. keep notes of your hot flushes how long they last and take the notes with you to a gp. also possible with high blood pressure. i take atenolol for hot flushes caused by high blood pressure.unfortunately they do not help with the hot sickly feeling from p e m.
I am so genuinely sorry to read that, and I sincerely hope that you can find the answers that you are looking for. I also have hot sweats and I am a 52 year old man. I do not personally know if it is Fibro related or another one of my medical conditions?
I have pasted you a link to the NHS Choices cache on Hyperhidrosis:
NHS Choices - Hyperhidrosis:
I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Interesting Ken, I thought it was a female thing - or possibly medication - but we are all taking different meds so I really think it may be linked to FM.
Before I was diagnosed, I also suffered from night sweats - I used to wake in the middle of the night and have to change my PJ's and bedding as they were soaked. That seems to have eased a bit now for whatever reason - still sweat but not to the extent that I need to change my PJ's and bedding.
Interesting info on that link too - thanks for info xx
Dragonfly, I don't know what to advise other than I wear a vest top with something loose over so my clothes don't get wet - also because I can't bear the feeling of being strangled by my clothes at times - even wear baggy trousers these days as I feel so uncomfortable in close fitting clothes.
I have read that coconut oil is a natural remedy - rub some under your arms and on your body - smells nice and helps with the problem xx
My daughter had really bad skin and the coconut oil has helped massively with that too -also good for sunburn believe it or not - not that we need to worry about that xx
Maybe I am on the andropause? I reckon it probably is Fibro related. However, I do pick up a lot of infections due to my COPD so I never really know what is doing what?
I am so genuinely sorry to read how bad yours Hyperhidrosis can get as mine just manly affects the top half of my body and being a fella it is so much more convenient, and acceptable, for a guy to take off his shirt etc. I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
PS. I must try some of this coconut oil.
Hi, it is fibro. The sweats are awful just face and head iam on tablets off doc for this now. They do help but still get the sweats. Your thermostat goes haywire with fibro its a total nightmare xx
Hi, yeah, me too.. 58. Through menopause, so not really that! Keep battling on guys! X
Thank you everyone for your thoughts help and support! My heart goes out to you all thank you for the strength!☺️💕
I have been having them for so long I can't tell you when they started! At least 20 years docs just keep telling me it due to fibro or being premenopausal
I get hot and sweaty at random intervals. It can be after I have been for a walk or simply sitting in front of the computer. I am 45. Not sure if it is to do with life change, but think it more likely fibro. Glad to know it is not only me. Very frustrating, as it can happen randomly and it looks like I have been running a marathon. If I am not getting hot sweats, then I fell really cold. My feet and hands are particularly susceptible to cold and have to wear bed socks at night, even in summer. I hope you get to the bottom of it. xx
I spoke to my Dr on Monday regarding this, the only conclusion we could find was me changing meds! Have a read through the information contained in meds box, it may be the answer. 😊
I used to love heat, weather couldn't be hot enough! Now I struggle when the temperature gets towards 23C, and hot baths "jellifie" my legs, so not so much about getting sweaty, just heat intolerant. Just have to accept it and adapt, it's life!
Dragon Fly ,
Sorry to tell you this ,but it is to do with the Fibro ,iv had all my Hormones checked ,an they have come back fine,I was diagnosed in 2000,with ME ,then last year with FIBRO.I haven't stopped sweating since the year 2000 ,its so bad ,I look like iv just come out of the SHOWER ,cold or hot weather I'll still sweat .I watch what I eat ,if I have bread ,pasta ,that make's it worse ,to much tea or coffee ,and any drinks with Caffeine in .There's a lot of food that up sets ME an FIBRO ,try looking it up on Google ,and taking those foods out of your diet ,see if that helps.It's best not to eat any processed foods ,Fizzy drinks ,i know its boring ,but it will help with the Fibro.
Good luck.
Love an Huggs.
Sorry for got to say ,if you're on Amitriptyline, that can cause sweats. I was seen by Professor Finley, he was the first Doctor to find ME an FIBROMYALGIA ,he named the condition, he opened up the first clinic in Harold wood Hospital ,I had to go private be cause he was so booked up on the NHS.He also told me to take Vitamins, when I Don't take them I'm worse and in bed constant, when I take them I have more energy ,an not so much pain.
Please read up on Vitamins ,there a vitamin for sweats ,I bought it ,then found out I can't take it cause I'm Epileptic, iv also had a Heart attack an stroke ,my heart Doctor said it WASN'T the heart meds making me sweat ,if you are on a tablets for high blood pressure and pulse ,it would in fact slow your pulse down and metabolism ,so you wouldn't sweat ,its if you HAVEN'T taken your HEART meds ,you may sweat.
I'm not a know it All ,iv got both my parents with Heart Problems ,they have both had bypass's, and dads got a Pace Maker now,Dads Kidneys are packing up ,so he got to be Diyalasised soon ,and hes got Skin Cancer as well.,Also there both Dibetic. My brother has All Port Syndrome, which is Hearing ,eyesight Problems and also his kidneys packed up ,an he's had ,2 Transplants .Iv got ME ,FIBRO,Stroke, Angina ,Damaged Aorta in the Heart ,Purturity Tumour, Epilepsy, Asthma, Ulcers in the Colon ,IBS ,Damaged Spine in 3 places ,Dibetic ,Under active Thyroid ,Trapped Sciatic nerve in back an leg ,Balance an Tremor problems ,Brain Fog. Joint pain all the time an I take 49 medication tablets a day ,.iv also had 10 major operations an 7 car accidents ,were people have hit me in the Rear or Run me over an killed me ,and Cancer Twice ,To say iv got my monies worth out of the NHS is a under statement ,but my old hospital made 3 bad mistakes and I could have died ,so I'm very lucky to be alive .So o think I should have been a Nurse ,not a Business woman with 3 company's., those were the good old days .
I hope I haven't bored you silly .
Take care .
Thank you Jacqui for reaching out, I'm so sorry what you and your family have and still are enduring, how do you keep your thoughts straight? I'm still so new to this I miss the way I was and are having to come to terms with the way things are now. I don't take ametriptalyne anymore. I'm still on lots of prescription meds. I do take a whole food supplement flax seed oil and vitamin D. I hope you are having a better today. Thinking of you!
Hi Hun ,thank you for your post ,Honest. I TAKE one day at a time ,and I try an laugh alot ,that really dose help ,if you can read my 2 post go Landslide ,its all the Vitamins that we all should be on ,as well as food we must not eat.
I can't say I'm 100 percent with my life ,cause iv been like this for 10yrs and ME for 15yrs ,but I did work till 10 yrs ago ,as you know I got hit by the car.
Also don't be Brave ,if you feel you need to cry ,then do it ,that helps.
I'm here for you if you want to explode or chat .
If you ever want my number ,just ask .
Love an Huggs.
Hi! How are you today? Thank you! And yes a good laugh always seems to ease all this! I try and do that more often even if it's at myself. Your right I try to often to be the brave one but we're all human and have our breaking point. I'm trying more herbal supplements and vitamins I feel our body's don't get what they normally need anymore, it's hard to find foods that aren't loaded with stuff you'd rather not place in your body and what an effect it has.
Gosh some people have all the luck lol
I bet you don't even 'look' ill xx
My GP gave me this multivitamin tablet in the beginning as there as there are certain elements that there is no test for so they can't tell if you are deficient.
They did actually make me start to feel better but then I started vomiting after a few weeks and had to stop taking them.
I still have some but the thought of taking them makes me retch )-:
'For anyone who can tolerate them, I strongly recommend as within about 3 weeks I noticed a big difference xx
I just try to be mindful of what I am eating now - although when I am really tired I just grab whatever is easiest - if I bother at all.
I am quite lucky as my 2 adult children still live at home and my daughter does a lot of the cooking - she inspires me to help or otherwise I just would not bother - I used to be so healthy and active it is unbelievable how much things can change in a really short time xx
Hi Landslide,
I'm just greedy ,ha ha .my whole family have allways looked after them selves ,in a greengrocer daughter, so we had the best fruit an veg ,I went weight training 3 times a week ,and swimming, I was a Hairdresser at the time ,then I had a really bad car accident ,hit my head ,then I got the Tumour an epilepsy ,don't worry ,iv not had a fit in 15 years ,take my meds regular, I said that cause I had a smart ARS's telling me off for driving the other day, I won't drive if I feel unwell or on my morphine .well any way ,I had the same problem with my vitamins, made me sick ,don't take them when you take your medication,leave about 2hrs in between.Also half the dosage if its one tablet cut it in half ,do that for about a week ,if that dosnt work ,then buy the Vitamins separate, the one's that are the best are ,Vitamin B -100 with Amino Acids,Magnesium ,Collagen for the joints an skin ,and a cleanser like Milk thistle or something like that .there the main one's, I take on top of that lot Chromium ,keeps the blood sugar regular ,dose help with the sweats,Also Biotin ,helps Mucus Membranes ,
Glucosamine with MSM ,helps joints an pain ,
Zinc for immune system, bone's ,Mental ,Brain performance ,Korean Ginseng for MEMORY, brain performance, Star Flower oil ,helps joints ,Rosehips joint pain ,Vitamin C.
I also take a vitamin that keeps infections at bay ,and I can't find the bottle ,I run out 6 weeks ago ,since not taking that one ,iv had a Kidney infection Twice.
I hope iv not bored you ,I'm just trying to help ,the Vitamins for the Brain really do help .
Take care .
Love an Huggs
Wow thanks for info Jacqui 😊
My pleasure ,its been my life for the last 15 yrs ,so iv looked in to everything to help me,but iv had a stroke and got hit by a car giving CPR to a man ,he lived ,I died ,since then iv been really I'll.I also keep of bread ,pasta ,potatoes ,peppers ,Tomatoes ,they all cause problems with FIBRO and ME .
Good luck .
I don't know how you have done it! I highly respect your perseverance and endurance. I really hope your having a better day today! Thinking of you☺️
Thanks Hun ,xx
I'm watching ghosts on TV at the moment.
I'm Clairvoyant ,so things like that I enjoy.
Oh my!! That's really interesting! My husband and I love that stuff! We watch Ghost Stories on the history channel. Enjoy your show!☺️
Omg. That's so weird, well if you ever want a reading ,I don't charge ,an I can do it over the phone ,.
Love an Huggs ,I'm watching 155 sky xx
I am a 48 year old man and I also suffer from the Fibro sweats. They can come on at anytime and leave my entire body soaking wet. It looks like ai have just stepped out of the shower. I have started wearing bandanas at home as they help a bit. I must remember to take it off before answering the door though!
Just another thing that Fibro has thought up for us.