Hi I'm new to this site, I'm Charlotte I'm 21 from sunny wales and I have fibro.
Hello: Hi I'm new to this site, I'm... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi Charlottejade, welcome to the site. We may all have different degrees of fibro, other diagnoses, different symptoms, but we understand the basics of this well, bummer. And we try to find ans share ways to feel and get better.
I have found so much support, advice, suggestions, rib ticklers, and great people here. I know you will too.
I agree with Clare as to the help you get from this site. We are all there for you and there is so much helpful information. Did I mention the fun and laughs there are, all help with the pain we suffer! x
Hi Charlotte
Welcome to our friendly fibro forum where we all gather for friendly support and advice and I'm glad you decided to join us.
As a new member I thought you may be interrested in this FAQ that we have which gives an A-Z of fibromyalgia which contains a lot of useful information.
Also, if you visit fibroaction.org you will also find a wealth of information regarding fibromyalgia and many things associated with the illness from how to manage it, or monitor your symptoms to even benefit advice and where to get help from when required. There are a lot of downloadable and printable fact sheets which can be useful for helping to explain the illness to loved ones or for taking to the doctors with you to help you explain your own symptoms to them.
Please don't be afraid to ask any Q's as there is always someone not too far away who may be able to help or even just give a hug for support
Healing fibro fighting soft fluffie hugs with smiles for you and look forward to seeing you around
xxx sian
Hi Charlotte, welcome. Look forward to chatting to you. x
Thank you all very much, I was very nervous to join this site didn't know what to expect, you all sound like very caring and good people, there is one question to ask " I've had tinny red pin prick marks all over my arms and legs" is this anything to do with fibro? Thanks to you all Charlotte
Hi Charlotte,
I've got a lot going on where I am so won't do a detailed reply, but I wanted to take the time to say hello and welcome you to the community.
I'm going to be 21 in a July so we're a similar age. As for the pin pricks question, I'm not sure, someone else might be able to help better. Occasionally I get it on my legs after I've had a shower but it's never really been an issue. Hope someone else can be more helpful.
Long time no speak as I was poorly sick over xmas etc - Hope you are feeling better now
Hi Emma,
Better to hear from you thanks. Doing coursework is an upward struggle and climb, because my memory keeps lapsing unfortunately. Anyway, I'm doing it little and often and the people at uni are aware I'm finding things challenging at the moment.
I'm sorry you weren't well over the Christmas period. Hope you're feeling better now as well. The sun is shining and spring is here.
Gentle hugs,
P.S. If you're interested, I've written some posts with personal thoughts of Fibro - thought it might be helpful for people to explain to their family, or even gain insight into their own condition: healthunlocked.com/fibroact... - so this is about fog.
they are the main 2, some are duplicated where I've repeated or updated stuff. Charlotte, you might like them too.
Hello Charlottejade21,
Welcome to the FibroAction community!
Hope you find this community both informative & supportive and find talking to others with Fibro helpful as we understand.
If you need any information about Fibro please check out our website where we have factsheets you can download & print - fibroaction.org
We also have a FAQ here on the community which is being added to as and when but you may find some of the posts useful. I hope to chat with you in the near future
Best Wishes
FibroAction Administrator
Hi Charlottejade, welcome indeed. I wont add any advice as there's plenty of good stuff there. I hope you find what you need and that includes fun and distraction