I have two Siamese kittens, look where I found one yesterday.
Naughty fluffies: I have two Siamese... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Naughty fluffies

thanks for sharing this, adorable
Really made me laugh ty XX
Crazy cat!
Reminded me of one long gone Siamese.
Her favourite place was hanging around my neck like a scarf or the top of the door.
She yowled for England when hungry.
And purr like an engine when pleased.
See i knew that a christmas tree was not complete without a kitty. :P. I havnt got one Ill make one.
Your kitten is lovely and what a great pic.
Hugs sue
Thanks, his brother got in it when I removed him hence the tree is now back in its box & in the loft.
I had a pair about 25 years ago & longed for some more. They are very mischievous but make me extremely happy.
Awwwww soo schweeee but Siamese are very intelligent and will get into all sort of probs because of the insatiable curiosity (there's an Aesop's fable about an elephant with an "insatiable curiosity who got into a whole lot of trouble )
Of course two means double the trouble, but I'm sure the delight they bring you far and away makes up for any slight misdemeanour (she say hopefully )
Foggy x
I have a six month bengal they are nuts, i have had simease, would
Rather have a simease than a bengal I think never a moments piece
Am I to old for this maybe.

You might be lucky with the Bengali and it might start to settle down a bit. One turned up on my brother in laws doorstep last year and she was an utter nutcase and as you say never shut up and would go and help herself to the sachets of food and open them if he was just a couple of minutes late feeding her. She still does that trick but certainly doesn't talk as much as she did and is very loving, she actually reminds me more of a dog than a cat in the way she behaves.x

ahh I love Bengals could you put a pic up so we can see xx
Another branch higher and a little stretch, bingo! One little bird in the mouth
Beautiful kitty
What a look of absolute innocense on that little face butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. I bet you are having a riotous time with them both.x
Well trees are for climbing after all mummy!!!
I love cats all cats but Siamese are indeed very special,full of mischief and a twinkle in their eyes xxxxx
I is so nice to see that the heads of Siamese cats are coming back to what I consider to be a more normal shape,, for so long the breeders were trying to elongate the head through selective breeding.
Very pretty kitten, and they are so inquisitive,,, beautiful creatures.
She is just so beautiful. How on Earth did she get up there? Thank you so much for sharing this picture it is lovely.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Love the look on the cats face!
Oh Ken poor kitty now has issues, you've made him very stroppy she is a he lol his name is Dobby.