knee in agony cant sleep now.... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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knee in agony cant sleep now....

gallini profile image
4 Replies

Some advice please, I have been having ongoing pain with my left knee for years with my ra. Had my right knee looked into with camara, and cleaned out its been fine. I went to rhumy nurse 3 weeks ago he tried to aspirate it but couldnt get alot out , as he said it was congealed. Had a steriod into joint of knee. thought id be great, but the opposite, i can only walk for about ten minutes then it kicks in its like something is touching a nerve, the pain shoots down my leg in calf and foot, i couldnt sleep last night which ever way i slept. it is unbearable. I have rang nurse he gave me a quick appointment with my consultant 17th dec 2014, but i dont think i can wait that long. He said she will refer me to orthpedics to get it looked at. Do you think i would be dramatic to go to A & E????? i hear they can refer you to outpatients orthepedics.. just dont like going to casulty feel like iam clogging the system...HELP.....

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gallini profile image
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4 Replies
Betty67 profile image

Only you know how you feel but 10 days seems a long time to wait and I did go into A&E once with a headache that the GP could not see me and ended up being in hospital for 2 weeks so they took it seriously, however I was in the waiting room for 6 hours.

keep in touch and all the best.

jaynief profile image

Hi, I'm sorry to hear you're in so much pain.

I just had a thought. I have problems with both wrists and when I was 23, my gp gave me a cortisone injection into my left wrist joint. Three days later I went back in tears as the pain was ten times worse and my wrist had swollen up massively. My gp took one look at me and said I was having a bad reaction to the injection. I now can't have steroid injections as I am classed as allergic to them.

It may not be the same thing, but it's something to keep in mind as I was told it is very rare!

If you need relief now, I would say go to A & E as it won't hurt to try.

Good luck and fluffy hugs

Jayne x

TheAuthor profile image

Hi gallini

I am so sorry to read that you are suffering in this way and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to this issue. I would say that if your pain levels are too much for you to endure then go to A&E and explain the situation? You could always try the Walk-In Centre(s) if you feel too guilty about using A&E?

I want to wish you all the best of luck with this problem.

All my hopes and dreams for you


clare_hart profile image

Can you get an "emergency" appointment with the ortho doc? Do you think you might have some sciatica too? Except you would probably feel that in both legs and down the thighs as well.

Have you tried any home remedies to help the pain? Some of the things I do for my torn left meniscus are: gentle stretching, including straightening the leg slowly and flexing and extending the foot, turning the foot in all directions, sitting up, stretch the leg and foot, lean over and pulling back on the toe as much as possible while it is pointing straight up (that can be a hard one), wrapping moist heat around the kneww and sore muscles around the leg, hot baths, compresses with herbals and salt (calming herbals and essences like lavendar, chamomile. Make an infusion of herbs and essential oils like you would tea. You could use herbs like Fresh Rosemary, Fresh Comfrey root herb, Essential oils of Peppermint, Rosemary, Pine or Birch, and/or Eucalyptus - you can make a large pot of tea, add essential oils to the bath and add the herbal tea. (about a quart and 5 to 10 drops of each essential oil) And, you can drink teas of some of these herbs, or put the infusions in a hot compress.

Here is a really great link for making different concoctions and other things you can do besides taking pain meds or OTC anti-inflammatories.

This is from the publication of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals. (ABMP) I used to belong to this organization and a large part of my training as an HHP was in the use of essential oils, herbs, and extracts of various herbs and flowers. It is amazing to me how many healing properties Mother Earth naturally provides us. Did you know that cayenne is an anit-inflam? It is also good internally for digestive health problems. It helps to improve bowel movement and stomach irritation, through gentle irritation of the stomach and intestines. Like I said, amazing stuff.

A bit of gentle self-massage, pressing on sore points, those around them, and any areas that hurt while you are putting presure on another site. (trigger points) Always support your knee. My best suggestion besides very slow, gentle stretching (you might even benefit from reflexology), is moist heat. I love it because it is soothing and calming, so relaxation of any sort helps with pain. So does watching romantic movies that make you cry or comedies that give you a belly laugh. (and reading same)

Yikes, I'm just garrelous as all get out tonight. Must be the teacher in me! (something I have done in each of my chosen careers and found very satisfying)

Well, shucks, I think that is enough out of me. I don't mean to sound like a know it all; OK well I do know a lot from learning and experience, and experimenting on myself and willing guinea pig family and friends. ;0

I hope you find a solution for all this pain, inflexibility, and inflammation. If you feel you need to go to an A&E, please do; don't wait for it to get worse. And bring a book for that 6 hour wait! ((( ~ ))) <<<--- that stands for hugs and massage in the middle!

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