Has anyone ever used acupuncture to help with the pain??
Acupuncture : Has anyone ever used... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hello lovencare
Yes I had Accupuncture with pain clinic I felt better in myself but it was nt for Fybro it was for abdo problem but did nt change the pain. I will say my hip hurt once and they targeted the muscles around the hip and it never happened again it was brilliant so maybe it would work for Fybro it very relaxing and I think you have to feel like it will work or at least go with an open mind . Mine through pain clinic was free and knew they had training but glad I tried it . If my hip did same again I would go back hope that helped love nice to meet you love squeak xxxps everyone is unique xx
It's for my partner who has fm and we are trying to find anything else that will help with her chronic pain xx
that's a really nice thing to do,I don't think it can harm !everything is worth a try .my next stop is hypnotherapy but only to learn deep relaxation techniques so that I can cope better with pain. Good luck to you both love squeak xx ps you have found the right place here there are so many friendly people who understand and will help as much as they possibly can xx
that's a really nice thing to do,I don't think it can harm !everything is worth a try .my next stop is hypnotherapy but only to learn deep relaxation techniques so that I can cope better with pain. Good luck to you both love squeak xx ps you have found the right place here there are so many friendly people who understand and will help as much as they possibly can xx
Oh my God? YES! Find you a chinese acupuncturist, trained in China.
Actually you can find one yourself online. Doctors don't understand that they have to be trained in China. Read the reviews.
Hi lovencare
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I have had acupuncture through a private chiropractor and it did not work for me; it just made me hurt all the more! I always say that we are unique individuals and that we all respond and react differently to both our illness and our treatments. So just because it did not work for me does not mean it will not work for you? It is always worth a try?
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
No, but there was an item on tv recently showing how it can have positive results. Good luck
I have had acupuncture over many years and to be honest some times it has not worked and others it has been fantastic. It can depend on the persons knowledge and the person on the day I think.
Might be worth getting a pressure point Body Back Buddy it has been mention on here before for pressure point relief.
Yes it had no effect apart from sending me to sleep. That helps for the pain but not when its during the day I.e. straight after.
Hi lovencare - I have had good and bad experiences with acupuncture: My favourite practitioner was trained in western and traditional chinese medicine but also has a very gentle, intuitive nature who did everything to make me feel comfortable and avoided pain and overstimulation (she's a buddhist, maybe that's why?). For ten years I turned to her for help with every new symptom, and she always helped. Then I tried practitioners without the indepth knowledge and experience who did what I call 'acupuncture-by-numbers': always the same points, quite aggressive needle placement, 'no-pain no-gain' attitude and unpleasant, uncomfortable rushed environments. Needless to say, the effect, if any, was short lived and usually I had worse and more symptoms the following days. So ask around, acupuncture can help a lot. Whatever you try, I hope you find relief!
I tried regular accupuncture and it did not help (about 20 sessions, so I really tried). For the past 5 years I have been undergoing toyohari accupuncture. They use small needles and also magnets to stimulate the natural healing of your body. I have much more energy to do my normal chores and exercises which gets the pain under control, together with of course, the right medication. You can google toyohari accupuncture and read what it is about. It is long term commitment at about £40 for a session for 1 hour and there are not a lot of practitioners in the uk. Currently I am driving from Edinburgh to Glasgow every second week, but this is an investment that I do not want to go without. I would rather go without new clothes or eating out!
Kind greetings.
I found it very relaxing, which has a knock on effect on the pain, it mak3s me sleep better ans have more energy. Very pleased with it, at moment having auriculur acapuncture and it works well. ( acaupuncture of ear only).