Wee update: Not wrote on here in a... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Wee update

msBrightside profile image
39 Replies

Not wrote on here in a while. Been exhausted for the last few days not great bed bound. Enjoying a chilled Weekend for a change much to all my pals dismay lol ..Good NEWS! Got a place in college doing music exactly what I love.

Don't know how I'll manage, that's probably what's stressing me and getting me down. Won't know if I don't try though and I'm going to give it a good shot. :)

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msBrightside profile image
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39 Replies

Hi congratulations on your college acceptance, my godson is in his second year doing music and really enjoying it, good luck x

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to

Thank you :) I'm really excited about it should be great for me. Felt i put my life too much on hold. Positive step forward. All the best to you and your godson too x

TheAuthor profile image

Congratulations, I am absolutely delighted for you. I want to wish you all the best of luck with your course.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to TheAuthor

Thank you ken :) I appreciate it.

Best wishes to you x

Shadows-walker profile image

You go for it :d you can do it just remember to pace yourself ,don't stress enjoy :)

Shadows-walker profile image

You go for it :d you can do it just remember to pace yourself ,don't stress enjoy :)

Shadows-walker profile image

You go for it :d you can do it just remember to pace yourself ,don't stress enjoy :)

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to Shadows-walker

Thanks you're right a wee nap when I get in and I'll be sorted :) I'll try to just be excited and not stress. :-D

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply to msBrightside

Good girl ,sorry so long getting back to you ,my daughter has a load of uni students staying weekend ,and I am bushed now they have just piled out to pub , she's following her dreams and is off to japan for a year at the end of step or early oct , teaching as part of her degree . I had to push her to apply as she was worried about me , have loads of post to answer as I haven't been on here all day take care keep us posted how you get on xx Chris

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to Shadows-walker

Aw don't worry I know what it's like trying to remember to reply to everyone. Sounds like your daughter is having a ball of a time :)

Good luck to her in Japan that's amazing! You must be so proud :D it's lovely she cares so much for you she was willing to put her course on hold. Great that you encouraged her too!

Will try and keep everyone posted there is a possibility it'll be too much but don't know until I try :) xx Shaunna

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply to msBrightside

It is enough that this illness has changed my life ,I am not letting it effect my children ,they have to fly ,sorry again ,late reply just gone to bed been watching ,how to train your dragon ,and mega mind with the gang ,thay wouldn't let me go to bed,and kept telling me that there mums don't watch telly with them ,so had pop corn and Toni water ,beer for them , some may be staying an extra day ,one girl has arthritic pysorisis ,on some of the drugs I have been on and couldn't tolorate it ,she's only 21 ,young like you at least I didn't understand when I was younger what they were fussing about,being told I might have difficulty having children didn't really mean much to me at 17 ,that was when I started haveing issues with my immune system but didn't realise it. Anyway on a lighter note ,we had a BBQ this afternoon ,as well ,so really bushed now. Nigh night x

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to Shadows-walker

That's good you want them to do their own thing. Very, selfless :) will bring you joy seeing them do so well though.

Oh sounds a fun day :)

Yeah I'm probably much the same try not to think too far ahead. I've just gotta hope for the best.

Night night xx

Should be in bed too lol

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply to msBrightside

Did you sleep it slept like a log :d

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to Shadows-walker

Nope :( I was knackered but stayed awake the whole night .. finally got a nap about 7 . 30 am :0

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply to msBrightside

I must admit am in pain now ,but trying to pretend ok as they are going on 4 pm train. :(

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to Shadows-walker

Aw that's really nice of you wanting to take them though you are in pain. Don't strain yourself though. I'm sure your daughter wouldn't want you to. :)

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply to msBrightside

All done ,I had to take them to station ,as it was 7 miles to station.

Flat out on sofa now ,going to allow myself to give in now the pacing just went out the window the last 18 hours :d it's been lovely though. :)

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to Shadows-walker

Aw well done you :D Sometimes does make u feel good when you have did that wee bit extra, working though pain.

I'm like that as soon as I sit down knackered you think a good weekend was worth the pain. Glad you had a lovely time :)

Congratulations on your acceptance to the course you want. That is half the battle, doing something you love :)

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to

Thank you very much ") Yeh I will enjoy every minute the last course I did was such a chore this is more a passion, so I'll love it :D

in reply to msBrightside

Then you are set for success :)

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to

Aw thanks I hope so :) x

mitziblue profile image

So happy for you sweetheart!!! Hope you can handle it and blossom since it's your passion. Best of luck, if you need us we are here!!! xxx Mitzi

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to mitziblue

Thank you very much :) got a tough road ahead but it will be worth it. Found out I should still be able to receive ESA while I study too. Which should help a great deal with it being a pricey train fare away.

Such a relief and very heartwarming to receive such support on here. Friends don't realise how it could be difficult. I Probably don't let them though. Always saying I'm fine, not answering my phone for days making excuses instead of explaining I'm ill. Awk life eh lol

Love to all xx

mitziblue profile image
mitziblue in reply to msBrightside

That's awesome sweetheart. I know how much everything costs and at least that's one thing that you don't need to be stressed about. I totally understand about saying your fine, as no one who has not experienced the fight of Fibromyalgia can understand. It's because we look okay on the outside, but oh what havoc is going on inside of us. Try to know your limits and don't stress out over things as it only makes the symptoms worse. Hang in there honey, you are on your way to your dream!!! xxx Mitzi

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to mitziblue

Yeah you're right money is one worry down :)

It is impossible for people to understand so I try to be forgiving with friends, gets frustrating sometimes though there is one friend that every time I see or speak to him he always says one thing that frustrates me. Usually 'oh I couldn't sit around all day' A hint which is even worse I just let it go and ignore it. He is quite outspoken in nature.

Oh definitely stressing isn't good for pain. Trying not to worry I was only stressed at one point today when my dad said 'how are you going to manage that college if u can't even manage cleaning up' he was on at me for a few dishes ha

It did get me in a panic but I let it go and told myself I can do this &if I don't at least I tried :)


mitziblue profile image
mitziblue in reply to msBrightside

There you go sweetheart!!! You have a great attitude. As for your dad, it's just part of being a parent. We tend to forget that we also weren't as ocd about clean up as we get older. But your friend is an out spoken jackass. Know one likes to sit around all day, but he doesn't get it, and unless he's dealt a similar situation he'll never get it. I know people like that and they don't have a clue. I hope they never have to find out either. One thing I've gained wisdom about is to never judge anyone...as we have no idea what journey they have been on to get them where they are. Honey, just don't panic about things...it's not worth it. What part of music are you going into. Do you play instruments? If so which ones. My daughter's passion is music and she loved playing all instruments but started on the trumpet. Hope you are having a great day. xxxx Mitzi

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to mitziblue

Yeah I do see it as a parent thing. See myself becoming similar all the time lol moaning at my younger siblings for things my dad would moan at me for. Life is funny :)

Thanks I aim to have a positive attitude towards my illness do have my off days were that slips though.

There is wee part of me that has thought recently he's just being an ass and I should call him out on it. We had a lovely catch up last week. But the part that stuck in my head was him saying 'are you actually not well though' when I mentioned I wasn't doing photo shoots for being too ill.

Play just the guitar and keyboard. Hopefully with this course I can branch out and learn even more. It will mostly be my voice I'm needed for as they have had an overwhelming amount of musicians and not many singers have made it through.

You are totally right really opens your mind to what quiet struggles other people could be going through.

xxxx shaunna

clare_hart profile image

Hi msBrightside (I'm kinda new here), I hope you get over the butterflies and enjoy the anticipation. It sounds wonderful and something I would have enjoyed doing at your age. You are very brave to take this on and I hope it's a great experience for you, no matter what.

(as an aside, I just wanted to say that when I saw your avatar, I first thought I saw an eye in profile, lol)

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to clare_hart

Hey :) Thank you for your kind words. I need to try and stop stressing myself it's probably what's making me feel ill today. All these replies are helping me keep strong and feel excited about it though :)

-Free therapy ha

... aw yeah my fringe is always covering one eye lol

Maggiet profile image

Congratulations on your place at college. I work at a college in Scotland in the Additional Support Team where we offer support to students with conditions like yours. I hope you feel able to approach the team at your college to get any additional support to assist you. Good luck and enjoy your course!

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to Maggiet

Thank you,

That's a good idea! I will definitely make sure I use the resources at hand. That will help make the experience easier for me :)

rosewine profile image

Wonderful news. It will be half the battle that you will be doing something you have a real interest in and that will bring you joyx

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to rosewine

Thanks :) That is true it will definitely be enjoyable. Just gotta remain excited about it and not think too much about how I'll manage. That's probably the key to doing it x

rosewine profile image
rosewine in reply to msBrightside

Just think of it as a wonderful new adventure and a voyage of discovery and you will be finex

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to rosewine

Yeah that is the best way to think of it. Trying to stay really positive. Feel rubbish but getting my singing on lol ..making sure my voice is up to scratch. x

lilian68 profile image

congratulations on your place at college it is really great that your are following your great passion for music you need to live the dream & not stress too much accept help where ever you can be

best wishes hugs & lavender fluffiesxxlilian

msBrightside profile image
msBrightside in reply to lilian68

Thank you lilian :) I'm really finding it hard not to feel so exhausted & like everything is on top of me. Though I rested the last few days must be easily stressed just now.

Much love & hugs xx

msBrightside profile image

Feeing better today very happy and excited :) Thanks to all for keeping me going yesterday ♡

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