Good Morning Chat 6.00am till 10.30 - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Good Morning Chat 6.00am till 10.30

Ginsing profile image
59 Replies

Yesterday was quite brilliant so many of you popped in said "Hi"

so How are you all today ?

Whats the weather like with you? People popped in from all over including CANADA fantastic great to see everyone!

Morning from me Gins in the Borders of Scotland it is a bit grey at the moment but fingers crossed another Scorchio day will appear!

Have a great day!

Gentle Hugs Guys


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Ginsing profile image
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59 Replies
Betty67 profile image

morning, well another blue sky and warm day. My room overlooks the village square and today is market day so been busy outside since 6 am local time. first cup of coffee made.

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to Betty67

Morning what a lovely scene to watch from your window!

Mines a black coffee please anyone made toast I have some delicious marmalade!


Betty67 profile image
Betty67 in reply to Ginsing

love the marmalade - did you know it originally was made from quinces and a foreign name for quinces is marma or something like that.

The fruit and veg from the stalls is great but you do need to check each piece as they sell stuff that in the UK would be thrown away. Did you know that cucumbers don't grow covered in plastic and that lettuce does not have to be in a bag (actually I miss the bag love mixed lettuce types).

Black coffee _ Italian beans is made.

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Betty67

Hi Betty, I completely agree with you about the fruit and veg stalls, but I do have to say I think we English are quite bonkers when it comes to our fruit and veg, I love going to Tuscany and buying huge twisted red and yellow peppers of all sizes, not the uniform ones we get here and zucchini (courgettes) a bit hairy and misshapen, but such flavour. Likewise cucumbers which aren't dead straight and of uniform length. I think we expect everything to be pristine and wrapped in plastic and I think we really lose out because of it ..... well that's what I think, I wonder if others agree ? :-)

Foggy x

Betty67 profile image
Betty67 in reply to Fibrofoggiest

Oh I agree I love ugly fruit, and it is easy to think I have become a great cook as things I make taste so good. However you do need to be careful just the other day however i went to buy some butter and saw the sell by date was August so put it in the basket and about to buy it when I remember it was now 2014. I have also been sold green oranges. it is a shop I go to a lot as staff and owners so friendly and have been know to give me a bottle of cold water when I am looking hot, a seat when I look tired and always local knowledge just need to check the dates.

My local butcher not only let me take my purchases when I forgot to bring my purse ask if I needed to borrow some money. Courgette are called marrow here.

in reply to Fibrofoggiest

Agreed, even better when you grow your own fruit and then make jams an chutneys. Yummmmy :)

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Morning gins, Dalwood still beautiful but quite muggy :-(

Apart from my nice neighbour whizzing off to Exeter to go to the gym before work, the village is dead as the proverbial DoDo, only natures sounds to be heard ...... Lovely :-)

Happy coffee and oatabix to you :-)

Foggy x

Ginsing profile image

Snap just poured Macho Italinao Coffee , my daughter has just wandered in in her Little Miss pyjamas a coffee in one hand her I book the other. Another day comenses !!

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Ginsing

Lavazza coffee on the go here. :-) :-)

Ginsing profile image

Morning Foggy I love the early still ness when nothing an be heardbut an occassional bird.


Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Ginsing

I couldn't agree more despite the rooks in the churchyard trees, oh and I meant to mention yesterday, as I was driving home from my weekly shop in Ax, I saw a little stoat running along the road in front of me and then into the hedgerow, but had a really good look, soooo wished I'd had a camera with me !!

Foggy x

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to Fibrofoggiest

How anoying is that no camera but you have a phone with you

does that have a camera? Mine does but I dont !remember to use


Now wrapping veg I hate it I really loved buying veg on the markets in Italy so plump and

ready to eat! Sunkissed fruit and veg oh yummmy!


Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Ginsing

I'm hoping it's going to be the same in Kos only about 7 weeks to go now :o

Yes I have an android phone with camera, but do I get it out of my handbag quickly enough............ Eeerrrrrr nope ! Lalalala :d

Foggy x

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to Fibrofoggiest

hi foggy I know so frustrating when see so much on our morning dog walks and don't have my camera.often see rabbits where we never used to -thanks to the high school fro fencing of their grounds the rabbits have become established there and so lovely to see the babies -now that people cant walk their dogs they anymore.have missed out on a lot of things cos never had camera with me but also fantastic pix of wildlife on the river and scenery.

Morning gins

Reporting in from the West Midlands very sunny with a little breeze. Hope everyone is well xx

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to

Morning Cloggs oh for that little breeze D) hehehe grey still noting but grey here


Good morning from Brum, As cloggs has said, bright and sunny. Sitting here tired but very clean. Took two showers in the night and another when I got up. Fipping RSL syndrome playing up and a shower often helps to settle it back down, it did last night but kept coming back.

Was taking photo`s of the sun rise over the Sandwell valley at 4.30 this morning. I havn`t looked yet to see what they came out like. I took them without my glasses. so I could have missed the dawn and took pictures of the black sky,

Hugs to all sue xx.

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to

Morning Sue,

Oh clean lady of Brum begining of a rhyme me thinks.

Getle hugs to you


Tiluca profile image
Tiluca in reply to

Hi Sue, sorry to hear of your restless legs, I thought I'd mention what I do, I wet 2 towels put them into the freezer ready for when I go to bed, I then put them on my legs when I lie down wonderful. I would be exhausted having to get up and shower, but I know exactly how you feel hope you feel better tonight.

Feather hugs Pat x

in reply to Tiluca

Hi Pat, I take Ropinerole for RLS syndrome and they have worked well for me over the years. I was told at the start that sooner or later the dose of 1mg would need to be upped. Well we have reached that time. I have, with my GPs permission been taking an extra 1/2 mg when nessesary but have seen him today and it has been decided to make the 1.1/2 an every day thing but now I have to use trial and error to find out the best times to take them.

I suffer all day every day, it is as bad during the day as it is at night. so I have to space the dosage out because if I take the full dose at night it runs out sometime during the day.

Thanks for the suggestion of cold towels out of the freezer, no go Im afraid. I suffer from extreme sensitivity to heat and cold. I have to wear gloves just to get things out of the freezer I get some funny looks when shopping and have to put gloves on to get a bag of chips. :P

Thanks again hugs sue xx

fenbadger profile image

Good moaning. Greetings to all. Sunny south here again. Scrambled eggs anyone? Fluffies are up and about - as usual. Laptop working for once. Cant get better.

anbuma profile image

hi Gins.woke as normal with the pain and swelling and fatigue after strange dawned dry and sunny.took dog s out had a nice peaceful walk and as soon as got home rain started btu only a to try and catch up on housework and remember to do foot exercises.!

Good Morning from Sunny Southampton, just having my breakfast of Cheerios my husband brought in from me. May venture into garden today, the birds have been singing all morning. We live next to a nature reserve so our 'dawn chorus' sounds amazing!

Hope everyone has a good day


Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to

morning thanks for dropping in Aliboo if you like it please keep popping by


teddybear7 profile image

Morning Gins. Bit hazy few dark ones but not looking too bad. Have a lovely day. X

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to teddybear7

orning Teddy bear you sound full of enthusiasnm have a good day hope the sun is shinning for you


Hedgerow profile image

Hi Gins,

Still lying in bed ( no work today yay!) but I can see it is totally overcast here in Norwich. Maybe it will improve. I've got my first visit to the pain clinic today - I hope they don't fob me off!

Best wishes to everyone. x

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to Hedgerow

Morning Hedgerow I ued to live near Norwich loved it to bits so sending a cheery wave


Hedgerow profile image
Hedgerow in reply to Ginsing

Bit late replying -sorry -waving back!

Good morning Gins, Northern Ireland is shaping up to be nice today so I am taking my grand daughter out :) No toast this morning but I love homemade marmalade :)

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to

reat tiredalot have a brilliant day and enjoy the ice creams!


Morning from a very grey Manchester! I'm back home in Saddleworth today after my hospital trip yesterday. I've had a lovely long 12 hour sleep courtesy of the sedation. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Have a great day all x

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to

well come back Jigsawcat hope you are feeling better


Lolis profile image

Morning everyone :D Its is very sunny here in Doncaster & I have a little furry ball of dogness curled up next to me sleeping happily.

As for me, exhausted but content to rest today :)

Wishing everyone a good day, take care lovely people xx

Shazzzy profile image

Oh clean lady of brum,

She does not sit on her bum,

Up she gets in the midfle of the night,

Gives everyone a terrible fright,

Heads to the shower,

At least twice an hour,

Lovely lady of brum.

in reply to Shazzzy

Thank you I love it. :P :P :P

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to Shazzzy

Oh the lovely lady of brum

thank for the lovely verse perhaps we should offer a challenge see if any one fancies

enering a couplet or two----


Furry profile image

Good morning all, it's a grey morning here on the north Wales Coast with ominous looking clouds. I don't mind though as planning a resting/pottering day. I agree with foggy about the fruit and veg, it's an awful waste to only eat the 'perfect' produce. Nothing tastes better than home grown. I remember my nanas back garden had every inch used for growing, mostly veg with a small bit for soft fruit and chrysanthemums. A small green house for tomatoes and an apple tree at the bottom. It was great as a child to help plant and pick when we went there. Happy days. I suppose the garden had not changed since the war when everyone had to try and grow some of their own food. Hope you all have a good day, as pain free as possible. X x

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to Furry

Moring Furry in wales i hope your day is pain freeeeeeee!


Furry profile image
Furry in reply to Ginsing

Thanks gins. X x x

honey25 profile image

Good morning grey and cloudy here in somerset this morning just very humid

Hope you are all well xxx

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to honey25

Morning Honey I just loath the humid days you find it so sticky and hot I hope a breeze has calmed it down a bit for you.


Ian123 profile image

Hot hot hot old bones love it :-) but the air feels a bit thin making breathing hard work fan blowing for some breeze :P

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to Ian123

Ian Morning sounds rather lovely hot hot hot!

Take care and enjoy


Shadows-walker profile image

Hi I am late again sorry :-( ,been up since 8 but just picked up pad , well I don't have to water pots today ,we are having some much needed rain ,my daughter is finally on her way to Birmingham to collect her belongings , the man with a van turned up ,but she is going to have an interesting journey ,the man with a van turned out to need a driver he doesn't hold a licence how can you say you say you can do a job if you A dont have a van and B don't have a van ? Anyway I got a knock on the door this morning at 9 to tell my daughter that everything was fine but please excuse the f in and blinding ,that if his father ask they were just going the other side of Leominster and that his fathers dog died the night before .we are slightly concerned but trying to find a man with a van turned out to be quite a task ,it usually only cost me £35.00 in fuel to get there and back and I have always moved the children my self ,even in Manchester or Brighton ,but if you want to hire anybody in Birmingham it's £500 to get here which I think is a bit off and locally know wanted the work ,this chap is a friends gardener ,good worker seemed fine on first impressions ,but he has let us down twice and I couldn't find anybody else and Abbis landlady was starting to get a bit miffed her hadn't been emptied ,which is understandable she's been home looking after and helping me for the last 5 weeks anyway I will post either later this evening on her adventure or tomorrow morning ,I am going to have a nice quite day :-) by the way I right in the middle of Wales ,we have the royal welsh show here next week so the town is getting ready for the invasion of the young farmers and gypsys which means we locals keep out of the way as the kids get drunk the gypsy of different family's get together and have huge fallings out and our dogs go missing ,so no dog walking done in parks etc for the next 10 days and everything gets locked and bolted and nailed down ,happy days x Chris

Ginsing profile image

Sounds like the invasion of the snatchers Do they take every thing that is not nailed down.? Keep your cool it is only a week then it will become quieter again i AM SURE.

Best wishes


Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply to Ginsing

Hi me again ,missed out that he didn't have a licence and her stuff was in her room in her rented house in brum , and yes we literally banten down the hatches and wait for it to be over . There are 2000 people who live here , as of now we end up some days with 80,000 to the show itself plus all the workers ,then there are the emergency services the place goes crazy and when the drink gets involved some of the things that happen here are arwful, my daughter turn 21 on Monday so we are going to hay on Wye for the day , nice lunch out and a mouche round some book shops. I did offer for her to have uni friends to stay ,tent in garden etc but she said no so quite day is what she want so that's what we are doing I love this morning post it a great idea x

Well gins :D

I got here eventually :P

Good afternoon everybody from Tyneside where it's grey but muggy.

Going hunting for my lunch :D

Fluffies for all

:) xxxsianxxx :)

in reply to

Fluffies for lunch ?

in reply to



:P :P :P

Choke on fluff...............................................

.................... can't breathe....................

poor fluffies!!

Ian123 profile image
Ian123 in reply to

Fluffy of Hogwarts fame would need quite a lot of lunch methinks :D

in reply to Ian123

I found my fluffies yesterday :P I had forgotten all about them. :(

Poor things had spent years in a bag with half finished cross stitch projects :O They are happy now sitting on my computer. :P 2 yellow. 2 lavender. 1 red and 1 navy. There used to be more, I think they may have escaped and come to join you or Fenbadger and I dont blame them.

in reply to


They'll be pleased to be free :P


We do get the odd stray wandering in!!

in reply to Ian123

Oh yes !, bit slow today. I have only just remembered Who Hogwarts Fluffy is. Duh

clare_hart profile image

Good day everybody. It's morning for me now and I love that it is overcast. Southern California has had virtually no rain and all sun. After a while, believe it or not, blue skies get boring. First cup of coffee and the dogs are looking at me like it's time for their walk, what am I waiting for. Better get dressed.

Maybe while I'm out, I will try to find some "ugly fruit" for breakfast, lol. Our farmers' market is on Friday if I don't succeed today.

Thanks for the thread gins!


What a beautiful evening in Sunderland after such a grey muggy day :)

There was a downpour of rain................

................................. and now sunshine and blue skies :D

My plants will be happy :)

TheAuthor profile image

it is good evening for me now! Not been in sunny South Derbyshire today but in very sunny Leicester all day today and feel exhausted now!

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

Scouser58 profile image

Hello gins, writing from Alsager in Cheshire, the weather here yesterday, was warm and overcast, just about bearable for me, still have the swollen ankles and feet, so not good for walking on.

The weather is surposed to be warm today, but lets wait and see if they are right.

I hope this post finds you in good spirits, and that you have a good day, ttfn

Lizzie57 profile image

Hi I'm from Balloch nr Glasgow looks like it's going to be a gorg day, pity my feet are so painful this morning won't be going far on the pins today. Have a lovely day everyone.

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