applied for pip in march this year 3months on got a letter yesterday to say i am now waiting for an assessment appointment date they say this will be in 4 to 6 months then i read its alottery wether you sore enough points then its wait again to see if you awared anything such a long drawn out process enough to stress anyone i applied for dla and was turned down last year so thought id try this year with pip if get turned down dont think i could go thogh this process again i feel its so unfare we know how ill and what our limits are but its trying to prove it sorry rant over take care all joanne x
pip: applied for pip in march this year... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi there joed
Yes, it is a long drawn out process that is very stressful that I personally believe is designed to put people off applying which is why it is essential to try and stay strong.
Have you been in touch with the Citizens Advice Bureaux or Welfare Rights regarding your application as they can support, guide and advise throughout the whole process which in turn lessens some of the stress. I found it really beneficial to have them fill my forms in too.
Here is a link from the benefits advice section of our Mother site for you
It contains some useful resoources at the end which may be helpful to you
Please try not to let it put you off applying for what you need, I was denied DLA a couple of times before being awarded it.
Any time you feel like having a rant or a moan we're here to listen and support you where we can and are able even if it is just to give you a virtual hug. Also don't be afraid to join in ask any other Q's and join in with the fun posts for a distracting giggle
Keep in touch and let us know how it goes
Many soft fluffie hugs coming your way
Hi Joe, yes totally agree with previous comments about staying strong and continuing to fight for PIP. I am in the same boat and awaiting to hear whether enough evidence was sent for a written award or the dreaded assessment face to face. I have my dark days when I feel like I don't want to continue but then a light bulb pops up and says why be silly, don't let them win and so I find strength to carry on. So glad I have a supportive hubby and friend to turn to when these days appear . Good luck in your quest and stay positive xx
Hi joed
I want to wish you all the best of luck with ascertaining your PIP, and I will keep my fingers crossed for you. It really is a long time to wait, isn't it? I saw on the BBC news earlier that there is a backlog of nearly 700,000 ESA cases to be looked at also!
Take care and good luck
Ken x
This is a lot different from their 13 week target which they never kept to. The problem they are having now is because of all the bad publicity they cannot get anyone to work for them now!
ATOS did not admit they were wrong but hinted that they were only doing what was directed to them from the ministry which took away flexibility to assess each case on it own conditions and merits.
Hi Offcut
Did you see BBC News yesterday, apparently there is a back log of 700,000 ESA assessments to be done? I am still trying to work out how this has happened? You have x number of assessors and x number of claimants and divide by the two to get the length of time for all the assessments, but somehow it has gone terribly wrong?
The x number of assessors is so low that they cannot do the amount of assessments.
1) Atos were wanting to pull out for a long time so did not look for staff
2) The process has got such bad press people do not want the jobs
3) This should of been done by the NHS (£500 million would of paid the extra staff)
4) Giving DWP the final say before appeal was wrong
5) Mistakes are being buried, literally!
6) They are using a USA system that has even been banned in some states.
7) They are totally unaware of some conditions and there effects.
Some points that have come to mind.
Be Well
Hi joed
I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with pip. I currently get dla and it runs out July 2015, so scared they will take it off me as I live alone and need it to help pay bills.
Sending you a big hug and I will keep my fingers crossed (hypothetically) for you.
Jayne x
hi this may sound very silly but what benefits are out there for anyone with fibro.
i have been medically retired from the civil service. but dont know where to start, a big thing for me would be to get a parking card, as at times i can hardly walk the length of my self. thanks for any info x
Hi Poppy-sue
With the smaller individual benefits such as parking or travel passes it depends on where you live? You would need to discuss it with your local authority. There is PIP which is replacing DLA, I have pasted you the how to claim link below:
I do not know how old you are (impertinent question) but if you are over retirement age you can put in a claim for Attendance Allowance, I have pasted you a link below for this also:
If there is anything particular that you wanted to know about please feel free to PM me.
i have had to give up work i have applied for pip which replaces the old dla i also cant walk to far some days so im just looking into applying for a blue badge all of these are long and drwn out and abit of a lottery not guarnteed to get im just waiting for an appointment for a points systems assessment hope this info helps take care joanne x