My body is really painful and everything seems heavy
This is the 7th night in a row that I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
This is the 7th night in a row that I've not had much sleep

Hi Ros
I am so sorry to read that you are still having sleep problems, and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to your problem.
I was wondering if you are prescribed any medications that may help you sleep such as Amitriptyline? If your issue keeps up it may be a good idea to discuss the problem with your GP? I am not saying all out on hard sleeping pills but maybe something with a little sedative?
I am so sorry to read that it is also giving you lots of pain, and I really want to wish you all the best with getting something sorted.
Take care
Ken x
I was on amitriptyline but now I'm on gabapentin
lol I would go through all the drugs that im on but we will be here all day lol. hope you get sum sleep hun. im on 50mg of amitriptyline and that does the trick after a couple of hours! hope you feel better soon x
Hi Ros,
I'm sorry you too are doing the night watch, it's so horrid isn't it? Are you able to take any meds which might reduce your pain levels ?
Am sending lots of soothing sleep inducing vibes your way, as they are clearly not wishing to stay with me
Foggy x
Hi Vixen49,
I am sorry to hear you are in so much pain and unable to sleep for the past 7 nights! Is"nt there a mild sleeping tablet or sedative maybe your GP could prescribe just short term to help you over this difficult time? I find taking my meds just before going to bed usually works (obviously not tonight or past few, been on the Night-watch with Foggy!!
Ditto! I can totally empathise with you & everything seems worse in the night when household shut down, don"t know about you but I can"t even concentrate on reading when like this!
My heart goes out to you! I"d sing you a lullaby if I was"nt totally tone deaf! Hope you get to sleep soon & find some sweet dreams XX
Morning bettybaby I did a bit of late night shopping to see in if midnight fresh air would help
Hi Alex
I hope the late night shopping and fresh air helped you to finally nod off. Praying for a better night sleep for you tonight?
I finally shut my eyes @ 6.30 am, pain just would"nt allow me to sleep. Partly my own stupid fault, as my hip was feeling better after the Injection I really over-did things yesterday and ended up paying the price with a dreadful back, go slipped discs 3/4/5th, which has kept me in bed all day today in agony.
Sending positive healing energies & (((gentle hugs)))
Lynn XX
Hi Lyn my name is Ros lol unless you talking to Alex then please except my apology.Ros
Hi Ros,
Please except my apologies Fibro-fog has a lot to answer to, does"nt it?!! I knew your name was Ros as you have kindly replied to before, why I put Alex down I don"t know. Maybe it was because I was speaking about one of my sister"s children called Alex earlier and that name was logged in this pea-sized brain of mine.
I sincerely hope you find some peaceful/restful sleep tonight ROS.
Good night. ((gentle hugs)) Lynn XX
that ok Lyn i have the same so it certainly does anyway my friend hope you have a really good nights sleep warm hugs
This is the 3rd night in a row for me of poor or no sleep. Have no idea why I can't sleep as I feel no worse than usual. I am exhausted though. I got up this am at 7 just because staying in bed is also not the answer for me. I am going to discuss my meds. with GP when I see her in a weeks time, as I am also starting to notice that I am getting 'anxious' feelings. I am on Gabapentin, 6 x 100mg daily; any one else getting anxious on them. I met an FM sufferer a couple of weeks ago, who takes no meds., and has suffered since his 20's, now in his early 50's. What say you all?
Hello Jeannie, I suffered from fibro for over 25 yrs Living a normal life, working as a cleaner and walking miles with my dog. I knew that something wasn`t right but because the symptoms were so mild and had usually gone by the time test results came back I could and did live with it.
It was only after a major flair that left me in so much pain that I could not even lift my hands to my face that I was diagnosed. I never went back to how I was before and now am in constant pain and can hardly walk.
What I am so badly trying to say is that fibro is different for every one and that his fibro may not be painful enough to need pain killers, even now I can get away with just amtripiline and paracetamol.
Hope this helps hugs sue xxx

Mayrose54 thanks for this. It was the awful 'dizziness' that took me to the GP last November. Gabapentin appears to have relieved the dizziness to an extent. If I rush around though it's back. I would like to come off the Gabapentin just to see what happens?? I am on the 3rd months lot of them; 2nd month @ 6 x 100mg daily.
I feel really 'crap' today and can barely walk around my house. I just want to sleep but can't.
I have found that dizzyness with me is a sign to slow down and rest that i am doing too much. sue

I know the feeling mayrose, I worked with fibro pain for years before having a flare up which I never recovered from, I wonder why we suddenly don't recover, is the body just saying enough is enough? I can also go for nights not sleep ing and rarerly go two hours without waking up, its a very strange illness. Gentle hugs to all. Xx
Hi Sophie the strange thing is that I had, had a major flair 15yrs before that puzzled all the specialists. Blood pressure through the roof, all over body pain, multiple organ failure all the blood tests pointed to a virus but they could not find the virus. I was in hospital for weeks and was off work for 4 months, after that I went almost back to normal.just the fibro symptoms were a little bit worse but still nothing to slow me down. It was only when talking to the neuro since being diagnosed that we finally solved the mystery. It was a flair brought on by a minor virus that the fibro gave a helping hand to make it worse.
The thing is why did I recover that time but not the next?
Thats fibro just one big puzzle
hugs sue

Hi mayrose,
when I look back, I had a major flare after the birth of my son, he is thirty this uear, they thought I had MS at the time I was ill for about two years then everthing settle except for the spinsl pain and achy legs, I just took pain relief and did two Degrees, got myself a good career, but then Jonh died 14 years ago and I think the shock set it off again, I have just gone down hill, I just haven't been able to recover no matter how positive I am, I've not worked for five years now, just taking my grandson to the park yesterday had me in agony and it is only at the bottom of the garden, my home backs onto it! It's a funny old life and not so funny illness! Gentle hugs and healing light. X X
Hi Sophie22,
You have certainly had some difficult times and I do hope things can get better for you.
My Doctors also thought I had MS as I had lesions on on cervical cord but it was proven to be myelomalacia. I have read that FM can mimic MS as it has so many similar symptoms. It has taken nearly four years too finally get to a proper diagnosis confirmed. I was told I just had undetermined chronic pain from my old Doctor. I have also read that trauma to your body can bring FM on. It has been 6 years since I have worked because of pain which sometimes can be smothered around my body. I changed Doctors last year and I have found one who another patient with FM and he has really looked after me and has sympathy for what I go through. He actually listened and listened and did not fob me off. I also lost my high flying career in the media and then my friends as I was just constantly so ill I could never go anywhere. Now it is me, my dogs and my hubby. But I do now have happier days as I know know what is wrong with my body.
Please feel free to keep in touch with me.

Thank you Ruby, the thing I like about this site is that you meet people who understand the difficulties we go through. Hope you are having a good day and manage to get some sleep. Gentle hugs xx
Morning Jeannie I too am on gabapentin 300 X 3 cos amitriptyline wasn't helping with sleep pattern I no how you feel hun I did a bit of late night shopping after picking my daughter up from a concert which she fully deserves after looking after me she needed a well earned break bless her
Hi vixen, you are on stronger dose than me. I will be discussing meds. with gp on 10th April, and also asking for a referral to either Guys hospital in London ( I live in s. Yorkshire) or one closer if she knows of one. I don't want to go see just any old rheumatologist. Guys appears to know what it's doing as they have a designated FM Clinic. I contacted a private Dr. but cannot afford fees, which are ridiculous. God spare us from privatised healthcare.
I need to do some 'celebrating' with my lovely son, as he got good news yesterday, but can't find the energy LOL..
Hi Jeanniemc I too have fibro and RA and presently take no medication(except 1/2 a sertraline tablet morning and night for depression) for either, was on methotrexate for 7 years but developed big issues, been off probably 12 weeks, I have taken to be very kind to my body, lots of rest and trying to keep my stress levels down, in pain but can cope. wishing you well.
RA??? Not sure what that can be? I might have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well if the neurologist I saw is right, but want to see a good FM rheumatologist for 100% diagnosis and help.
Thanks for sharing your experience, it helps. I hate 'pill-popping'. I am coming to terms slowly with it, and listening to my body. I will finish a VERY stressful job in July, thank God, which will be a great help in terms of stress. Roll on July.
Morning Ros it's horrible when you can't get to sleep for pain it's not good my mind is like a sieve (think I've spelt it right ha ha) but when are you going into hospital for your op. Xxx

Morning cloggs I got my op on Tuesday I no that feeling hun the amount of times I had to go to the shops through out the day cos I had forgotten so I asked the manager if he had a spare nut and bolt so I wouldn't loose my head good exercise tho hahaha
Hi my friend
So sorry your not sleeping and your in so much pain.... lol the penny has just dropped on what the night shift is....I'm so slow!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that maybe a gentle jog round the park in the lovely smoggy air may help!!!!
I feel very guilty that I've managed to sleep for the last couple of nights but I've been woken by a very horrible lodger otherwise known as my SON...His been playing a football game with a friend that lives miles away so I've been woken up with shouting of joy when his scored or screaming and shouting words i cant repeat, I've had to phone him but he never answers his phone but he does shout up... Today I'm going to put a large scratch through the game and break the headphones and if that dos'nt work I'll have to throw him out.........
Well my friend i hope you manage to rest today, i think a long hot soak with a few candles may help with the pain or i could send my son round tonight so i can get a good night sleep its a shame to have us both awake lol..
I'm sending you gentle hugs with love.
Take care viv xxx
My dear friend please don't feel guilty hun I'm glad your getting some sleep viv I no your sons over joyed about football scores but he needs to take considerations that you need your beauty sleep or maybe just quieten Down lol
Hi Ros. Am I right that you have just changed meds? If so you may not be taking a high enough dose yet as these thing need to be increased a bit at a time.
I still have problems some nights and I make a drink and read a boring book for a time untill I start to nod off .It usualy works for me but not for every one,
Oh the book I am slogging my way through at the moment is`Sense and Sensability`......and yes Ken I KNOW it`s a classic a boring classic, sue

I'm on gabapentin 300mg

I love Jane Austin. I studied Pride and Prejudice for 'O' Level many decades ago, and was hooked. The DVD is great; get it after you read the book. BBC series, only £/4 quid from Amazon; I can highly recommend it.
I have read Pride and Predudice that many times I could repeat it word for word and am on my 3rd book , I wore the other 2 out, But sense and sensabillity just dosent have the same appeal.
Oh and I am now trying to wear the DVD out
Sorry Ros this means nothing to me. I don`t know weather that is high or low. as I have never taken it. sue
Ah right it's medium I'm on gabapentin doses are 100 mg 300 mg 600 mg
Hi Vixen, so sorry its been going on all week, it gets harder and harder to deal with the longer it goes on doesn't it. I could not get to sleep at all last night so got up at 5am. Finally went to bed at 7 this morning and woke up at 1.30 this afternoon. Have no idea why this happens. Confusing.
Know just how your feeling. got up at eight could just want to go back to bed still paining even after medication
I am so lucky to have found such a good caring Doctor. He sent me off for a sleep study test and then another and we found out I don't have any REM sleep. Hence why I was always going crazy because I had so much fatigue. I can stay awake up to 36 hours. He had no problem with prescribing me medication to sleep, which I take about 4 -5 nights a week. He sees that my mental state and anxiety is important so I can face another day of Fibro problems. At least we can cope better if we have had some sleep. I hope it works out for you as I have walked in your shoes as many of us have.
My list of symptoms is unfortunately huge. I mainly spend most of the day in bed except for about 2 - 4 hours, which is spread throughout the day into 15 minute sessions. Now I am under the care of a new Doctor he has helped me so much with giving me medication to sleep. I was going up to 32 hours without sleep, so I was in a bad place mentally. I was so anxious and stressed and ready to leave this world. He had sent me for two sleep study tests which confirmed I don't have REM sleep which can affect I believe FM Sufferers. He has set up monthly contact for support for me with a Psychologist, To help me with the anxiety and to help me deal with the changes in my life. Its been 6 years now since I have worked. My hope is to achieve one thing for myself each day which will make me smile and feel alive. My savior most days are my loving Chihuahua's Gizmo and Ruby. They love to keep me company on my bed. Plus I have a fantastic husband who would stay up with me and tend to my pain with heat packs, cups of tea and chocolate. Has any one else had any sleep studies done?