I was trying to make myself comfortable when I heard a doign yeah one of my straps Snapped hahaha
Anyone in pain need to laugh will be ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Anyone in pain need to laugh will be in more pain more pain when I tell you this I had an embarrassing moment at my local shop today

lol did anyone notice?
I did my once in a rare moment of bending down yesterday and i heard a big rip and my pjs split from back to front... I know that i need to loose a little weight but now I need to start lol,
if it was my bra strap, I would be in biii-ig trouble!
thanks for sharing,
me too
It was my left bra strap nearly had a fall out lol
I did a shop in sainsburys just before xmas and when hubby picked me up he told me that my jeans had split from waist to crutch down the back seam, showing off my red knickers.
Bra straps I have had go in the middle of a busy factory full of blokes.
George is usually a really good make I buys my son's school shirt and trousers from there
Oh! what a palaver
It could have been worse you could have been by the pool in a bikini LOL
I can't wear them anymore they give me pressure sores on the under sides of my boobs I had to wear one yesterday because I went to a funeral and didn't think it appropriate to go without........... now I have mt vesuvious on my right boob its very painful
...............I'd rather have a pinging strap

Trust you think of something like that zeb lol but yeah men would have their eyes popping out if their head. That must hurt you 'you allergic to something. Ros
LOL yeah
Just sensitivities hun I have an abundance of skin issues especially clothes that cling or need to cling
Hubby agrees that I'm gonna need this one checked out... it's big and angry and very sore
I'll survive it's just a pain in the boob LOLOLOL antibiotics again probably