Is anyone on Lyrica and what side eff... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Is anyone on Lyrica and what side effects have you had?

Hi, I have found Lyrica to be a lifesaver in terms of reduced pain and stiffness. I have gone from using mobility scooters while shopping to walking unaided since taking it. However, the payback for this is that I have gained 2 stone in weight since starting Lyrica and really struggling to get it back off!
I really benefited from Lyrica especially for the night pain that prevented sleep. So far no side effects.
Hi - had no adverse sise effects started on a low dose and gradually increasing. Less stiffness and sore muscles sleeping better but have also been taken off Atorvastatin for 3 months to see if that had any effect so have to see. Already put on weight with other meds but no extra weight. Yesterday had a bad day felt as though every joint and muscle was on fire but feel better today and couldn't walk without wobbling but still at work. No drug gives 100% relief.
Hi FibroDiva, I've recently had my dose increased. Felt hungrier, thirstier & tireder, but other than that, I felt ok. Gentle hugs, Julie xxx
Me too, I,m on 450mg, and apart from weight gain and tiredness they do take the edge off. I take my last one near bed time, to help with sleep. I don't take my middle one if I,m going out, in case I go to sleep, but I guess you,re on a lo dose, so it won,t apply. Hope it helps you. Xx
I have been taking Pregabalin (Lyrica) for 6 months or so.It does ease the pain somewhat but taken with other meds I am doing ok.The only drawback is the weight gain,but its a small price to pay for the pain relief.Hope you get some benefit.Take Care.
I've been taking Lyrica/Pregabalin for a while, has helped a bit with pain, but the weight gain is awful and makes walking difficult.
I found a fantastic link to a report on Lyrica/Pregabalin but I don't know how to post it to here and it's on Facebook.
I've put it on my Facebook page it's very interesting. Xxxx
I've been on it for several years and find it very effective against neuropathic pain. The biggest side effect for me is weight gain, not sure if my lack of mobility has made it worse but being on pregabalin(Lycra ) has made it much more difficult to loose the weight
I'm on it also but on a low dose, will be on it now approx 3 wks r so& so far no difference as in pain releaf, mostly living on Tylex tabs day & nite, I so ache all over,
Hi I did find that Lyrica helped with the pain & stiffness but @ a huge cost, as I gained 1&1/2 stone which I had fought so hard to lose. Luckily flare up passed but I'm still struggling to lose that extra weight. I take 75mg of amitriptyline each night, have you tried them? Hope this helps you a little x
I was on it but found it fried my brain and I put on a lot of weight, also found that I needed to increase the strength too often so felt I was becoming addicted.
i have beenon pregnabalin for a couple of years now does help with pain can't say i have had any side effects.
Hi FibroDiva
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I do not personally take Lyrica, but I have pasted below the side effects and interactions page from Lyrica website link for you:
I genuinely hope that you find this useful
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
I was prescribed Lyrica a few years ago and loved it for the first month. My pain was improving, I was sleeping and thought I had gotten my life back. I had been taking it about six weeks when onemorn I was dressing to go to a ladies luncheon and suddenly decided I was going to lock all the doors, take all of my pain meds get in the hot tub and drown. I was looking for my swim suit when I just as suddenly felt like God smacked some sense in me. I think I even said aloud, "the hot tub is outside why do I need to lock the doors" That brief moment of reasoning snapped me into rational thinking. I called my doctor and was told to taper off the Lyrica. I tossed them. At that time they did not have a suicide warning. The drug worked wonders but I would never suggest anyone taking it. I have found some wonderful herbal help over the past two years. I am dealing with an attack now, that is why I am on the site, but not as severe as in the past. Prayers that you will find comfort.
Hiya, I have had and am still having bad bouts of tiredness, I have had my Lyrica increased to 3 times a day. The tiredness is supposed to pass but it has not for me.
I am on 300 mgs of lyrica which is quite a high dose. Have gained a lot of weight too. For the first time since I first started taking them two years ago, I read through the patient information leaflet this week. I was quite shocked that even the most common side effects mimic fibro symptoms. I plan to reduce my dose to see if my fatigue/pain levels go down any. Yes, they have helped with pain in some areas but I'm now quite suspicious of them.
I have a disease called trigeminal neuralgia (aka) the suicide disease it affects the three branches of nerves in your face it began maybe 12 years ago n was misdiagnosed so many times treating me like a psych pto telling me I'm depressed which I was because of the severe pain I was in psych drugs to seizure meds u make it I've prob been on it wound up having major brain surgery 3 yrs ago but it wasn't a complete success but it's definitely not as bad neurologist recommended lyrics n backplane lyrics 100mg 3day n backplane 10 mg after surgery I was Grassley skinny but now the weight is packing I've gained 20 lbs in about the last 9 months I want to buy diet pills but I hate the way they make me feel rock n hard place pulse the withdrawal is horrible