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A post for Foggy....

Morning lipbalmaddict, that's a lovely pic, how are you this sunny but windy day.....gentle hugs...Dee x
Morning Dee, I confess I'm still in bed ! I'm so tired I just can't get up, I feel like I could go back off for a few more hours, but I doubt my parents will allow it, heehee! How are you today? How is this horrid weather treating you?
Xxx Alex xxx

Hi there Alex hope you had long lay in bed this morning, won't do you any harm, we have to rest when we can and as foggy is always saying listen to our bodies....why are you back home didn't things work out, my daughter has left home and come back twice, boy friend trouble, she has now taken over the house .gentle hugs ...Dee xx
Oh Alex,, what a wonderful post, so round, such a good height and just wonderful for when you really need a good scratch
Duh....and I forgot the chestnut mare
Foggy x
Ps ignore the rentals, you're a grown woman, if you need snoozells set Sprocket on guard and go for it !!
I've got an itch between my shoulder blades, I'm wondering if that there hoss will let me have a go?!
It reminded me of a funny story about my Fern, she is an itchy horse usually her face and neck. She is a very hot horse, so I think that is why, but she would stop dead from a canter while I was on her, and scratch her face on her legs..not so funny.
One day she came in from the field with great chunks of mane missing, looking very pleased with herself. I walked round, checking the fences, trying to work out what she'd found to rub on that was so effective, but found nothing. The next day, I finished work early, and snuck up to the field, only to find the ginger tart with her neck over the fence into a rather riggy geldin's field, where he was obediently, grooming, and chewing off her mane, in great mouthfuls! ! She was old enough to be his mother!
Anyway, from then on, her mane never did recover, it grew back vertically, like a ginger Mohican. Why couldn't she stick to using a post?
Pah! How are you today Foggy? Are you floating or still on solid ground? Xxx
Golly wow, did you go out of the front door when she did the scratching trick ? Hehe typical chestnut mare to find a rig and take advantage hehehe..... I hope you moved her away, naughtily little flirt !!
I'm on solid ground thank goodness, sandbags did their job, but I had a cracking migraine, so still feeling rather like I've been run over by steam roller, but hey ho it's better than I let yesterday. The water levels are back down, and wind seems to have blown itself out, or at least moved on.
I really hope your tiredness eases or that you can sneak a doze in at some point.
Sending rejuvinating positive vibes your way
Foggy x
Make sure you drink lots of water Foggy sounds strange so much water around us makes me think of "Water water every where! and not a drop to drink" any way water or tea will help your migraine also ot and cold packs on your temples to encourage the flower of the blood
Take care
The only falls I ever had from miss Fern were of the front door variety! Cheeky little redhead!
I'm so sorry to hear you have another migraine, it must be so exhausting to have them day in, day out. Are you on any profelactic medication for them? I take a medication called topiremate/topamax for its psychiatric benefits and also to counteract the huge appetite increase caused by my bipolar medication. I did quite a lot of reading up on it before hand, and if think it was originally created for epilepsy, but it seems to be prescribed off prescription more than on. One of its biggest uses certainly in the US that I read about (I'm not sure about here because forums about drugs are definitely more of an American thing I think, or were anyway), is as a preventative for migraine sufferers. As in the sufferers who get daily migraines or at lest 4 a week - not the 1 or 2 a month hormonal sort. I mention it simply because all of these migraine sufferes rave about the stuff, there wasn't a negative review on its effectiveness. So I thought I'd mention it. I'm guessing a GP couldn't prescribe as it's not for it's intended purpose but a specialist could.
Anyway, I do hope you feel better soon, hugs from me, gentle wafting farts from Sprocket (he thinks they are such a treat )

I thought your "involuntary dismounts" probably would have been through the front door from what you've said, and what I've experienced
I used to be on beta blockers as a prophylactic treatment for my migraines, but they did very little, only made me fall over more often as I have low blood pressure as it is. I am now on a really good treatment called Maxalt (rizatriptan) which is a "wafer" which you pop under your tongue as that is one of the quickest ways to get medication into your system because your mouth is full of blood vessels which absorb the medication. They certainly take away the feeling of having a knife stabbed through my eye and the band of ever tightening pain on the left side of my head, that tends to go within about 20-30 minutes, which is great, but I still get left feeling really wrung out, which can last for a couple of days, but it's nowhere near as bad as it would be without the Maxalt. I've been up to the Princess Margaret migraine clinic in London and had all sorts of tests done there! the only thing that was guaranteed and very much to my surprise was that I did infact have a brain..........
I might mention the topamax to my lovely GP and see what he thinks. I have so many things which trigger my migraines it's silly, but then again so am I !!!
Foggy x
The funny is I actually relate to how the horse is feeling!
Thank you for sharing this with us all.
Ken x