I couldn't get this picture to attach earlier and I assumed that it was too big so used the other one instead but I like the quote that comes with this picture and thought I'd share it.
Hope you like xxxsianxxx
I couldn't get this picture to attach earlier and I assumed that it was too big so used the other one instead but I like the quote that comes with this picture and thought I'd share it.
Hope you like xxxsianxxx
Hi zeb73
I think that is wonderful. It reminds me of a psychotherapy ditty whereby all counsellors believe that we are unique individuals. This clearly means however that we are all the same!
Take care my friend
Ken x
Our we all so similar? I thought our imperfections led to marvelous points of insanity -----
Love the picture and the sentiment, also agree with Gins, my in sanity sets me apart and keeps me laughing. !
Hi Everyone ............. this is a tad philosophical!!
Thankyou for your comments about the quote
Reading your comments made me think that I have been saying for years that its funny how we're all same because we share similar traits but yet very, very different in how we deal/use them.
Uniqueness is something I believe we all have through our personalities and characteristics. Being different is what makes us stand out, plus if we were all the same wouldn't it be boring!! So to me it would appear that one cannot exist without being the same or without being unique!
So, the way I look at it this surely must mean that my imperfections, my pain, my weakness and my strengths are what make me unique (not beautiful!! LOL). I am the same as in the fact that its is the same for everyone
It is easy to explain how we are different as we all do everyday. However, how to you explain the fact that we are the same? I struggled LOL ;O
Pain, fatigue, depression can be said but they're part of our uniqueness aren't they so what about we all believe there'll be a cure soon.............. nope cannot say that either because there's no proof to suggest it's what we all believe
I leave it at that................. ponder moment!!
Sorry for the long winded philosophical response