Hi everyone, merry Christmas have a fab time and I really hope 2014 is a great year, for you all..........sorry I haven't been on the forum for some time but I've been unwell things seem to be hitting me hard, sorry I don't mean to spoil your Christmas just dont want you all to think I was being rude and ignoring you all, ......So HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL, AND GENTLE HUGS TO EVERY ONE....love and God Bless ..Dee xxx
Merry Christmas to all my dear fibrom... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Merry Christmas to all my dear fibromite friends

merry christmas dee & i hope youre feeling better now & hope 2014 is a better year for you xx
Merry Cimbo to you Cookie so sorry you are not so good I sed you a warm healing hug I hope 2014 will br kinder to you xxxgins
Merry Christmas and hope you feel better soon. xx
Awwww Dee, sorry to hear that you've been unwell, I had missed seeing you and meant to get in touch, but foggieness rules supreme..... Anyway, I hope that things start to improve for you and that you can enjoy a festive and Happy Christmas
Gentle rarified Foggy hugs (((Dee)) and hope you start to feel better, very very soon.
Hi ((((Dee))))
sorry you've been unwell my friend I've missed you being around. I hope you start to feel better soon and wish you all the best for Christmas and the New Year
Many Festive Fluffie Teddy Bears on route to you for support, comfort and healing
Big loves Dee and see you in the New Year
To you too. Not doing great myself right now but hoping 2014 will be better for us all.