ive had on off swelling for years but this feels and looks different my swelling has never been so bad before the last Cpl of mounths and just seems to be getting worse I have deep indentations on my feet from slippers which are not even tight also my feet keep going red the skin on my legs are shinny from being so swollen also I keep getting a small rash on my toes never had that before either plus and I don't know if connected but ive been so sleepy falling asleep sitting up and my head is so painful as in a bad headache any advice would be great.xx
hi,im not sure what to with regards t... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
hi,im not sure what to with regards to the swelling in my legs and feet.

I'd advise you to take your list of symptoms to your GP, there are any number of conditions that can result in a mix of those symptoms. Best of luck Xx
I too would advise a trip to your doctor as quickly as you can, as rhy said there are many things it could be, whatever it is it will need treatment, so I wish you luck and to try to get an appointment soon.
Foggy x
I would definitely consult your GP about this Munchkin and as Foggy says as quick as you can. Your GP is the best person to help you and should know about any changes to your health that you are experiencing.
It must be really uncomfortable for you, and you could try raising your feet and putting ice packs on them to help reduce the swelling
You may even be able to arrange a telephone consult but he'd still want to see you I'd imagine !
Comforting healing fluffies for you
Hi Munchkin,
you're right to be concerned about your swollen feet & legs, and I agree with all of the above. Phone your surgery, and if you can't get an immediate appointment, tell them it is an emergency & you have to speak to the Dr right away. In the meantime, do as zeb73 says & raise your feet up & try not to be on your feet for too long either. Good luck, &I hope you get sorted out soon. please let us know how you get on.
Love GJ. xxx
hi I think ile get my support worker to take me to the open clinic tommoro im feeling very ill now thanks for all your advice I appreciate it,ive tried all the putting my feet up and have even been on water tablets they did nothing I did pee more but my legs an feet were still swollen all the gp has said in the past is put feet up grrrr ive told him that's what I already do hopefully now its gotten worse he might listen !!.x
Hi munchkin so sorry to hear. You are in so much pain and distress, but the above are so right, you much see your GP ASP, and u don't get any results then tell him you would to be referred for another opinion, I think he may just listen then, but don't come away from him until you are satisfied with the results, don't let him fob you off, you have every right to ask for a referel.....gentle hugs....Dee x
Ask your GP to check you out properly. Don't let him fob you off. I got attention when I had to wear slippers instead of the shoes that I didn't fit my feet any longer.
Hi it is really time you got to the Doctor he is the one to say what your symptoms mean. Make an appointment and in the mean time always sit with your legs raised and they really should be relatively high so the fluids can move back up your body. Make sure you keep your legs and feet well covered in a cream like E45 every day so the skin is supple . Cold compresses can help biut dont get chilly do let us know how you get on oh and dont wear tight clothes and socks it makes it worse. xgins
I think you could have lymphoedema munchkin!! It sounds very like it anyway. I have it in both of my legs and my right arm. Ask your GP for a referral to the lymphoedema clinic, and don't be tempted to take diruretics....they don't work on lympho!! Good luck! Oh, there's a lymphoedema page on here that could help you!! XX