I have been replying to posts about fibro-fog and I have been able to greatly reduce mine (at least by 90%) by eliminating flouride from my body. It is a nasty toxin that has many, many side-effects and is used in most toothpastes and in some bottled and tap water.
I do not take any medication, I only use a natural toothpaste (from local health shop) and only drink non-flouridated water. Don't take my word for it, the evidence speaks for itself. I have provided some info below but I would advise doing your own research too.
Hope it helps someone. Many blessings
rense.com/general93/fluo.htm - with references
icnr.com/articles/fibromyal... - lists most commonly used drugs for fibro and their side effects
fibrofriends.typepad.com/fi... - by fellow fibromites
earthclinic.com/CURES/fibro... - link to THE CAUSE OF FIBROMYALGIA by Jason A. Uttley