Hi was sent atos forms today. I was put in wrag group and benefit ends December this year. If I am being reasessed does it mean I will get benefit for the next year
Why have I been sent atos assessment ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Why have I been sent atos assessment forms

I doubt anyone will get automatic benefit.Get your GP on your side before you put pen to paper.CAB can help with form filling/benefit issues if you need that support.
Atoms are a flawed organisation see website benefits and work they can give you pointers!
You are just being reassessed as when you first get the benefit somewhere on your file someone puts how long you will get this benefit for ( they don't tell you this date, I found out mine by accident and mine was they thought I would be fit for work within the year) I think most people are only cleared to be on ESA for a certain amount of time
Anyway, the way I see it is that you are right back at square one and you will need to pass the medical with the 15 points to carry on getting the ESA.
If you fail, your money will stop unless you put in a appeal which I think you will get the assessment phase rate of £74 ish per week.
If you go on to win the appeal you will get the increased benefit and it will be back dated
I think it is being done like that to stop people being told they are too ill for work and it was left open for you to tell them when you think you have improved enough to go back to work. It's a way of paying people less and making it easy to transfer you on to JSA which so happens to be the same rate.
You will need to fill out the form very carefully and once they have it you are very likely to be called to attend a medical and once the DW& P gets it the decision is made.
If you fail to get ESA you can appeal as you were able to the first time round.
Good luck, I am waiting for the forms to be sent to me as I have asked to be moved into the support group and the decision maker could no make a decision due to my illness now having a name, my drugs have increased by loads and I now rely on both MST and Oramorph to be able to get through the day.
Best wishes and let us know how u get on
Message me if I can in anyway help you
Love Caroline
You have not said if you are on Contribution ESA if so that will finish after 365 days you then have the option then to apply for income related which is means tested. If you are on the WRAG then you should be seeing an advisor however if you are on support then you do not as you have been deemed unfit for work due to disability.
I won my appeal after many months of fighting and was awarded support however they will review me in 12 months.
It seems that all ESA will have a 12 month review period and DLA/PIP will be 24 months minimum.
After ATOS it took 3 months for DWP to tell me I was fit for work according to an untrained box ticker from ATOS and a further 15 months for my appeal ( Most of this time I had no benefit payments)
I wish you well and hope you inform us of the outcome.
Be Well
I was placed in the WRAG and never thought of appealing! I was on contribution based ESA which was due to run out this month. However, I receive a top up because of my disabilities and that is income based. So I've been told that I don't have to reapply! XX
Hi you only get contribushin based ESA wrag group for a year then you get put on income based ESA it right they do put you down for a certain time frame but get as much reports letters of support and send them all in with the form remember KEEP COPYs of everything you send good luck