Hi all, I just thought i would let you know that they have taken me out of the WRAG group and put me in the support Group at last , But only for 18 months i don't know why only 18 months , but i got in the group i should be in , Thanks for all your help and advice
RE: Support Group : Hi all, I just... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
RE: Support Group

Glad you are in the correct group, I was put in the WRAG and to be honest I didnt really fully understand what was going on, my brain does not work well..... anyway my ESA has stopped now because I have received it for 365 days, I cannot claim income based ESA because my husband works.
So at a loss at the moment as to how we will get by, I have left it too late to appeal, just dont know where to go for advice.
How did you get into support group from wrag !!! And can you apply for ESA again after your 365 days are up.
I didn't get into the wrag group Gilly they told me i was to be put in it but i fought them all the way until i got into the support group I am not sure about ESA after 365 days , my advice to you would be to go see or phone the Welfare rights in your area or the CAB they will be able to answer your question i am sure . Good luck xx
Hi the DWP Disability Employment Advisor told me to apply to be transferred from WRAG to Support Gp when she visited me. I appealed and got Support. She also told me max time you could have before a review was 18months. I have now been in support for over a year but they have now taken my occ pension into account and have cut my ESA to almost nothing.Am about to apply for PIP/DLA.
I have been looking at several sites on HealthUnlocked and the subject of being put in the wrag when it is patently obvious the person should be in the support group amazes and makes me angry.
I would love someone from the DWP to tell me honestly that they are not targeting married people or those who have someone in their house who is employed. It seems those who are going through the appeals and tribunal process are in this category, as I am too. I was put into wrag on the basis of my questionnaire without a medical assessment. My gp and various consultants are surprised when I tell them I had to go to the Job Centre to prepare myself for work, they can see my problems first hand but ATOS/DWP decided differently.
They know that those in the support group receive their money either indefinitely or for a set period,(when they have to apply again) and the household is not means tested. Even those people who have worsening conditions or who are unlikely to get better are put into wrag first in the hope they will not appeal. I would love to be proved wrong but so many people on these forums are going through this process.
If this really is true then DWP should put their hands up and admit to it instead of expecting ill people to submit to the anxiety and stress when filling out the questionnaire with little hope of being put in the support group from the first.