hi everybody im new to this and tryin... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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hi everybody im new to this and trying to learn about fibromyaligia as I have just been diagnosed after 23 years of pain.

skippy1958 profile image
10 Replies

can anyone help, at the moment my pain is chronic, I cant walk without severe pain, im on steroids, anti inflamatary , and pain killers but I don't seem to be feeling any less pain, do any of you know a magic potion please lol, thanks

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skippy1958 profile image
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10 Replies
Ginsing profile image

Morning Skippy,

How I wish there was a magic answer but I am afraid there isn't one. You have to get a balance between your drugs are you taking duloxetine they have proved to be of tremendous use in reducing the pain they are a antidepressant but a lot of us get good results from it. You could ASK thinks. Otherwise it is rest get leg s up There is nothing that totally takes pain and you want to make the most of your days if possible away if there was you would probably be asleep that is no good you want to make the most of your days. Talk to your doctor let us know how it goes xgins

reikilady58 profile image
reikilady58 in reply to Ginsing

Hi skippy, I have been diagnosed less than a year but have had pain for about 6/7 years so I know how u r feeling I work full time and its quite strenuous and stressful but hey life goes on lol. wow u have been in pain so long I feel for you but glad now that u have a diagnosis and can get help, I am still trying to get the right meds for me to manage the pain exhaustion and all the other thing that go with fibro. I have had GABAPENTIN but am now trying PREGABALIN ive also had NAPROXEN anti inflamms but every one is different and we all manage in different ways but we all know and understand what we have FIBROMYALGIA lol and it is not nice. I hope you find a way to manage the pain it can be so soul destroying and depressing but now you have some where to come and speak to people who understand and don't mind listening xxx have a good day

skippy1958 profile image
skippy1958 in reply to reikilady58

hi reikilady yes it took a long time to diadnose but so glad I now feel someone is trying to help. isn't it hard to try explaining to people how much pain you are in and what its like?, my doc looked at me as if I was daft and just kept giving me painkillers but thanks to a locum doc ive now been diagnosed. would you believe that when the hospital told me I had fibro I went to see my gp for him to explain it to me and he told me he didn't no and to look it up on the internet, ive had naproxen and had an allergic reaction. I know I will learn to live with this when the meds are right cos im strong willed and still got lots to do lol, thanks for replying to my question and enjoy the rest of your evening xx

nattynoo profile image
nattynoo in reply to reikilady58

Hello Reikilady, I feel i must send a message of warning. I too have been on the Pregablin, and Gabapentin meds following a shingles attack inside my left ear. I had had a car accident in 2005, left with 2 slipped discs to my neck and a further 2 in my lower back. Because I lived in pain before the shingles attack, it just became worse afterwards, my health seemed to go from spasm after spasm. The pregablin eventually made me forget how to operate the washing machine and cooker. I would stand in front of the cooker, thinking i had switched it off, but i had only turnt off the light inside. Smoke alarms were a blessing is all i can say.

I have been prescribed very recently again, Naproxen, as i have extensive nerve damage to both arms down to my finger tips. My hip and groin feel like they are burning inside, again my shins/legs have now started to get the 'fizzy' feeling when touched.

WE end end up with rubbish bodies with this awful condition, but you have to try the meds they offer...some will work for some, others, well...make sure the batteries are working on the smoke alarm, and you have a handy person around to do the washing lol...

reikilady58 profile image
reikilady58 in reply to nattynoo

hi nattynoo I must say thanks and that yesterday morning I got up and my glass I keep beside my bed at night was on the draining board in the kitchen I thought about it and assumed my husband had taken it down before he went to work I kept thinking after breakfast and realised he couldn't have because I had taken some of my tablets after he had gone to work but still had no recollection of bringing that glass down and still don't lol and I must admit I have been a bit forgetful at times but this was total block, or memory loss, I will see how things progress over the next couple of days,

thanks to all for your messages and support it make me feel so much better knowing there are people that really understand and don't judge me xxxxxxxxx hope you all have a good day :)

skippy1958 profile image
skippy1958 in reply to Ginsing

hi gins thanks for your reply, at the moment I am taking prednisolone,4 times a day, celebrex 2 times a day and gabapentin 300mg at night, plus tramadol and co codamol, I don't feel my pain is any less but then again ive osteo arthritis as well , so I don't suppose that helps, I feel so much better today knowing im not the only one as ive never heard of fibro before, its nice to be able to talk to people who no how you feel,thanks once again xx

Ginsing profile image

It does help doesn't it knowing we are all in the same boat albeit rather full of holes rather like being at sea in a cullender. I have osteoarthritis amongst other things and finding a combination of drugs that actually helps takes time nothing toatly takes it away but some time diversion can work wonders xgins

Carolinee71 profile image

Hi. Welcome to the world of every drug you have never here of but very soon you will speak of them without a thought.

I got the label of fibromyalgia just over a month ago, but feel I have had a year of growing pain in more and more joints. My worse ones are both hips, lower back, and all of my arms down to my hands and fingers. Over the year I have gone from someone who did not take any tablet not even paracetamol to taking a small bagful everyday

I take at the moment, 30 mg of MST twice aday,along with Oramorph 10 mg/ 5ml four times aday for breakthrough pain.

I also take 20 mg escitalopram , cyclizine 50mg three times aday,Folic acid, diltiazem hydrochl 60 mg ,indapamide ,Spironlactone ,( last three for blood pressure ) aciferol 1000iu ( vit D don't make enough it would seem) Quetiapine 150mg,lorazepam 1mg twice aday. Lastly I have just been started on Pregabalin 75mg twice aday,( having side effects on this one so not sure i will keep on them)

I do think I take way too many tablets and I have asked my GP for a second opinion by a rheumatologist as I want to get some advice about this condition as my last rheumatologist when I asked questions about the condition I was given a booklet and in answer to any questions he said "no comment".

Not helpful.

I seemed to have gone and on and I am sorry.

I find it hard at best impossible to walk at all sometimes. Nothing that I take take away fully the pain in any of my joints. The morphine does take the pain away a little and the lorazepam help me and my joints relax or not mind the pain so much.

Most days due to this condition ,I am housebound and I had to move so I could have a downstairs toilet and a bathroom upstairs with a walk in shower as I can't do the bath.

I have no idea what to tell you to throw a positive spin on being told you have this. I am 42 and feel at least double that,

I had to leave a job that I loved to rely on benefits.

When the other people talk about having good days, you will have them too and when they come along you will feel blessed. The condition is up and down so the best thing is too not to plan to much in advance and embrace the good days.

I am lucky I do have two wonderful daughters who help me from doing the shopping to brushing my hair.

You learn to live with this condition and the less you fight it the better you will feel.

This site is great for getting real advice and even better to rant at the site and you get lovely people write to you with advice and love and hugs and an ear to listen to

What ever the question you may have someone will have the answer and 9 out of 10 times that answer is better than the doctors give

Sorry I have gone on a bit. But, welcome to a great site full of great people, visit often, and you will learn a lot

Love and hugs

Sorry you have fibromyalgia ,but you have found a home with us xx

skippy1958 profile image
skippy1958 in reply to Carolinee71

aww carolinee you brought tears to my eyes you have wrote about ME, pain, tablets, ect ect so sorry you feel the same but hey ho we now in a fab group of elite people lol at the moment I work full time which is becoming harder and harder ive just had 3 weeks of work after having an mri scan, I cant lie on my back so after doing that for 40mins while they scanned ive hardly been able to move, and the pain has been chronic .Ive been told I can claim p.i.p , I don't no if I can do you? this is my first day on here and ive learnt so much its good to talk to someone who knows how you feel . thanks carolinee keep in touch and take care , oh by the way my real name is Sue lol xxx

Carolinee71 profile image
Carolinee71 in reply to skippy1958

Hello there , my name really is Caroline , no imagination . I claim ESA and I had to appeal to get it as first off after my so called medicinal I got no points, according to the report I could do everything I wanted or needed to do, no problems and the best bit was I had no pain !. I appealed but did not need to go to a tribunal the decision maker re looked at my case and I was awarded ESA but put in the work group, that was in Feb and I haven't heard anything from the job centre so I guess they don't think I am fit for work. I have just got the forms to claim PIP and I need to fill them out, I am also going to try and get put in the ESA support group but to be honest I am going on holiday at the weekend for ten days so it is all going to wait till I get back.

I hope you have not been scared off by reading everything that we say on the site. As you said you are now a member of an elite group who are always here no matter the time. It is however time for me to try and get some sleep. Fingers crossed. Caroline x

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