hi everyone... sorry not been on a while.. my health has been terrible, also didnt have use of a laptop for a bit.. anyway... i have severe thigh pain in both legs, everytime i mention it to doc, he said its just part of the fibro... i can hardly walk and just feeel he puts everything down to fibro now... does anyone else get this kind of pain??
about thigh pain: hi everyone... sorry... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
about thigh pain

Yes diane63, I have thigh muscular pain most days, Also knee joint pain. Difficult standing for long periods even just cooking or standing doing ironing.
I try to pace myself and sit on a stool when ironing and keep this job to a minimum.....I only do what I have too !!!
Have you try'ed that (ibrofen )? Gel on your muscles, It works for me just rub some in and rest for about 10 min's.
You can buy this Ibrofen gel over the counter at chemist........Hope this works for you too !! and its worth trying.
Take care.....
Yes, Ibuprofen gel is great - and the massage needed to apply it seems to help, too! Other options are Deep Heat (which smells great) and Diclofenac gel.
Something which I find helpful is stretching exercise. Fibromites have problems with exercise, obviously, but it is very necessary. The thigh muscles are powerful, and can become cramped and painful when not used.
I find that lying on my bed and doing straight leg raises is very helpful, as is gentle walking and ballet stretches - all very relaxing and pain-relieving!
Hope you get some ease before too long!
Moffy x
Me too! Nothing seems to make any difference. I think I've just grown used to it! x
Evening everyone, I'm soo glad I read this blog, my thighs and knees have been hurting for ages now and didnt want to go to the docs incase it turned out to be something more seriouse, I'm sorry u r all in pain with it but am relieved to hear someone else has the same pain is there any part of the body that this goddam fibro doesn't affect gentle hugs to u all ....Dee x
Thanks ever so much for all ur replies... I thought it was just me.. So now I know it can be part of this horrible disease xx
Hi diane63
Just has to add that I also suffer with this type of pain mostly on my right side and it does get you down but the stretching is good for it but make sure you rest after.
Yes it is a terrible disease but we all got one another.
Me too. But mines sciattica and something called meralgia parathesis or something like that! Xx
Thanks for this. Least I know I am not going off my head lol xxx
Even if it is connected to Fibro, a lot of the time, predictable localised pain has another cause and may require a different treatment. So don't just lump everything together as "it's just Fibro" as so many doctors are inclined to do.
Localised muscular pain can be caused by Myofascial Pain. This is so common in people with Fibro that it is considered to be a symptom of Fibro BUT it is a condition in its own right, one that needs different treatment to Fibro itself AND one that can often be managed. Unfortunately, the best people to diagnose and treat this - e.g. osteopaths and a few very specialised and experienced massage therapists - are often not NHS. Many NHS physios don't have in-depth training in myofascial issues and many other NHS professionals don't do "hands on" care.
I have the Myofaascial Pain as well. I went to a special dentist cant think of name a bit foggy and he made me a shield. This fits on my lower teeth and I never go to bed without it. It has really helped with the pain. IF the pain gets bad during day I put this in if home worth thinking about if you have this problem.
I just have pain everywhere!! Even my buttocks hurt!! This morning it's my right arm. I can't seem to mobilise it much at all. Couldn't fasten my bra, so I'm commando today!! God help my knees, they're bad enough as it is!! XX
People must think, we make up all this different pain.. But it's so real eh xxxx
It certainly is real.
If I could just have one pain free day a week it would be wonderful.
Fibromyalgia is a very cruel condition to have.
We (sometimes) look ok, and are expected to carry on regardless of pain and tiredness.
Sometimes, when I have a half decent day, it makes me sad to realise just how much better life could be if I didn't have Fibro
sometime last year i whent about two weeks with no pain anywhere, its never happened in all the twelve years i,v had fibro and it scared the hell out of me becuase it made me feel like i couldnt stand to go back to all the pain, its a shame that for that reason i couldnt enjoy the experiance. so maybe a day off without pain wouldnt be good for every one. at least we are used to the pain. hope i dont sound mental. big hugs to you.
Thigh pain was my initial symptom with fibro and I still get it badly 5 years down the line. There is a magnesium spray I use, epsom salts in the bath too. I use a deep heat massage machine on mine especially when they get very tight. I am hardly able to walk now and its getting scarey ( I have RA & OA in my knees and hips too)
Kazzyj. It's like reading a post I wrote... My first sign was that to... I find walking hard, also lying down, sitting up, most things really, I have oa, in my knees and hips to, what annoys me is, why nothing is getting done for this illness. I have no life, not many true friends left either, my own hubby and kids are great but other family don't get it... Wish I had someone to be my friend who understood me and this illness xxx
Thigh pain is one of my problems too. I have had a bad time of it the last 7 wks now and the GP sent me to a consultant, they thought I had Polymyalgia or Lupus as I was so bad. However, it turns out my blood tests were clear so they could only diagnose Fibro. I found that when everyone thought I might have an auto immune disease they were all very worried etc and now that it seems it is Fibro they aren't so bothered, but it is really painful. I had very bad growing pains as a child and this brings them back so well. The pains in my legs and arms are not nice at all let alone the rest of the symptons so I do feel for you. I find Ibuprofen works well but nothing actually gets rid of it. I could hardly walk at all 7 wks ago but am walking a bit better now although still not really been out of the house at all. I wish some people could feel what we feel and then they would be more sympathetic even the GP's. Hope you get some relief soon.
How strange I had bad growing pains as a child. I have burning as well, do you? At the moment right hip killing and has been for years. This is always but as someone suggested stretches are good I do them every morning not taken pain away but I can walk a short distance with stick then stop and go again.
When not having flare up I can manage to overcome the pain to show my Westies but unfortunately the stress of it has really messed me up fog, pain all the things that goes with our horrid disease.
We all got to stick together and be there for one another then we are not alone. We understand this pain better than anyone!!!
Ive had thigh pain since childhood. Never understood why i couldnt bear any pressure even the slightest bit on tops of thighs. Now i finally know at age 49. X
Also growing pains too. V bad they were.
I had rheumatic fever when I was 12 , just as I was starting high school, don't know if that had anything to do with it, I can sympathise with u about they don't care u got fibro, my hip pain is horrendous to and have to walk with a crutch, also I get burning in legs and feet, hope u all are pain less today than other days xxx